It was not that much difficult , Yeah!!!!!!!!!

Submitted into Contest #93 in response to: Write a story about a character who’s nervous to attend a party - their first in a long time.... view prompt


Fantasy Friendship Teens & Young Adult

Meena was sitting on her sofa. As usual she was having her newspaper in one hand and coffee in another. She was so lost in her reading that someone was ringing the doorbell. After 5 min when she heard the bell , she lazily got up and went to open the door . It was her friend Charu who had come to meet her .

"Meena are you free next Friday ?" asked Charu . "Yeah , I'm. But why dear , what you have to do with that?", replied Meena in a puzzled way.

Actually , Meenu you know na.... that its my 25th birthday next Friday. And I want to celebrate it with my friends and everyone will be there . You know its very special day for me. I want you to come in the party. Please you will come na.!", Charu requested her and before Meena have said anything Charu said " See I am not asking you I am informing you . So, you have to come for me. " She looked in such a way at Meena that she couldn't resist . Assuming her silence as her affirmation , she happily went away waving bye at her.

Meena closed the door behind. She sat on sofa and said to herself " WHAT Shall I do know ? Oh my heaven! why me Can't she get someone else to invite , when she know that I had stopped attended the party a long ago. " She was thinking that , but she noticed she poured her coffee on herself ." Wtf, eh ! a problem has not even ended while other begins in my life . Anyways now I have to think some excuses to avoid party . Hmm ........ I shall start it right now so that in a week I 'll come up with a better excuse."

Behind her such a behavior is a series of incidents which made her an introvert person. Incidents which still haunts her , incidents which still make her feel depressed.

Meena was a very cheerful girl . She had a lot of friends and Charu being closest of them. She was a social butterfly who loved partying , hanging out with friends. But she had her another part too, this was her that part in which she was a serious career oriented person . It was her class 12th result everyone was excited about their result , when the results were announced , there was a dead silence in Meena's home. She was unable to fulfill her goal. She expected 90% but ended up scoring just 70% and to her surprise she had failed in Maths. She out of sorrow locked herself in the room. After some days while she came out top give her compartment paper and she passed at margin line. Though she passed but she was so demotivated that she just stopped talking to anyone. Charu tried to encourage her , but in vain . She continued her distance learning and somehow got graduated . Besides this her personal life too was going up and down , one of her friends disclosed her secrets o a person who was a loudspeaker by nature . Her secrets spread like forest fire , thus it was no more a secret . She was half broken now , but what the worst the time could do, one of her friends called her in a party and disrespected her , tried to destroy her reputation and self respect. She was completely broken now. Her heart used to cry but she hid that crying with a fake smile . She isolated herself , shifted her home and now she was all alone with her broken heart.

"Lots of questions were going in her mind , what people will think about her, what if they will laugh at her , what if they started discussing past incidents? "

"Ah! how I will handle it. I am not that much strong now . It would be better if I don't attend that .Charu will feel bad only na... for that I 'll say sorry."

She typed on Google 'What excuses you can make for not attending a party.' She got her answer but whenever she started to text this to Charu she remembered her face and ended up exiting that app without texting her.

It was 2 days left when Charu called her to enquire her about her party preparations. During their conversation, Charu said " You know Meenu my best present will be your presence in the party."

Now though she wanted can't refuse. So she decided to attend the party. Now what to wear , is the problem . She bought the best dress she could afford , a pair of heels and a beautiful gift.

It was the party day today , from the morning itself she was feeling nervous by thinkin about the party. She was going to attend her first social gathering in last 5 years. As much she thought about the party all the incidents started running as slideshow in front of her eyes and she couldn't stop it. Her stomach started aching and her she feel as if she wanna vomit. It was evening now she got up and started getting ready for the party. She was about to wear the heels , but the doorbell rang it was Charu there . Meena surprisingly asked "Charuuuuuuu... instead of being in party you came here."

Charu with her cute smile replied , " I came here to pick you. I know after a long time you are going to attend a party and just because of me. So, 'am here to accompany u to the hall as I know what things are going in your brain ."

They sat in the car and drove to venue, Charu gave her hand to Meena and nodded. She came out , but now she was feeling more nervous . When she was about to enter the hall , she felt as if she is entering the battleground. She entered and Charu said " Hi , everyone , meet her she is the most important person in my life and my BFF . " Guests started clapping and finally the party began . Meena enjoyed the party and everything went perfect. While she was leaving the party , she hugged Charu and whispered "Thank u , just because of you I didn't felt that I am attending the party after a long time. ' She waved her goodbye.

When she reached home she was very tired and went to bed after changing clothes. She just said to herself "It wasn't that much difficult ." And slept .

May 14, 2021 14:55

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