Written in response to: Write a story within a story within a story within a ...... view prompt


Fiction Fantasy East Asian

How can we accept your boyfriend? He does not belong to our ancestry? Cho Ming Lee blurted to his daughter, Ma Ming Lee is a college student at an exclusive school in a country at the Eastern part of Asia. Ma Ming Lee belongs to the third generation of the Ming Lee family to settle in this country who owns many businesses from real estate to pharmaceutical companies and even a chain of shoe stores. It is heard that the grandfather of Ma Ming Lee started his business in the streets selling shoes modestly to make a living. Originally coming from Mainland China his entry to this country was considered fictitious for his name is not his name in his home country. Upon his entry, landing at the airport authorities change his name right away as it is the order of the relative of his father who took him into this country. when he arrived at their house this relative whose name was not also his name in China explained that they do this so that authorities in their adopted country will not pursue them as they are taking over the names of their countrymen who already died. The purpose is that Chinese immigrants are not growing and newcomers will not be having problems to start a business that they wanted to put up. What his relative did is to introduce him to his friends doing business in the heart of the city where they control the commerce industry. Since Ma Ming Li's grandfather Pa Ming Lee is practically broke who has newly arrived from China they gave him a small capital to start his business. He chose to sell shoes being light and easy to carry when going to sell from one market to the next market. He chose to sell his bunch of shoes near the church when people go to attend mass every Sunday. When he learned that Wednesday is also a busy day in another church he decided to get a place there also. He is selling three days infront of the church on Sundays and four days beside the church on Wednesdays as he noticed there are more people going to this church that made him busy on these days. Soon he added more items that he sold. He started to sell other kinds of footwear until he decided to get a permanent place to sell his wares. Here he rented his store. In those days rent is cheap and so he was able to get the places within the area of the two churches. He needed a fresh capital for two stores in which his relative willingly lend to him having paid in full of his past debts when he started as a vendor. He is now in the process of becoming a storeowner. Within a short period with the coaching of his relative he trained new ladies to keep his store and they became his employees. With the churchgoers who patronized his stores his two stores flourished. Pa Ming Lee look for other places to put up his store and he thought of putting one up nearby a school. Here students go to this school at all levels elementary, high school to college level. Now he has to maintain three stores. With good management and choosing the right people his shoe business is thriving. He thought of getting a partner from mainland China so he consulted his relative. "Don't get one from your family, you have to get your wife in Mainland China, Don't marry here, many will claim your business from the one you marry, besides the authorities here will look deeper to your origin when the time comes you will have conflicts with your wife. If your business will prosper it will go to your family." His relative concluded. Pa Ming Lee went home to mainland China briefly to get a wife. It didn't take long for him to ask the hands of Feng Su from his parents being her playmate when they were young besides they heard Pa Ming Lee has now a thriving shoe business and looking forward to become more progressive in the future with all the support of the Chinese community where he belong. The Chinese didn't mingle in any affairs to their host country thinking that interference of their business affairs will ensue. Pa Ming Lee and Feng Su had their wedding but they didn't tell at the airport their true identities, as if they didn't know each other. If there is a problem that arises it is the relative of Pa Ming Lee who will talk to the authorities. Pa Ming Lee thought his relative already fix the papers of Feng Su having stamped her release papers right away. The airport authorities are very lax when it comes to newcomers from Mainland China where they get big revenues and on top of that they give "slide money" to process their papers immediately. Pa Ming Lee's wife's name is now Feng Ming Lee. meaning she is married to Pa Ming Lee. If she carried Su the authorities will dig deep to her papers, her origin and her family history and they don't want that to happen or Feng Ming Lee will not be admitted to the country. It is like they were married already when Pa Ming Lee went home and he has to pick her up. All these wedding affairs is not divulge to the immigration so that they can continue their business and even if they will start their own family Ming Lee is their official surname. These Chinese people build their own communities and they do not go well with other nationalities as business partners so they can monopolize any business that they want to operate. You can name any kind of business and they are there. Land, air water and sea transportation, etc. there prominence can be felt. Pa Ming Lee didn't venture on transportation but he tried the pharmaceuticals. From one drugstore, he began to built this area of business as a cornerstore where people can go and buy there medicines. Imported drugs can be release in a matter of time as they pay big taxes aside from "the slide money " they slip into their payment of duties and taxes. Can you imagine a shoe street vendor who is now considered a giant not only big businessman so to speak. His family is also growing and his eldest Cho Ming Lee went to college and obtained a degree in real estate. Pa MIng Lee tried to get hold of him the same way his relative coach him so that their business will grow. With their business connections Cho Ming Lee amassed real estate properties to build stores and high rise condominiums to detached homes in subdivisions. Since Cho Ming Lee was born in their adopted country they chose to let him marry to one of the daughters of their business associates. Here they didn't encounter a problem carrying their names. Pia Co Sang was the name of Cho Ming Lee's wife. Pia is not a familiar Chinese name but both families accepted it at their wedding besides their wealth will not go down to other hands but their Chinese family. Often heard Chinese cannot marry another nationality. Here is the problem the family has to face when Ma Ming Lee the eldest daughter of Cho Ming Lee informed about his boyfriend, Cho Ming Lee took into consideration the Chinese tradition of marrying someone outside their nationality. "What will you get from these boyfriend of yours? What family did he come from? Do you know that you can't get into mix marriage? Chinese are solid blood and no one can change that? Furiously, he told his daughter not to meet his boyfriend at all. But Ma Ming Lee has decided to break the marriage tradition. If their only reason is about wealth fame and social standing, his boyfriend's parents has bigger real estate properties being a national in the country and has many business connections in the telecommunications industry. Cho Ming Lee insisted his Chinese tradition but the wedding of Ma Ming Lee was secretly held in a plush hotel with Sancho Ramirez the son of a real estate mogul. Ming Lee and Ramirez family are in odds with the same kind of business operations. Cho Ming Lee has to bow or else his Chinese origin will be hang out and he didn't want that to happen. They talked to Sancho Ramirez parents to officiate a Chinese wedding as it is their choice. The consolation of both families Ramirez and Ming Lee is that they both come from a wealthy family. If the Ramirez family was poor, he would face a different situation as the Ming Lee family could have paid him in exchange of Pa Ming Lee's love.

February 19, 2023 21:36

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