Adventure Fiction Funny


NYPD Building on 1 Police Plaza

Jace opened the door to the NYPD Building. As soon as he stepped foot into the precinct office, he was greeted by a very short but stocky man who eerily looked exactly like Booster from the Mario RPG series.

Ahh, Jacen Riders!” he spoke with a grunting Texan accent, “Pleasure to meet you, youn’ man! Name’s Boomer. Officer Boomer Snifrit.”

The two shook hands.

“Boomer? Snifrit?” Jace tried not to laugh.

“It’s actually Boomer Snifrit Whiffit.” he added.

Jace chortled. Then a croak of pain left his throat as Boomer’s grip on his hand tightened around his knuckles.

“It ain’t funny son.” Boomer said.

“S-sorry.” Jace squealed.

Boomer released his grip off Jace. Jace gasped, holding on his throbbing hand. “Boy, what a grip for a whiffit.” he whimpered.

“Welcome to your very first day at the NYPD!” Boomer said, “You gonna get on your uniform very soon and get started on your analyst job.”

Two officers came in at the same time. One was latino. The other was caucasian. The Latino man had stubble, bushy eyebrows and dashing dimples. The Caucasian man had droopy brown eyes with side-swept dark-blonde hair.

“These are our partners: Diego Mendoza, and Joey Pesters.” Boomer said.

“Please to meet you, Jace.” Diego offered a handshake. “Heard about your heroism back in Europe.”

“Same here.” said Joey.

“Thanks. I’d shake your hands but...” Jace showed his broken fingers.

Diego laughed. “Sorry about that man. I remember my first day meeting with--”

Boomer gave Diego a sharp glare. “...the Chief.” Diego recovered.

“The Chief?” Joey blinked, “I thought his name was Whiffit.”

Diego gave Joey a ‘You shouldn’t have said that’ look. Joey put his hands over his lips, “Oops.”

A devious grin spread over Boomer’s face, “You owe me a handshake son.” he said to Joey. Joey slowly backed up behind Diego.

Jace was excited about his first day in the police force. He couldn’t believe how his life changed like this, going from a rebellious criminal to an international hero to now an officer of the--

He frowned. It just occurred to Jace that Boomer said something about this becoming his first day as an analyst.

“Wait, hold up Chief.” he said, “You said something about an analyst?”

Boomer looked back at Jace, “Yeah, so?”

“I think there’s been a mistake. I’m supposed to start my day job as a police officer. You know, fighting crime, busting down criminals with you guys.”

Boomer let out a booming laugh. “Yeah, crime analyst. Not police analyst, son.”

“But I’ve applied as a police officer sir!” Jace said.

“Oh you did. You did.” Boomer nodded, “Yeah. It’s just that you weren’t qualified enough according to HR review on your application. This job however, you are qualified for it. Which is why you’re here.”

Jace sulked, “But,” he paused, “what do the crime analysts do?”

“They review police reports every day and make trends out of related crimes.” Diego said.

“Wuh--? Like a school project? Aww come on guys...”

“Oh, don’t be a sourpuss son.” Boomer said, “You’ll make a great asset to our team someday.” the stocky police officer wrapped his arm around Jace’s shoulder, “But you know what the best part is, you get to come with us.”

Jace lit up, “Really?”

“Yeah!” Boomer said, “Just as one of our surveillance crew in one of our indestructible vans. Add that as your volunteer bonus.”

Jace grumbled. Not what he signed up for.

“All right sons!” Boomer hollered, “Let’s go!” he pointed at Jace, “Don’t forget to put on your uniform, boy!” he then turned to Joey, “And you, you still owe me that handshake.”


And once again, Jace felt crappy in his life. Even in the locker room, where he went to grab on his uniform, it made the crappiness way worse. The uniform wasn’t even a uniform. It was just a blue dress shirt with a badge and a black hat. The only thing that could match that stupid fashion was his jacket. If it was black and made of leather.

Felt like high school all over again. The jocks get to bathe in all the glory that is busting out the criminals and knocking the daylights out of them while the nerds get to sit behind the desk, working on ways to make their jobs easier for them. It was like doing their homework while they go out partying.

Now he knew what Hunt felt like when Thomas Kintora constantly asked him to do his homework. They were freshmen back then; and Kintora was a senior. He wondered what happened to him? He must have become a senator or something.

“So fun...” he grumbled, buttoning his blue shirt.

A loud slam made him jump. He turned around. The locker room was a large room. Lockers, obviously, were all over the place. There were smaller ones, and then there were bigger ones that barely touched the ceiling which was made of white tiles matching the floor and tiles with light symmetrical from each other. The lockers were all black painted, the floor was gray colored, and the wooden benches were tiny and uncomfortable to sleep in after a hard day’s work.

But right now, the locker was not meant for sleeping. The slamming sound rocked the place again. Jace turned to his opened locker. His first instinct was to get his gun.

Who’s he kidding? He don’t have any guns! Only that BB Gun he has at home and the only thing that thing can hurt is a fly, not a human.

Or a demon.

“I have a gun!” he shouted.

The response was another slam. The room trembled at the sound.

“A laser gun!” he added, quietly creeping down the locker room hall, hoping to hear footsteps or some pitter-patter, or some hints that someone was very near...

BOOM! Another slam again! It sounded more to his right.

He turned around. There! Right in front of him. It was a sight he couldn’t unsee!

He saw himself!

But his entire body. It was glowing like either a mix between the galaxy or the Invincibility Star had struck him. But his eyes were the most terrifying. They flickered blind white.

He backed away until his back and hands pressed against a locker.

Electricity suddenly shot through his fingers and all the lockers flew open. The lights in the room dimmed like crazy. The room got poltergeisted!

Panic exploded in Jace’s chest, he let out a scream of terror and shot out of the locker room. He reached the precinct office, his eyes never left the room he had just left.


He jumped again and turned to the person speaking. Chief Boomer.

“You’re wasting time son!” Boomer said, “Come on, you gotta go.”

Jace gulped, “G-go?”

“Get me some coffee!” Boomer said, “An analyst must always give the officer some coffee! And donuts! Make them jelly like!”

Boomer didn’t even bother noting that Jace JUST got out of a haunted locker room. Jace tried to catch his breath, “Oh-okay... D-Donuts? Jelly? Right.”

“Yeah that’s right. I like donuts!” Boomer said, “Nothing to do with those silly police officer superstitious bull.” He turned to leave, “And save the marathon practice for the donuts run, okay? With that running and screaming, you causing a scene.”

Jace let out an slightly annoyed sigh. Donut run... fantastic.

“And you look like hell!” Boomer shouted from across the room.

Jace rolled his eyes.

August 29, 2021 08:30

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21:27 Sep 10, 2021

Why do they literally have to make him a crime analyst instead of a police officer? But the story was FANTASTIC!!! THUMBS UP


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Tricia Shulist
14:43 Sep 04, 2021

Interesting story. Talk about a tough first day — bully boss, not the job he wanted, and something in the locker room. That’s a day!


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