Akio walked into his therapist’s office for the 52nd time that year.
Dr Ishida stood up and warmly greeted his patient, who would have been seeing him for exactly a year today.
Good morning, Akio! It’s nice to see y——
He was not able to finish his sentence. The young man in his mid twenties buried his right fist into Dr. Ishida’s face.
The Dr, also a young man himself, being barely 32, was thrown back onto his own coffee table and collapsed onto the floor. He was clenching his nose with both hands, as it was bleeding profusely. It was clearly broken.
He hadn’t full processed what had just happened when his patient (now former patient) began to speak.
I want you to listen to me carefully. Think of the thoughts going through your head and the feelings that you have right now. Did you do it good! That is how I feel everyday when I walk into your goddam office. You sit there in your comfortable fantasy world, thinking you’re so wise, and that you actually understand what’s going on. But honestly, if you understood what was going on, then I think you would have moved with more of a sense of urgency in assisting me instead of milking me for more money over the past year. Your services are no longer required. Have a nice day!
He stormed out of the office, leaving Dr. Ishida lying in utter shock on the floor.
Akio stormed out of the downtown Osaka office and began marching down the city sidewalk. He wasn’t 100% sure where he was going.
I’m so fucking mad at myself right now. I can’t believe I wasted a year of my life with that hack. I have him thousands of dollars, and for what? He thought to himself.
If anything I’m more pissed than before I started visiting him….
After walking about a hundred metes, he stopped and lit a cigarette from a pack that he had previously bought that day.
This is weird. I don’t even smoke. What am even I doing?
He inhaled and coughed
As he walked he started to feel more relaxed as the nicotine took effect. As he started to calm down, he remembered where he wanted to go.
I wonder what Sakura is up to, he thought to himself.
Suddenly a look of surprise appeared on his face. The kind of look that appears when someone has just remembered something important that they had forgotten.
Oh shit! I'm late, he said to himself as he broke into a sprint.
After running like mad for about 7 city blocks, he was standing outside the door of an Internet cafe. There was a flickering neon image of a frog that was standing on its hind legs and holding a shotgun over its shoulder. The word “lyagooshka’s” was written in English under it in blue neon cursive.
As he opened the door, there was a jingle of a little bell that was hanging near the threshold. A slender, short haired Russian lady looked up from reading her fashion magazine. She was in her early 30's even though she looked like she was in her early to mid 20s.
Her eyes immediately lit up
Konichiwa choovachok (dude in Russian)! Serious as ever I see!
Akio often found her energy to be a bit overwhelming for his taste. But he had gotten used to it. He had been going to that internet cafe ever since college. It was close to his apartment, not too big, and it was pretty cheap. Before he knew it, he was spending just about every waking moment that he wasn’t wasting in his office job, in that secluded cafe. And there seemed to be very few people there, which was another plus, because he hated being around people he didn't know.
But despite their different personalities, she was beginning to grow on him.
Akio looked at her with a straight face.
Hey Vika
Vika shifted the lollipop in her mouth and looked at him inquisitively.
So how’s life? You usually come in 2 hours earlier on Saturdays. You look kind of wiped out.
Akio took out his credit card and slid it into the reader.
The cash register said 10,000 yen.
I had something I had to take care of, he said while avoiding eye contact.
Look at you, sounding all like a secretive badass, said Vika.
Ha ha said Akio sarcastically.
Vika looked at him as if she was at a loss and said, sometimes I don’t know why you work these office jobs. (shaking her head) *sighs* I think you’re better suited for more dangerous work….Hey, I know (snapping her fingers as if she just got an idea)…. You should join the military. I think you’d thrive in that kind of environment.
The same way you did? Said Akio without skipping a beat..
Whaaat?….Hey, c’mon…. my situation was different, said Vika, almost as if pleading for somebody to stop teasing her.
I just don’t think I’m cut out for it, said Akio still looking at the ground.
He began making his way past the many cubicle-like rooms that led to the back of the cafe. The hallway was dimly lit, with a carpet that was mostly clean, except for the occasional crusty food or drink stain.
He finally reached the end of the hall, to a room labeled “V I P” with a neon sign of a cartoon frog standing on its hind legs, holding a cane over its shoulder and dressed as a pimp.
There was a faint glow emanating from the cracks of the door of the otherwise dark room.
He opened the door and walked in. It was a mostly empty room about twice the size of an average classroom. It was perfectly square and directly across from the door on the opposite wall.
Against the opposite wall, you could see two large black boxes, each being about the size of a mini van. One of the walls of each square was missing, allowing you to see inside.
Inside was a number of wires, red lights and switches, with a dark chair in the middle that was reclined at a 45 degree angle.
One was empty. In the other you could see the skinny silhouette of a person wearing a black hoodie. If you looked really closely, you could see that she was wearing a strange suit covered in very small little red connectors that looked like they could have something plugged into them.
Akio sped up his walk. He threw his backpack down while simultaneously grabbling the same strange suit that went over his whole body, including the back of his head. He hastily took off his shirt and pants and put it on.
Has it started? , asked Akio impatiently.
You’ve got 40 seconds to spare, said the dark silhouette sitting in the other seat.
These two machines were known as the Artificial Recreation of Sensory System, or ARCS 1.0 System for short. Via a number of wires that plugged into the suit, the system was able to connect to all five of the human senses and send them into the world of a popular MMORPG that was originally designed for an average gaming system known as Engines of Magic.
It was a steampunk-styled game that combined steampunk technology with magic. Players could choose their characters from a number of magic races such as elves, wizards, goblins, witches, fairies, etc. It was released in 2027 and it had over 3 billion users worldwide, making it the most popular videogame in human history.
The glow of the small lights within the machine illuminated the girl’s face. Although she was wearing a hoodie, you could still see the bangs of her purple-dyed hair. lean, and her height was about 5’ 8”.
Although Akio didn't think she was hot by any means, he still thought her face was relatively pretty despite the fact that she wore very little makeup.
Her name was Sakura Takayuki. They had both known each other since meeting in their modern computer engineering course. Akio had average grades on account of not attending lecture, but Sakura excelled. She was considered a genius at any rate, and eventually became known as the most talented computer engineer at the school.
Are you ready, said Sakura as she sat in the chair and connected all of the appropriate wires to her suit.
Let's do this, said Akio as he leaned back in the chair with a smile on his face.
There were only 12 ARCS systems were created, out of which, only 2 remained. All of the others were destroyed during the War of Eurasian Reunification before anyone could use this advanced technology.
They were the first to use this technology, and the second they entered that world, it was the digital equivalent of man taking his first step on the moon.
This was a secret, but still historic, step for mankind.
All of the red lights turned green. Both of them closed their eyes, and opened them in another universe.
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Several technical issues here.
"He was clenching his nose with both hands, as it was bleeding profusely. It was clearly broken" could be more readable as "He cupped his bloodied and broken nose with both hands." [Clenching involves wrapping a closed fist around something, which we can't do with our noses.]
Similarly, things like "began marching" could simply be "marched."
"I wonder what Sakura is up to, he thought to himself." Unless you have Jedi powers, you can't think to anyone else. So, "he thought to himself" seems a bit clumsy.
Also, running "like mad" is a cliche. Try replacing "like mad" with something unique that paints a word picture in your reader's imagination. Or simply ditch it and say "he ran seven blocks..." Ditto with the "grow on him" in "she was beginning to grow on him."
Consider "They had both known each other since meeting..." Could only one of them know the other after they met? How about, "They'd met in..."
There are parts of your story that don't connect. Why did the semi-protagonist punch his doctor? Why did he see a doctor for a year to begin with? Why did he not recall that he was, apparently, a smoker?
There are also several typos in the story.
There is real potential in your idea, but it is hampered by execution. Read Stephen King's "On Writing" for the best tips you'll ever get to improve your skills.