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Funny Friendship Fiction

It’s only 9:00 AM and I’m already holding a trash can so I can throw up whenever I have to. Why? Cause it’s *reech! SPLAT!* April’s Fools Da-a-… Ahhh!!! I can’t say it! It’s the 1st of Ravril. I can’t say the Apr- word. Why? Cause it gives me the worst feeling ever! I can’t stand this day! Everybody keeps trying to prank me! Why? First of all, I’m a principal. Second of all, kids don’t really like me that much because I guess you could say I lose my temper… But it’s only because some kids keep annoying me and well some kids keep talking back to me. I know, I know. You’re probably thinking, “You’re supposed to understand children because you’re a PRINCIPAL!” Right? Well to be honest, I didn’t WANT to be a boring and mean principal. I just HAD to be one or else I was going to be HOMELESS! Nobody hired me but I had to pay rent, car insurance, and other annoying STUFF… Then a district e-mailed me asking if I wanted to be PRINCIPAL! Uh. How could I deny that? Uh. Excuse ME! What do you expect!? Just deny the offer and become homeless?! Then I would be begging for scraps of food or money and I did NOT want my life to be like that. Obviously… Who would WANT to be homeless? So, anyways, they offered me a decent amount of money. But there was a catch… I had to move to a different state! They wanted me to move to Maryland! When I was living in Cali! That’s like… what 3,000 miles away! I was like… Mouth drop… plus a bruh. Well to be honest, I was going to have to ride a plane anyways so that really didn’t matter… that much. The real problem though was packing my bags and actually MOVING there. That part was the worst. I would have to buy new furniture, appliances, and other stuff I would need. And that would cost a lot of money. I mean I guess I could live without furniture. I could just put a bed and a refrigerator that comes with a freezer. Oh and a washing machine. That would be good. Not necessarily good, but still livable. Oh! And one more thing. The T.V. Can’t forget the television. So, once I moved there, people were pretty rich! They all had at least a Tesla X. Some people even had a Ferrari or Bugatti Chiron! At first, I was like, “Dang! This place be RICH!” I mean like almost 70% of the people were millionaire! Then after like 6 months, I knew why they were so rich. The pay was VERY high. It was like $29 for 1 hour! For a principal, the minimum pay was $24 per hour. The first day of school for me was… interesting… I guess? The kids were okay. And the teachers were nice! Except a teacher named Mr. Breaker Adan. Well that teacher was… well… *sigh* trouble. Right as he came into my door, *sigh* he looked very spoiled. Why? He had golden hair and a bit of a freckles. He had his hair flat, and he wore black leather jacker with matching jeans. From the moment he came in he was smiling like he actually WANTED to come to the principal’s office. My first feeling towards him was like… ummm. You know that feeling where the kid that sits next to you is a troublemaker and he keeps doing weird stuff? Except he’s a TEACHER!? Well if you had, that was the way I felt when he first came into my office. He wore a designer black leather jacket AND designer jean. After I took that little mental note, my second feeling was, “Oh… This is going to be a LONG year buddy…” I added a mental knuckle crack. I needed a way to punish him so he would never come back to me and he needed someone that was going to scare him. That somebody was going to be me. Yup. Me. So, he came into my office to get some printed paper. I was like… “Why are you printing paper in MY printer?” But I just said that in my head because it wasn’t’ like he did anything bad or anything. So I just let him go… That time.

 Then he came rushing into my office out of breath the next day. He had something to report so I asked what it was. He said, “*panting* A kid… A kid he says his grandpa has a cabinet full of guns and he knew where the key was so he said he will bring a gun to the school and shoot everybody down!” I was like… “wow… and you actually believe that… wow… Like. A kid’s gonna be like minigun time! BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR with a gun. Just wow… The funnier part is that you actually believe that! You are so funny!” I said as I slapped him on the shoulder. Then I added, “Oh! By the way, the kid’s just saying that because you’re probably so boring. That’s YOUR fault. Not mine! SO my conclusion is, just play a board game or something fun on Saturday so you guys know each other more. Period! Case closed. You got more things to add Mr. Breaker?” Then he was SPEECHLESS! The face! His face was so priceless! *laughing* if I could take a picture, I would’ve! He was just speechless! That was how we kicked off. Me and Breaker. It was Rapril 1st a few months after. Breaker and I were arch enemies now, but we didn’t fight after my 2nd day. Still we were arch enemies so… yeah. I had NO idea it was the Fools Day. I guess I let down my guard because Breaker and some trouble making kids joined to prank me. First, they super glued my chair. When I first sat on it, I felt something like slime and then when I tried to stand up, I couldn’t get up. I looked all over my desk for something I could wedge my pants with. I failed on the task, but I found something else. I found Super Glue. Then I had nothing but to get out of my pants. Thank goodness I had an extra pair of pants in my drawer. After that, I got out to get a can of Coke. I opened it…  Well… I guess you could figure out what happened after that. It burst in my face! Coke went up everywhere even in my nose! Uh! It felt like my nose hairs were being singed out! I screamed. I had no choice. If you think you could think not scream while Coke in you’re nose, you are very peculiar. After that, it was done. NO more pranks were done that day or any other day. But still I hated Rapril’s Fool’s Day. That’s why I made all that fuss in the morning. Then someone called me. Now I HAD to answer the call. That meant I had to look at the date. When I checked the date… It was April 2?! Now I told you that for NO reason! I mean the story I told you was very personal! RRRRRRRRRR!!!!! Dang it!

It’s only 9:00 AM and I’m already holding a trash can so I can throw up whenever I have to. Why? Cause it’s *reech! SPLAT!* April’s Fools Da-a-… Ahhh!!! I can’t say it! It’s the 1st of Ravril. I can’t say the Apr- word. Why? Cause it gives me the worst feeling ever! I can’t stand this day! Everybody keeps trying to prank me! Why? First of all, I’m a principal. Second of all, kids don’t really like me that much because I guess you could say I lose my temper… But it’s only because some kids keep annoying me and well some kids keep talking back to me. I know, I know. You’re probably thinking, “You’re supposed to understand children because you’re a PRINCIPAL!” Right? Well to be honest, I didn’t WANT to be a boring and mean principal. I just HAD to be one or else I was going to be HOMELESS! Nobody hired me but I had to pay rent, car insurance, and other annoying STUFF… Then a district e-mailed me asking if I wanted to be PRINCIPAL! Uh. How could I deny that? Uh. Excuse ME! What do you expect!? Just deny the offer and become homeless?! Then I would be begging for scraps of food or money and I did NOT want my life to be like that. Obviously… Who would WANT to be homeless? So, anyways, they offered me a decent amount of money. But there was a catch… I had to move to a different state! They wanted me to move to Maryland! When I was living in Cali! That’s like… what 3,000 miles away! I was like… Mouth drop… plus a bruh. Well to be honest, I was going to have to ride a plane anyways so that really didn’t matter… that much. The real problem though was packing my bags and actually MOVING there. That part was the worst. I would have to buy new furniture, appliances, and other stuff I would need. And that would cost a lot of money. I mean I guess I could live without furniture. I could just put a bed and a refrigerator that comes with a freezer. Oh and a washing machine. That would be good. Not necessarily good, but still livable. Oh! And one more thing. The T.V. Can’t forget the television. So, once I moved there, people were pretty rich! They all had at least a Tesla X. Some people even had a Ferrari or Bugatti Chiron! At first, I was like, “Dang! This place be RICH!” I mean like almost 70% of the people were millionaire! Then after like 6 months, I knew why they were so rich. The pay was VERY high. It was like $29 for 1 hour! For a principal, the minimum pay was $24 per hour. The first day of school for me was… interesting… I guess? The kids were okay. And the teachers were nice! Except a teacher named Mr. Breaker Adan. Well that teacher was… well… *sigh* trouble. Right as he came into my door, *sigh* he looked very spoiled. Why? He had golden hair and a bit of a freckles. He had his hair flat, and he wore black leather jacker with matching jeans. From the moment he came in he was smiling like he actually WANTED to come to the principal’s office. My first feeling towards him was like… ummm. You know that feeling where the kid that sits next to you is a troublemaker and he keeps doing weird stuff? Except he’s a TEACHER!? Well if you had, that was the way I felt when he first came into my office. He wore a designer black leather jacket AND designer jean. After I took that little mental note, my second feeling was, “Oh… This is going to be a LONG year buddy…” I added a mental knuckle crack. I needed a way to punish him so he would never come back to me and he needed someone that was going to scare him. That somebody was going to be me. Yup. Me. So, he came into my office to get some printed paper. I was like… “Why are you printing paper in MY printer?” But I just said that in my head because it wasn’t’ like he did anything bad or anything. So I just let him go… That time.

 Then he came rushing into my office out of breath the next day. He had something to report so I asked what it was. He said, “*panting* A kid… A kid he says his grandpa has a cabinet full of guns and he knew where the key was so he said he will bring a gun to the school and shoot everybody down!” I was like… “wow… and you actually believe that… wow… Like. A kid’s gonna be like minigun time! BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR with a gun. Just wow… The funnier part is that you actually believe that! You are so funny!” I said as I slapped him on the shoulder. Then I added, “Oh! By the way, the kid’s just saying that because you’re probably so boring. That’s YOUR fault. Not mine! SO my conclusion is, just play a board game or something fun on Saturday so you guys know each other more. Period! Case closed. You got more things to add Mr. Breaker?” Then he was SPEECHLESS! The face! His face was so priceless! *laughing* if I could take a picture, I would’ve! He was just speechless! That was how we kicked off. Me and Breaker. It was Rapril 1st a few months after. Breaker and I were arch enemies now, but we didn’t fight after my 2nd day. Still we were arch enemies so… yeah. I had NO idea it was the Fools Day. I guess I let down my guard because Breaker and some trouble making kids joined to prank me. First, they super glued my chair. When I first sat on it, I felt something like slime and then when I tried to stand up, I couldn’t get up. I looked all over my desk for something I could wedge my pants with. I failed on the task, but I found something else. I found Super Glue. Then I had nothing but to get out of my pants. Thank goodness I had an extra pair of pants in my drawer. After that, I got out to get a can of Coke. I opened it…  Well… I guess you could figure out what happened after that. It burst in my face! Coke went up everywhere even in my nose! Uh! It felt like my nose hairs were being singed out! I screamed. I had no choice. If you think you could think not scream while Coke in you’re nose, you are very peculiar. After that, it was done. NO more pranks were done that day or any other day. But still I hated Rapril’s Fool’s Day. That’s why I made all that fuss in the morning. Then someone called me. Now I HAD to answer the call. That meant I had to look at the date. When I checked the date… It was April 2?! Now I told you that for NO reason! I mean the story I told you was very personal! RRRRRRRRRR!!!!! Dang it!

April 03, 2021 03:33

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Nina Chyll
17:05 Apr 08, 2021

It’s very difficult to keep up with how excitable the piece is. I would tone down the caps and exclamation marks a little.


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