Zack:The Savior

Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write about someone who has a superpower.... view prompt


Fantasy Science Fiction

.............. Year 3050, Planet Terrax,

All the people who live in this planet are used live in Planet Earth, a small planet in Milkyway Galaxy. 100 years ago, a huge meteoroid destroyed the Earth, but thanks to their scientists, who managed to know about it atleast 1 year ago. So all the earthlings managed to escape the planet safely. 1 year before knowing about the meteoroid, they came to know about Planet Terrax. It seems to be an exact clone of the Earth. After knowing about the meteoroid, the started their preparation to make the planet able to live, and before the devastation of earth, they managed to escape via space ships.

Planet Terrax is 12946800 light year far from the Earth, and it has it's own solar system. It has 3 moons. But some say that when scientists found about it, then it has 4 moon.But somehow it's core got destroyed. That moon was twice bigger than the other moons, and it had a different aura. It had it's own light. After being destroyed, it's debris were levitating in the space. Every piece was radiating with a strange scarlet red light. The Space ships were used to cross through the debris. After few days the people felt strange in their bodies. Every people got some sort of super power, and for years and years the powers are cultivated and transferred to the new generation. They were not mere humans anymore. They named their species as Terraxis.

They used to live a happy life with their powers. As everybody knew how it felt to lose a planet, they never misused their powers and said to do so to their next generation.

Now 100 years passed since that accident. Terraxis found many new things in this planet. They became advanced to many things. Usually every Terraxis used to achieve his power in the age of 4. But our protagonist Zack is achieved his power in the age of 7. Now they have schools where their kid learn. They also have some special schools where they learn how and when to use their powers. To get admitted in this schools, someone have to be 15 years old. Zack has just entered to a school like that. He became 15 one month ago. Zack has the power to fly and throw fire. In their history books their is a thesis about the history of this planet. This thesis based on a cave painting made at least 1000 years ago. That means their were lives in Terrax before them. Actually the name Terrax was found in the cave. The thesis says that Terrax used to be a planet of fortune, where every peole had superpowers. They also have contacts with the other planets. Amongst them the most friendly planet to Terrax was planet Bail. Planet Bail's people were used to look like giant lizards. But they have an emnence amount of power. This two powerful planets are most like the government of their solar system. King dean of Bail and king sai of Terrax were most like brothers. They never misused their powers to the lower planets. But according to everyone planet Terrax was the most powerful. In the cave painting their was a picture of Terrax and it had three moons the. Actually Terrax life force are different than the others. They could live longner than the others. King Dean's son blake was greedy to power and he wanted to become the only ruler of the galaxy. But their was a eyesore, which was Terrax. So he decided to kill all the people of Terrax. He wanted to destroy the whole planet, but it wasn't possible , because the core of Terrax was really strong. So he came Terrax and killed 90% of them all alone, the survivors took disgusise in the caves, potholes. Blake destroyed all the houses, buildings and leave the planet. The survivors never faced Blake. They paint their whole story in the cave. After knowing that Terrax is abandoned by Blake, every planet opposed him and Blake killed all of them, even he killed hisown planet's people and left the galaxy. All the survivors started to starving after few days. They managed to live one month without eating. Before the death of the survivors they collected their powers together and formed a new moon. They couldn't make the core strong enough and died.

After reading this thesis, Zack became so excited. He went to home after school and started to think about the strange power of Blake. After few months, their came a strange alien, who was uttering a name, Terraxis couldn't save him, but they discovers the name. The name was "Blake".

That Allen's last words were, " Blake is coming."

After that there was a high alert to all the Terraxis that Blake is coming. So everyone should be prepared for a battle of death. But 1 year passed, Blake didn't show himself. What is he after?

Zack has learnt many moves in this time span. Zack is now one of the powerful man in his class. Maybe the most powerful. Teachers also astonished by his performance. After the high alert, every month there happened a scouting, where upper class warriors select their apprentice. Zack is enlisted this time with the most powerful man in the planet, Jordon. Jordon is also a possessor of fire power. Zack came to know many things from Jordon. Jordon is also the Chief Commander of the ferocious regement. This regimen call themselves 'Hawks'. As a result Zack was also enlisted to Hawks. After few weeks another alien came to the planet. It said that it somehow managed to escape from Blake's eyes and also said that Blake is coming straight to Terrax alone. The alien also described the secret of Blake's power. 1000 years ago, on the planet Bail, some people of Blake discovered that if someone could kill the most powerful man of Terrax and eat him, he could achive a long life span and a immense amount of power. It's also been tested with some animal, they fed the animals some tissue of an old Terraxis, and the results was that the animal lived more than the others. That's why Blake first killed king sai mischievously, and then gained the power and abandoned the whole Terrax. But now he became a little weak, and knowing that Terrax has living creatures and they have powers, he is coming to again destroy the Terraxis.

It seems that Jordon is the powerful man, so Blake is after him. Jordon aligned Hawks and tell them to prepare for the most ferocious battle. Jordon took zack as his aid. Next morning everyone was prepared to fight with Blake. They saw something is coming to the planet very fast.within 5 minutes a giant lizard like alien landed in front of The Hawks. The other alien said to them that it's Blake. Blake started to look around and after few seconds he pointed at Zack and tell him to surrender. Jordon couldn't understand the thing, he is well aware that Zack is powerful, but couldn't imagine that he would be strongest guy. Zack was also got list, he was trying to understand what the hell is happening.

Blake said to the Hawks, "let me solve the problem, that boy is the strongest of all, I even sensed his aura when I was about to enter the atmosphere. He has the cultivated power of king sai, I can tell it with confidence as I killed king sai."

Back then when the people crossed the debris, Zack's ancestors got the power of king sai. They also understand later that this power is like power of God, so they never showed their true power to others, and told to do so to their next generation. Zack's parents were about to tell him that the previous night as Zack didn't acknowledged it yet. But Zack being so tired, went to the bed and didn't hear anything.

Zack in his mind, "so that's what it is! Crazy!"

Zack smirked.

Blake, "what's so funny in it , kid? Just surrender to me and I will kill you instantly, you will feel less pain, I don't want you to feel the pain, so just surrender!!! "

Zack, "hey, Blake or whatever you're, just shut your trap ok, at least let me try my powers on you!"

Blake, "so you wanna fight, huh? Then let's begin"

Zack took flight into the sky and hit a fire strike to blake, but Blake simply dodged it. Zack tried few more times, but it looked like Blake is just playing with him. Zack got angry and hit a massive fire ball on Blake. Blake got some burns in his body. Now Blake became serious. He hit Zack in an instant. He was so fast that none could see him. Zack crashed into the ground. He felt like his whole body is tearing apart. Blake came to him and threw more punches to him. Zack was bathing in the blood. Zack lost his consciousness. Zack dreamt a guy, who is talking to him.

Zack, "who are you? "

The guy, "I'm the one whose powers you are using now, king sai. "

Zack, "But king sai what is special in your power, it feels normal. "

King sai, "it's because you couldn't activated it yet. My power is to control every ekment. That means I can use every kind of power. "

Zack, "and how to activate it? "

King sai, "you have to find it on your own."

Zack, "but I think Blake ate you, then how could I gain the power. "

King sai, "Blake has only the 40% of my power, when he started to eat me, I released my power in the power in the air, after that the survivors may be collected it, and then they created the moon. "

Zack, "so that's how it is, don't worry gramps, I will just kick his butt and save your planet, oh sorry, now it's my planet too. "

Blake was then going to kill Hawks first, then he will eat Zack. He was about to hit Jordon, suddenly he got a punch, which craked his ribs. It was Jordon. Blake and Jordon started a fight. But Jordon felt miserable after few moments. Blake was about to kill Jordon, when Blake flew away and crashed into a mountain.

Zack, "thanks for keeping it this far, commander, now I'll handle this."

Blake with a scream came forth to Zack to hit him, but Zack simply dodged it. Now they dropped into a battle, where none could see what is happening, Zack may have the 60% of sai's power, but he has just awakend it, so it's hard to control. Blake was astonished to see the power of Zack. He got some serious blows from Zack. Zack got habituated with the speed. And every minute he becomes stronger and faster. All the cultivation is giving it's result. With a last punch Zack threw Blake into space. He flew to Blake and used all elements and destroyed Blake.

After that he came to Terrax. Everyone started to cheering him up. Everyone came to know all the truth about Terrax and king sai. Zack was announced as the strongest man in Terrax and he got the title "The Savior of Terrax.

June 27, 2020 09:03

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