Adventure Contemporary Thriller

'I don't know how I got here.' A dazed and obviously confused Colin Burns weakly admitted as he gasped for breath. He surveyed the room desperately trying to piece together the tangled spider's web of his thoughts without having much luck. The tall man in the black suit wasn't convinced. Colin Burns, real name Jack Green, had pulled off the biggest diamonds heist in history and he knew exactly where he had hidden the loot and who he had double cross in the process.

'Now now Mr Burns. Your deflection won't cut it today.' The tall man shouted aggressively in Colin's face followed by a swift right hook to Colin's jaw which sent him hurtling across the carpeted floor.

'Where are they Mr Burns? I can do this all day but can you? Where did you stash them Mr Burns?' The tall man dealt Colin a heavy kick to his stomach which sent him writhing in agony. The door opened and a shorter man entered swiftly.

'Enough, can't you see that he's had enough?'

'He was going to tell all boss....'

'Look at him. Take a good long hard look at him. The man's concussed. You nearly killed him. Right leave me with Mr Burns. You're dismissed.' The Boss, Henry Nevis ordered and was instantly obeyed. The tall man sheepishly left the room with his bowed in contrition.

Colin caught his breath for a moment and managed to sit upright while trying to focus on the new man in the room.

'I'm sorry about that rather thuggish behaviour by my associate. He's a good man but tends to get a little excited so I do apologise. Now Mr Burns, or would you would prefer Colin? I have a problem and you have the solution so why don't you tell me where you've hidden them and then I will drop you home personally and we can forget all this unpleasantness. Do we have a deal?' Henry Nevis said calmly appealing to Colin's reason. Colin thought for a moment and looked around this totally unfamiliar room and realised he couldn't remember much about the last eight hours apart from the heist but realising he could be in big trouble needed to think on his feet if only he could get to his feet, that tall brute had weakened him so much.

'I'm waiting Mr Burns. Tell me where they are and we can all go home. Mr Burns, time as they say is money and I haven't got all day to spend with you. Maybe my associate might actually be required again after all. Perhaps I was too quick to scold him and send him away. Maybe you two could get reacquainted, would you like that Mr Burns?' Henry said clinically looking Colin up and down.

'I'll tell you what you want to know. You will let me go, won't you?' Colin replied feigning weakness.

'Of course Mr Burns. I am nothing if not a man of my word.' Henry smiled as he considered his victory.

'Where are they hidden?' an excited Henry said, his face so close to Colin's he could smell his horrific breath. There was a loud explosion and the door blew apart with bits of wood and metal cascading through the air. Colin and Henry cowered helplessly on the floor hands covering their eyes in a moment of fleeting togetherness.

'Mr Burns you're coming with us.' A large man in camouflage shouted as he grabbed Colin effortlessly and dragged in roughly through the hallway beyond the door and outside. Sounds of gunfire and screaming followed and then it all went black.

Colin awoke in another unfamiliar room. He was lying on a comfortable bed but was feeling anything but comfortable. He must have hit his head sometime between leaving the room with Henry Nevis and getting here, wherever here is. He looked around and noted a number of fine paintings, thinking he recognised a Constable hanging on the far wall, surely it can't be 'The Hay Wain', no it must be a copy or was it? What had he got himself mixed up in? There was a glass of water at his bedside but he wasn't going to risk a drink, no matter how thirsty he was. The bed was remarkably comfortable he thought to himself before he drifted off to sleep.

'That's it Colin, nearly there.' A gentle voice whispered while tapping his face lightly.

'Where am I? I thought 'The Hay Wain' hung in the national gallery in London, yet there it is large as life. What's going on?'

'It's a fake.' The once gentle voice had become more masculine.

'That one or the one in London?' Colin asked quickly.

'The one in London of course Mr Burns. They have their experts but unfortunately they pay very poorly and a little supplementary income is never refused. Every man or woman for that matter can be bought Mr Burns. Now let us talk business.'

'Where am I first of all?'

'Patience Mr Burns. Patience does the soul good I find. Where did you hide them?'

'What am I supposed to have hidden?' Colin asked pretending to look confused.

'Now don't be difficult. We know you have hidden them somewhere. Are they back with that ghastly Mr Nevis and his henchmen? Dreadful place they inhabit don't you think Mr Burns?'

'I really don't have a clue what I'm supposed to have taken. And yes Henry's place was totally ghastly.'

'That's really disappointing Mr Burns, if that is your real name? I'll find out anyway as I have something that will refresh your memory. I'll be back in a tick and then you can tell me all about where you have hidden them.' The man said emphatically and left the room. Almost immediately a pretty young nurse came marching in and before Colin had time to react she had injected something into a vein on his right arm. He felt totally numb within seconds and couldn't even form words, at least no understandable words came out.

'Mr Burns, nice name Burns by the way. Just gave you some sodium thiopental, better known as truth serum, I hate the term 'truth serum' so James Bond but aside from that it'll get you talking. Don't worry at all. In about twenty minutes you'll be chatting away like the village gossip, we won't be able to get you to stop. You'll feel very sleepy but in twenty minutes you'll be singing like a bird.' The pretty nurse said as she hurried to make her exit leaving Colin feeling even more helpless, confused and tired beyond belief. In seconds he was deeply asleep.   

Colin became conscious an hour or so later. Firstly thoughts came slowly to him but rapidly picked up the pace so much so as to leave him gasping:-

Where am I?

What is this place?

What trouble have I got myself involved in? And the questions just kept coming.

The pretty nurse returned and walked rather seductively over to his bedside and took a hold of his arm to check his pulse which had quickened considerably in her presence.

'Mr Burns your pulse is a little high, see anything you like recently?' She asked with a cheeky smile.

'You are the sexiest creature I've seen in weeks.' Colin had uttered the sentence before he was able to stop himself. He thought that was very strange and come to think of it, he felt very odd, unable to stop his thoughts from being verbalised.

'It's clearly working I see. What's your full name please?' She asked curtly.

'My name is Jack Green.' Colin said unable to stop himself.

'Excellent Jack. I'll get the boss in, he's going to so pleased.' She replied as she turned athletically towards the door.

'Will I see you again?' Colin shouted after her.

'Maybe later if you're a very good boy or maybe a very bad one.' She cheekily retorted. Before Colin had a chance to enjoy the thought of a later visit the door swung open and the man from earlier entered.

'Where are my manners Mr Burns or correctly Mr Jack Green. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Harold Lime, what a coincidence, you're Green and I'm Lime. We should collaborate. Now nurse Sasha informs me that you have begun to sing. This is excellent news, a real boon for my spirits. Speaking of spirits I have some excellent whiskies in my cellar and after you tell me where you have hidden the loot then we will celebrate, what do you say?' Harold Lime got to the point directly. Colin looked him up and down, he was mid sixties and of slight build dressed in a tailored suit and didn't look like he'd put up much of a fight. But the unknown was what lay on the other side of that door so Colin thought he'd play along a little bit while he contemplated his escape with the pretty nurse of course, he'd need an accomplice.

'Delighted to meet you Mr Lime.' Colin said.

'Harold please.'

'Harold it is then. A good strong name you have, I like it. You must have plenty of underlings here doing the dirty work for you? Men like us don't do dirty work. So how many have you got in this fine house?' Colin said prying.

'Now Jack, men like us don't become men like us by being stupid. Don't insult my intelligence. Maybe I over estimated you, I thought you were mildly clever but now it appears you are quite mentally challenged, such a disappointment. Just tell me where is your hiding place.' A razor sharp Harold retorted. This time Harold looked Colin up and down with disdain and disappointment showing on his face that had become tense suddenly.

'I'll lead you to it. It's quite complex and drawing you a map would waste your time and I don't want to do that. It's close by but the complexity means that it's quite impossible to locate with my lead. You'll have to take me there, oh and it would require some type of four wheel drive vehicle, be a shame to get stuck in the mud.' Colin said confidently and watched Harold for a reaction.

'You disappoint me again Jack. You do realise that you're the one in the tight spot and not me. And as you pointed out earlier men like us don't do dirty work so I will instruct Ben to drive you up there tomorrow morning and you can instruct him and then you will both return and we can all enjoy some fine whiskey. Oh and you'll really like Ben, he was heading for a world title, heavyweight of course, but would you believe his wife caught him in bed with some girl and clocked him damaging his retinas and rendering him incapable of passing the pre-fight medical. He's never got over it, a very angry man but also extremely loyal to me.' Harold said laughing at the prospect of Colin even thinking or overpowering the massive Ben.  

'Rest easy now Jack, big day tomorrow. We have a fully equipped kitchen and chef at my disposal. I'll have nurse Sasha drop a menu by, you'll need your strength for your big day.' Harold Lime said as he made his exit leaving Jack feeling rather perplexed and uneasy.

Almost immediately nurse Sasha strutted into his room and his eyes were transfixed on this beautiful creature.

Jack shifted in the comfortable bed. She was dressed in the usual green scrubs, but something in the way she lingered caught his attention.

'You’re doing better, Jack,' she said, her voice warm but professional, a slight curve to her lips. 'I’ll be back in a few hours to check on you again.'

He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but something in the way she said it made him feel... seen. More than just a patient. He met her eyes, and for a heartbeat, the room felt smaller, quieter.

'I’m glad you’re here,' he said, his voice lower than he intended, the words coming out before he could second-guess them.

Sasha paused, and for a moment, it was as if the whole house around them disappeared. Her expression softened, and she stepped closer, her fingers brushing against the edge of his bed. The casual touch sent a warmth running through him.

'Your vitals are strong. You’re healing,' she said, but her eyes lingered on his.

His heartbeat quickened at the unspoken suggestion in her tone. There was something more there, something that wasn’t just about his recovery.

'Maybe I’ll be in good enough shape to take you out to dinner soon,' Jack said. He could tell she was close to responding, but she bit her lip, her gaze flickering downward for a second. When she met his eyes again, her smile was different—softer, more intrigued.

'Maybe you will,' she replied, her voice a touch lower. 'I’ll hold you to that, Jack. Oh what am I like? Here's the menu, the steak looks good tonight. I'll be back in a short while.'

With that, she turned to leave, but this time, Jack caught the smallest hint of a smile tugging at her lips, a smile that made the room feel a little warmer, the silence between them a little more charged.

'Can't wait Sasha. I have a proposition to put your way.' Jack said looking for a reaction.

'Now now Jack, we have to mind your heart. Not too much excitement.' Nurse Sasha replied unfazed. Jack's expression changed to one of severe seriousness.

'It's important Sasha. Be discreet please. It's in your own best interests.' Jack spoke with authority that caught Sasha off guard. She gave him a nod as she left the room and he knew he had an accomplice.

Later Sasha silently entered Jack's room and stood there in pouting seductively. Jack was aroused but business needed to be conducted before any pleasures of flesh could be entertained.

'Sit here on this chair please.' Jack said impatiently, his tone startled Sasha but she obeyed promptly.

'Here's the plan, now listen carefully. Tomorrow that goon Ben will drive us to Clarence wood and before we arrive you will inject him with tranquilizer. Make sure the dosage is enough as he's a huge brute, no slip ups. Then we will hurry through the wood and locate the diamonds. I will give you one ten carat diamond of such clarity it's worth more than two million. It will set you up for life. Any questions?'

'What will happen after that?'

'I'll drop you wherever you want to go, an airport I'd suggest, it'd be stupid to stay in this country.'

'And will I see you again?'


'Then it's our last night together.' She said as she began to undress which didn't take long as she wasn't wearing much to begin with. They began kissing passionately and Jack rapidly removed his clothes. He kissed her nipples expertly while massaging her clit, then he entered her powerfully and began drilling her deeply as she moaned in ecstasy. His trusts became more and more intense, he quickened the pace and she began screaming like she was on fire. He felt that he was nearing climax so he upped the pace to another level as the bed creaked and she screamed and screeched nearer her explosive crescendo......A deafening alarm sounded, it was horrible, so searing it caused Jack to waken with a start and the horrible reality dawned on him immediately, it had all been a dream. He cursed loudly, killed his bedside alarm clock and then reflected on the dream thinking that while there was elements that he certainly enjoyed, the outcome was sure to have been difficult or even deadly so facing the morning commute ahead had its merits. He made himself a cup of coffee and began to remember more of the dream as he drank quickly and wolfed down his morning cereal. He shuddered recalling some of the detail but brushed it off as he headed out the door. He arrived at his workplace feeling much better, the sleep and dream must have actually rejuvenated him to the extent that he actually felt good and happy to be at work - Certainly safer than running from one criminal gang into the arms of another one. He thought allowing himself a smile.

As he was becoming very settled and feeling very safe, his smile widened and he began to laugh, not caring what his other workmates would think or say, in walked Sasha and she approached his desk briskly.

'Well Jack. Dream about me last night? Was it hot? Was I good?' Sasha said teasing.

Oh fuck. Rumbled. How did she know? Jack thought going red.

I might have been killed in that dream but I'm dying here anyway. Got to reply to her quickly. Quickly.

But the words didn't become audible and Sasha left in complete control. Jack had fancied Sasha for an eternity but never had the courage to even try to get with her, she seemed in a different league to him.

Sasha reappeared by Jack's desk almost magically.

'You know Jack, if you start dreaming earlier then you might actually finish. That would make me really happy. Want to do lunch?' Sasha enquired without missing a beat.

Jack's heart raced. His thoughts raced his racing heart but before the victor was proclaimed Jack coolly said, 'Your place or mine? I have unfinished business to complete.'

'Finally the real Jack Green emerges. What the hell took you so long?'

'Dreams are safe, life is risky but what the hell. I weighed it up and risk maybe worth a greater reward so Sasha, the good news is you've pulled.'

A stunned Sasha couldn't help but be impressed.

Jack thought - Dreams do come through sometimes.                 

Posted Feb 28, 2025

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