Drama LGBTQ+ Thriller

There she is. Beautiful as always. I haven’t been in love with her this long just to give up. “One day you’ll be mine” I thought to myself as I took a couple more pictures of Sarah before taking my leave to class.

“Hey! Sarah! I just wanted to know if maybe you’d like to go out- Crap she ignored me again.” I said as Sarah was noticeably lost in her train of thought, staring at Theo once again from a distance. 

“Sorry did you say something? Uhhhm Melissa?” Sarah said. “It’s maple.” I said to her. “Right sorry, I’ll see you tomorrow, Maple.” 

“W-Wait but my question! Anddd she’s gone...it’s that Theo again, Theo all the fucking time.” I said in anger. As the day went by I couldn’t stop thinking and thinking. “Why him? Why is she suddenly all flustered when he walks by? Why does she stare at him at the distance?” I paused and thought. “No. She’s mine. She’s MINE. SHE’s MINE!” Punching the wall with anger.

Ill to go for a walk. Now, where is she today. I grabbed the camera, running outside taking a shortcut in the woods towards a sidewalk leading to Theo’s house. 

“Im late, fuck. I missed her. Guess I’ll catch her through her the window.” I ran towards her home as I climbed up a tree at a distance with my very expensive camera. A couple shots of her changing for later. “YES! My beautiful Angel!” Yelling out loud and squirming seductively at the thought of Sarah as if I couldn’t get caught.

I started sweating and took heavy breathes, not caring for the trouble this could cause. I watched as she changed out of her casual school clothes to something more modest. “Where is she going?..Damn it, my camera is dying. I’ll be back for you my Angel.” 

As my obsession grew day by day, I just thought of the first day I met her. She was wearing a gray hoodie with a mini skirt and black docs when I bumped into her accidentally and she helped me up, picking up my books for me. “Oh her eyes, her lips, her cheeks, her hair, her perfectly shaped body. All for me! Just thinking about it makes me so excited!”

Back to reality. It’s concerning to think about how she has been dressing these past few weeks. I began to fear at the thought that maybe she was seeing someone else. “Fuck. I knew I should have followed her. I’m letting my guard down.”

The next school day I sat in my normal anatomy class, of course close to Sarah. “I don’t need good grades, I just need you. I WILL have you. Soon. I just need to get rid of a couple obstacles that may be blurring your Vision.” Thinking to myself. 

As the bell rang I quickly caught up to Sarah at a distance. “Where to today my sunflower?” She noticed the pace quickened and began to worry, is she in a hurry for something? Isn’t this the way to Theo’s house? I kept asking myself questions as I knew everything about her, researching and watching her every hobby and likes. 

We passed Theo’s house as I let out a sigh of relief to then be surprised by something I couldn’t believe was happening. Watching from afar on my camera pointing towards a classmates house named Alyssa as Sarah began to climb her backyard fence. 

“A-Alyssa? From Math? Why is she trying to jump her fence? What the fuck is going on?” I zoomed in closer. Nobody was apparently home since there were no cars but Alyssa’s bike parked outside, signaling she was home alone. 

“Are they?...is she?” I gripped my camera tight and clenched my teeth at the thought of Sarah fucking someone that isn’t me. “Ok ok, maybe I’m getting the wrong idea here and they are just hanging out.” I said to myself. 

Sarah had unlocked one of the French doors leading to the indoor kitchen of Alyssa’s house, taking her shoes off before entering. I decided to follow through and climb the fence also, luckily I have been stealthy enough for Sarah not to notice a thing. “I’m in. Something is not right...If Alyssa knew Sarah was here, she would’ve come down or spoken to her already.” 

As I then heard the most gruesome thing in my life. Yelling and screaming. Begging for mercy. “SARAH! NO!” I yelled out worrying she might be getting hurt by the other girl.

To what I walked into, I almost threw up. Sarah was covered in blood but no visible wounds, standing over Alyssa. Her lifeless body on the ground. You could tell she cut deep into her victims wrists, but when you think about it, not even someone who would suicide would cut so deep. 

“S-Sarah- w-w-what is this?” I said as the wood floor creaked from the hesitant step I took  into the room besides the door. 

“Maple?” Sarah turned around with what seemed to be  gloves, holding a kitchen knife pointing the ground. “Now you know my little secret.” She said in a calmed voice, unbothered. 

“S-SARAH ARE YOU INSANE? YOU KILLED HER? YOU’LL GO TO JAIL!” I yelled with such passion. 

I felt a rush run through my whole body. “If she is interested in Theo, I’m guessing she must’ve been jealous of Alyssa or maybe..maybe Sarah is just like me.” I thought to myself.

“You did this for Theo?” I hesitantly asked, not scared at all. “You see Maple dear. Sometimes there are obstacles in life you must overcome and eliminate and this...this right here..is one of them. Now as for you...I’m sorry but no one can find out.” Sarah slowly began to walk towards me in threat.

“Dying to your hands would be an honor but you need me Sarah! Look at what you’ve done! You won’t get away with this just like that...I CAN HELP YOU MY SUNFL- SARAH! Theo isn’t worth it! Not worth..WORTH THIS!” I yelled angrily at her face as she was in front of me. 

“L-Let me help you.” As I felt warmth through my body and my face burning up seeing Sarah infront of me, so angry and determined to this. “I might just explode!” Said to myself trying to hold myself together at the many emotions suddenly swarming into my head. It was fascinating.

 “This changes everything.” I said to Sarah with a small grin. “I don’t need your help. I can get away with this. This clothes isn’t mine, it’s her’s and this will all look like a suicide. No fingerprints, no footprint, nothing. It’s your turn now.”

I almost prepared myself but thought about the different possibilities that could occur if we worked together. “You’re right, you do have it under all your control. But I can help you with these so called “obstacles”. I will do ANYTHING, you say. I would never tell anyone and even if I did, they wouldn’t be able to catch you. I’ve been wanting to talk to you since the first time I met you. It’s been 6 months since you transferred and you caught my eye when you helped me up from falling, I knew there was something special about you this whole time and I’m not disappointed.” It almost felt like a confession.

Again I was talking a lot and creating fantasies ignoring the dead body in the room. Sarah looked away avoiding eye contact. “Help me get her in the tub.” She said. I smiled widely in joy. “S-She wants me to help her!” I said to myself. 

“She’s so cute when she’s angry. This means I’ll get to know her more! Yes. YES!” I kept repeating in my head. I then held Alyssa’s legs heading to the Tun and leaving her there. Sarah didn’t say a word as then Sarah took her clothes off and gave it to me as she then took out a new clean pair of clothes out her backpack. 

 “W-Why are you giving me this?” I asked. “I need you to wash it and hide it for now.” Sarah said lifting an eyebrow. “R-Right! How can I be so dumb.

I looked away while she changed. Oh her body so perfect I would kill.

We left Alyssa’s home and watched from a distance as her parents arrived with pizza and noticed the back door unlock, locking it. 

“We should go and let them find out why it’s so silent eventually.” Sarah signaled back to the sidewalk as we both didn’t say a word till we arrived at Sarah’s house. “I need your number. I guess you can grow on me. Maple..” Sarah said suddenly her eyes changed when she violently grabbed my shirt as I began to write down my number, messing up on one. “One warning, DON'T touch Theo.” I felt intimidated as Sarah said this to me. I didn’t say a word and then left. I witnessed something that made me fall in love more and more with my sunflower. 

“Like nothing happened.” I chuckled to myself. 

November 14, 2020 03:58

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Morey Guntz
01:39 Nov 23, 2020

So, two yanderes teamed up, and may eventually find love? I actually kinda dig that.


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Drew Hawthorn
13:48 Nov 19, 2020

Fun story. So they hid the body in the bathtub?


Jimena Rodriguez
18:12 Nov 19, 2020

Ty. Yes, I wanted to make it look like a suicide since Sarah stabbed the wrists only.


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