The Twisted Shack

Submitted into Contest #60 in response to: Write a funny post-apocalyptic story.... view prompt



“Hey, hey calm down. We have a lovely little pen for you. There are plenty of other people for you to socialise with.” The figure carefully marched over the second smaller one moving slowly as she was trying hard to get away.

“I’d rather be left alone and survive in the real world, stupid Zombie.”

“Now that is rude, we prefer to be called alternatively alive. We don’t call you humans, do we?” The larger clearly annoyed. As they marched forwards chattering other voices could be heard.

“To be honest I don’t care, I would rather not be eaten by the likes of you, you’re just a disgusting Zombie.” Though she struggled to get away, the grip the zombie had was amazingly tight strong. she thought that body parts decayed once someone died. Just as he was moving about her mouth filled up with red hot liquid which had a strong iron taste to it.

“You need to check your privilege.” He looked furious his captive. “We didn’t ask to be this way so are you to label us. As I said we are alternatively alive, and you would do well to remember that.” She chose to say nothing hoping that once left alone her work skills could come on handy formulating a plan of escape. Not only that She didn’t fancy being eaten there and then.

Silently he threw her into the large pen which looked to have housed over 100 people. “Wow those zombies are just a nightmare aren’t they, alternative alive. What next, they want to vote? Ha-ha.” Despite trying to air on the side of friendship the only faces she got back was anger from the remaining humans.

“How dare you.” One of them shouted. “they shouldn’t be laughed at or made fun of. They didn’t ask to be this way.” The anger in the voice shocked Ruby. She felt that being with her own kind would be safe from persecution. Several people nodded and a murmur of agreement spread through the crowd like a wave. This person must be the leader why else speak first ruby thought.

“That’s right. And what is wrong with them voting. They too have rights.” This wasn’t happening ruby thought. “You’re just another ableist believing that you are better than them. They are just making the most of what they have.” Several times ruby tried to speak yet words failed her as she opened and closed her mouth several times. These people must be unawares what the plan was for them.

Finally after hearing more barrage how that because her views didn’t align with theirs then she was the problem, Ruby was able to speak. “You, you do no that they plan to eat us.” Even after saying this the sea of faces remained unchanged and angry. “They have literally taken us from the streets, against our will and are looking to eat us.”

The one Ruby perceived to be the leader screamed at her again this time even louder. “What does it matter if they want to eat us. You should be glad of that.” A few shouts of yeah and cheering came from the crowd. “They need us to survive so how you quite your ableist BS and be happy that the alternative alive can carry on.”

Surely, ruby thought, that the people have gone mad being couped up so long. It made no sense that anyone would want to be eaten and killed, regardless of the reason.

“You, at the front. Come here now, you’re being sent for reconditioning.” A different Zombie had come to collect Ruby. He looked different from the first. Pale green skin, their cheek bones clearly defined and dark circles under the eyes. This one clearly had not eaten in a while or had simply been dead longer than other ones.

“What is re programming? And what If I say no.”

“You haven’t got a choice. We can’t have you or anyone causing an uproar. I could just eat you now. It’s your choice” Not wanting to be eaten Ruby walked silently with the figure to a small house in the distance. Inside was a set of chairs facing a stage. The moment she sat down a booming voice echoed from behind the stage.

“So you think you’re better than us? Then you may just be the scum of this earth. It is people like you that knock down the little people and us the alternatively alive.” Ruby could do nothing other than watch and listen her hands had been tied to the chair meaning that she could do nothing.  

“Now you may think you’re a good person but at the end of this presentation you will know why that is not true.” At this point the speaker who happened to be a tall middle-aged carcass walked on stage with a flip chart.

“Back in 2020 we “Dead people” were reanimated and allowed to have a second chance. At the same time you “Humans” were left to the mercy of your leaders, who would rather nuke each other than do literally anything else and that includes working together.” The figure seemed to have a fun jovial personality almost as he was taking pleasure in his work. “Now me dears am I moving too fast? Do you have any questions?” A million ruby thought but before she could even answer he carried on.

“So, lost and alone and very hungry our leader came across your cancel culture or woke culture. The society that was left seemed to feel sorry for our leader and some offered themselves up to be food. Look!” He pointed to his left. “We even have a memorial dedicated to them.”

From what Ruby could it was a large statue with four people bowing to a zombie with the words etched on the bottom. ‘we are sorry for being alive, ableist and privilege, please eat us so we may feel better about ourselves.’

“Now I know what you’re thinking what happened to those that disagreed. Oooh we don’t like that word now do we.” Ruby simply just stared mouth agape at the stupidity of what she was hearing and seeing. At lease though someone was having fun she thought. All he needed to do was a Jonty tune dance, just like Stewie and Brian, and he would be the picture of having fun.

“Well as those that differing opinions were simply browbeaten until they agreed. But don’t worry we are still big on freedom of speech and different opinions just as long as they are ones that we agree with hahah.” Ruby never quite liked cancel culture but this was going to extremes. Her only choice was disagree and die or agree and live a bit longer before you die. Some freedom of speech she thought.

“Now thank you for sitting there patiently.”

“What do you mean? I haven’t exactly got a choice I’m tied down. Tell me how does this BS work so well on the others. From what I can see is that you’re all just zombies with just an exaggerated sense of belief that your opinion is overwhelmingly correct and anyone who differs is just wrong.”

“Haha, there is always one.” His eyes lit up as if he welcomed the challenge. “You’re absolutely wrong. We welcome all opinions but what we will do is consistently re educate you on your unconscious bias so that you eventually fall inline with our beliefs.”  

“You’re saying.” Ruby said, slowly to ensure there was no confusion. “If I don’t agree you, you will bring me back in here again and again?”

He nodded enthusiastically.

“I am glad to see you understand. Now then, before you leave, I like to tell a little joke just to lighten the mood. An individual of no ethic origin, race or religion walked into a neutral building that any individual that is considered living or alternatively alive could do. They chose to an activity that was easy to access and available for everyone, but unfortunately do to no particular reason they were unable to this.” The Zombie behind burst out laughing. “Gets me every time that joke.”

Just you then Ruby thought.

Once back in the pen she was greeted by the angry mob that confronted her earlier. “So tell us.” The leader demanded. “What have you learned?”

“For a start I have learned that you’re all crazy. You’re so worried about offending people you’ve just become a bunch of mindless zombies yourself.” Before anyone could say anything Ruby continued. “Instead of just staying yes how about you accept an opinion. With that I going to give you a mic drop and I’m leaving.”

“It’s impossible-“

“I use to test banks security for a living. I am sure I can get out of this.” Scouring the fence she saw exactly what she was looking for. A corner piece which was raised meaning it wasn’t dug in properly. Using her hands to dig a large hole she was able to squeeze under the small gap she created.

Not even looking behind she ran of quickly before anyone could stop her or eat her, as such she came to a lake and decided to swim across knowing that the Zombies can’t swim. Drying herself of and walking away she was met by several individuals.

“I wouldn’t go that way.”

“Why? Are there woke zombies out there haha.”

“No just a bunch of Zombies who want you to join their cult.”

September 20, 2020 22:22

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E. Jude
12:24 Jan 01, 2021

Nice! This story was really funny! I loved the "alternatively dead". They were hilarious. Also the 2020 mention, really tied stuff together. Your dialogue is really a sttrong suit of yours, so well done! I really like the family guy reference.. I thhorougly enjoyed the story, so good job! Keep writing, and developing your talent! It would really hep if you could check out one of my stories, if you don't mind! E.


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Genipher Y
04:39 Oct 10, 2020

This one needs a LOT of editing but the basic premise is genius. I literally laughed out loud at the humans offering themselves as food to the first, ahem, "alternatively alive" because they felt guilty over their "live" privilege. This story was a great way to show the ridiculousness of our current culture. I love that Ruby wasn't so "woke" that she couldn't escape. I could see this being printed on fliers and passed out as an allegorical warning to the masses! Bravo!


Connor H
13:31 Oct 10, 2020

Hey thanks so much I wasnt sure how it would be received but glad to have positive comments. I think when I have time to do more stories I really should check them 😂 as I have a habit of rushing


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B. W.
13:21 Oct 02, 2020

I really think that you did a good job with this story and that it was a really good one. i hope that you'll continue to make more stories whenever you can ^^ so ya know what? 10/10 :)


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Meggy House
22:15 Sep 30, 2020

Wow! This was a humorous story and I really enjoyed reading it. I'm here from the critique circle so just a bit of critique: a lot of times Ruby and the starts of sentences weren't capitalized. Also, at one point you spelled "no" but I think you meant "know." But that's just minor so don't worry too much. Outside of that, I love your pacing, I love how relevant the story is to modern times; it's all-around great. Would you mind reading one of my stories? You're a wonderful writer and I would appreciate feedback :)


Connor H
21:53 Oct 01, 2020

Hey, thank you so much. I am glad my pacing was good as it is something I try to work on. I realise now that I need to double check my writing due to making silly mistakes, especalially with the capitilization. I am ashamed to say english is my firtlst language as well 😂


Meggy House
22:29 Oct 01, 2020

Don't worry about it--I'm terrible at spelling and grammar as well (thank goodness for the little red squigglies in Word documents). I hope you continue to write because I would love to read more!


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