The Big Surprise

Submitted into Contest #65 in response to: Write about someone’s first Halloween as a ghost.... view prompt



"I am sorry, but I am afraid your father didn't survive the crash," Dr. Fleming said keeping his voice solemn.

"What happened," Dave asked. He was planning on visiting his father over the weekend. Once he received the phone call from the hospital saying there was a car crash, and his dad was looking slim for survival, Dave rushed to the local hospital. Once he arrived, he learned that his dad was in critical condition and there was a chance he would pass away from his injuries during the night. Dr. Fleming came in six hours later with the news of Mr. Johnson's passing.

Dr. Fleming said, "Your father received a bad concussion, several broken bones, fractured ribs and a brain bleed from the accident. The other driver, a drunk, was in critical care but was looking at making a full recovery."

As tears started to flow from Dave's eyes, he nodded his understanding of what had happened. He pulled out his phone and saw that it was October 30th already. His plans to spend the weekend with his dad were gone now. Heading out to his car, Dave started to call other family members to keep them informed. It was the hardest thing he has ever had to do.

About a half hour later, the phone calls were done. Dave drove up to his dad's cabin near the foot of the Rocky mountains. Once he arrived, Dave grabbed his bags and went inside for a couple days. He knew that his family was going to be arriving soon, and Dave wanted to be presentable to them. Dave took a change of clothes and got a quick shower. He just felt dirty. His head was swimming with the events that just happened. "Dad is gone. He's not coming back," Dave muttered to himself. Once he was finished with his shower, Dave got dressed and went to bed, seeing as he hadn't slept the night before due to his dad's accident.

What felt like a few minutes later, Dave awoke with a start. He thought he heard someone call his name. Unsure if he was dreaming or not, Dave decided to call out, "Whose there?"

There was an eerie noise, like chains being dragged across a wood floor. Suddenly, there was a pale version that could only be, Dave's Dad.

"Dave, I'm sorry about what happened in regards to my accident."

Dave, shaking from fear and amazement said, "Dad, how are you here? The doctor said you passed away due to your injuries."

"That's true. One thing that happens to everyone is that they get a chance to come back as a ghost if they have unfinished business to attend to. When the ruler of the afterlife realized that I have to come back, he granted it right away."

"How long do you have to finish up your business?"

"It varies. One of the things I need to do is continue our plans for the weekend, and comfort the family. After that I can take as long as I want to finish everything up."

"Dad, I'm glad that you are able to come back, even if it is temporary," Dave said as he picked up his phone to check the time. 2:30 PM. "I better get up and get to planning your services. Would you prefer a traditional funeral or a memorial service?"

"Son. I think I will be happy with a memorial service." Dave's dad replied. And so the planning went on for the next couple of hours. Dave stopped only to answer his phone and to let his family know what was happening.

Before they knew it, it was late. Both Dave and his Dad's ghost decided to call it a night.

Dave had a restless night and didn't sleep very well. The next day, Dave just had a couple more phone calls to make for getting the service all planned out. Everything was done by that afternoon. Dave, needing to get out said, "I think I will go get some lunch at the Treasure Club Cafe. Do you need anything?"

To this, Dave's father replied, "I can come with, but I don't need to eat anything anymore. Besides that, the only people who can see me are the ones I love the most."

Dave hadn't thought of that. It was a quiet ride to the cafe. Once he arrived, Dave ordered his favorite chicken sandwich with fries for the occasion. When his food arrived, he ate slowly. Once he was done, and paid for everything, Dave went for a walk. He needed some air and a chance to think. Yes, the fact that his Dad was now a ghost surprised him. He had never heard anything about it before. Dave felt some relief after planning on the service and was needing his family there to pick a day, soon.

Quite suddenly, Dave's phone rang. "Dave here," he said as he answered it.

"Hi, Dave, I just wanted to let you know that your brother and I are nearly there to the cabin," his mother said.

"That's great. I went out to run a couple of errands and am heading back now," answered Dave.

"See you soon," his mother answered and disconnected.

Dave got back in his car and went back to his dad's house.

Dave's mother and brother arrived right after he got home. Dave stood up and welcomed them back home. The three of them went in and finished up the details of the memorial service. Dave's dad came in as a ghost and said, "Samantha, I miss you. I want you to know that you have only been the only woman for me. Bill, I apologize for letting you down throughout your life. Dave, I apologize for any wrongs that I have done to you." Upon seeing the ghost of their deceased loved one, Bill and his mother fainted. Dave said quietly, "I hadn't told them about you being a ghost yet. This gives me an idea though. Maybe we can all go out, you come with and we can scare some unsuspecting people." Dad's ghost looked thoughtful and said, "We might be able to pull that off. Just use the smelling salts to wake them up quickly."

Dave did as instructed. Once both his mother and brother woke up, he explained how Dad was now a ghost. Bill and Samantha thought it was a cruel prank, but agreed to go out that night.

A few hours later, the three of them went out to a restaurant for dinner and had a walk right afterwards. During the walk, dad's ghost showed up and caused some mayhem by making things float, saying boo to some unsuspecting kids, and even messing with people's shoes by tying their laces together. It was a fun evening for the family.

That night, Dave said, "Tonight was fun. It's too bad that it will have to end and you need to finish up your unfinished business, Dad."

"It was fun, but theres no hurry. I can take as long as I want to finish everything up. I enjoyed spending the day with all three of you." And they drifted off to a restful sleep.

October 26, 2020 20:27

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Lonnie Larson
02:53 Nov 06, 2020

Good job.


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Sapphire 🌼
17:48 Jan 06, 2021

Great story, just a few things here and there. The punctuation may need some work. For example at the start - ""What happened," Dave asked. " there should be a ? after "what happened" it also helps makes the story more...together. I think the emotion in this story was missing. Maybe adding in how the main character feels, adding in words for emotion, so the readers know how he feels, and so the story flows. This was a great story in general! Nice job!


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