Submitted to: Contest #74

I'm Ready.

Written in response to: "Write a story that takes place across ten days."

Suspense Science Fiction

Hi everyone! I hope you all have had a great new year! I would like to dedicate this story to B.W., who helped me a lot with this story! Thank you so much! I hope you all enjoy!

**ps i told u I'd write another story this month ;)


Log 1

"Is this mic working?" Crash. "Ok then- Um, Hi. God, I sound so awkward- Um, I'm Sarah Reed, and I'm on the run. I can't explain everything right now, but I'll try to tomorrow. If I survive long enough to see the light of day. Darn it, no one's going to listen to this anyway..."

End log.


Let's take it from the top.

My dad died two months ago. Since my mother died giving birth to me, my sister and I were on our own. Which was fine, since my sister was nineteen, and I sixteen. We lived in the same apartment, but it felt different. My dad was the one person who made me smile.

The night we found out he died was the worst day.

My sister and I cried to each other, holding a photo of the three of us. The police hadn't given much details on his death, just said it was a car crash on the highway that rainy night, and that the other driver was seriously injured.

Only until two months later we decided to take his stuff from the laboratory.


Day 1

I walked ahead of my sister, and opened the door into the laboratory. She was walking slow, as if she didn't want to go in, still reeling from dad's death. I, on the other hand, wanted to go in and out, and make it quick.

My dad had been a scientist, and a really good one too. Not only had he helped make a cure for a disease, he also always asked questions about everything, and encouraged us to do so as well.

"Daddy, why do you question everything so much?" I had asked one night, "When you don't have to know?"

"It's how we learn," he said, smiling, "If we never learned, we'd never improve. And improving ourselves is the greatest deed of all."

I thought of this as I stepped into the room, the cool, winter air greeting my already freezing face. The window had been shattered, shards of glass covering the floor. His desk was messy, viles containing a dark grey goo spread all over it. Dad's scientific journal was wide open, some pages ripped apart.

Dad clearly was in a hurry.

"What happened?" asked June.

"I don't know," I said. It wasn't a lie.

I finally noticed this huge whole in the wall, leading into a cage, covered in the grey goo. I looked down.

Glass covered the floor.

"Whatever was in that cage," I said, "It clearly was angry."

I grab dad's journal, and anxiously exit the room with June. It's not that we only came for the journal. We wanted to stay.

But we didn't want to know what had happened in the laboratory.


Log 2

"I got the weapon, I'm safe. For now. It's on my trail. It's following me. I can feel it. I can't sleep the night, not without risking it finding me. It's hungry. Hungry for blood. I've stopped to eat some berries I found on the way. But no water. There isn't any water. I'll look. That's all I can do."

End log.


Day 2

I sat down to eat dinner with June. We talked. Nothing was important to remember. What happened after was what was important.

The ground shook, as the bowl of noodles I had been eating dropped to the floor and shattered.

"Earthquake?" asked June.

"We don't live near any fault lines," I conclude, remembering what we had learned in science a couple years ago.

We heard wood splinter, and tilted ourselves to look at the front door.

A big blob of goo was there. At first I thought it was some sick prank, then I saw it's red eyes, glaring into my soul. Then I saw it's tentacle-like arms, and then it's open mouth. It's jaws resembled a mix of a tortoise and a salmon.

It was clearly hungry.

For blood, not noodles.

I ran from the table and ran towards the kitchen. I reached into a drawer and grabbed out a small knife.

"This could work," I muttered, and faced towards the monster.

I ran.

I stabbed it with the knife, only to pull it out with no effect. Clearly it was immune to cuts.

The monster took one look at me. I ran back, until I hit the wall. It crawled towards me, arms flaying around, propelling it closer. It's mouth was wide open, waiting to eat me.

June came in and swung a rope around it, causing it to stop.


So I ran. I ran out of the house, grabbing dad's journal. I ran out of the building complex. I ran out of the neighborhood and into the woods. The endless woods.


Day 5

It had been two days of running.

I sat on a rock, and opened my dad's journal.

"To whoever may be reading this,

This is my work after helping to cure a disease. I, and many other scientists tried to duplicate a human with DNA. It went horribly wrong. The DNA got infected, or perhaps it got altered in some way. But in the end, all it grew was a grey goo. We watched it grow, to see how it would develop. In hindsight, we should have killed it on the spot.

You see, after a week of it growing, it constructed itself into something else, a creature with long arms, which suction onto most surfaces. It also had a large, hook-like jaw, and red eyes. It looked like something out of a horror movie.

It started to attack, which is why I'm writing this here. I hid a weapon in my laboratory, in a safe. The code is 1926. I don't know whether I survive to kill it, or I die in the process. If I don't succeed, please, whoever is reading this, grab the weapon, and defeat it."

I cried softly. Dad was probably on his way to get the weapon. But he died while driving, probably in a rush to grab the weapon quickly. I knew what I had to do.


Day 7

It took me two days to arrive back to the laboratory on foot. I was starving, I was thirsty, I was tired, I was mad, I was upset, I was grateful for what I had, but most of all,

I was still alive.

And wasn't that a sign that if I could make it this far, I could finish what my dad started?

In the freezing air, I entered the laboratory, and greeted the messy area. The area was the exact same as I had left it. I ran across the room and started searching the shelves quickly, to look for the safe. I pushed books, papers, plants, photos, and other random items until I finally found the safe. I checked the journal for the code.

I entered the code, 1926, into the safe. It clicked open.

I reached in, and picked up the only item in it. A small cylinder shaped, metal object, somewhat resembling a laser pointer.

This is what was supposed to save the world?

I bit my lip, and stuffed the weapon in my pocket. Then I ran


Log 3

"I'm ready. I'm not tired. I'm not hungry. I'm ready to fight. I've been training for three days now. It's been ten days since this has all started. It's time to finish what has been started."

"I'm ready"

End log.

Posted Jan 01, 2021

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38 likes 181 comments

I loved the entire set-up and he format of this story M. I really enjoyed it. =)


22:55 Jan 01, 2021

Aww thanks! :>


. .
23:58 Jan 01, 2021

Enola Holmes is a movie :D I loved it tho, and it was so inspiring.


00:01 Jan 02, 2021

The movie was definitely very inspiring! :>


. .
00:02 Jan 02, 2021

I read like 5 books the next day and took up jiujitsu just bc.


00:04 Jan 02, 2021

Lol neat!


. .
00:06 Jan 02, 2021

I watched it yesterday. I'm tired. Ughhhhhhhhhh


00:07 Jan 02, 2021

It's really good though, worth the sleepless night xd


TJ Squared
03:06 Apr 13, 2021

ooh! maybe there should be a plot twist or something :)
"Then I saw it's tentacle-like arms, and then it's open mouth. It's jaws resembled a mix of a tortoise and a salmon."
This is really hard for me to tortoise part of this beast? never lol
(although, he is a bit sassy lol)
I think you shoulda dived a little deeper, express her thoughts, actions, feelings. Just a personal opinion tho :)
and did I mention that part 2 is out?


B. W.
20:34 Jan 16, 2021

I got a new story out :D


22:46 Jan 16, 2021

Oo yay! I'll check it out sometime today! :D


B. W.
23:09 Jan 16, 2021

Thanks ^^ I'm excited to see what ya think


B. W.
05:24 Jan 07, 2021

How do ya find out what your Chinese zodiac is?


05:27 Jan 07, 2021

You just search up the year you were born, then chinese zodiac (like: 2004 chinese zodiac)


B. W.
06:23 Jan 07, 2021

Mines a dog, yours is a rat right? I think I saw it in your bio.


16:05 Jan 07, 2021



B. W.
17:49 Jan 07, 2021

random question though whats one of your favorite movies?


17:52 Jan 07, 2021

Run, The Silence, and Enola Holmes are all really good. They're mainly mystery/action/drama movies


B. W.
00:47 Jan 05, 2021

How are ya?


02:26 Jan 05, 2021

Good! You?


B. W.
02:53 Jan 05, 2021

Eh I guess I'm fine, though i am kinda bored.


02:57 Jan 05, 2021

Same, idk is it just me or is there absolutely nothing to do nowadays 😶


B. W.
03:28 Jan 05, 2021

I've wanted to go watch a movie, but there's not that much out :/


04:08 Jan 05, 2021

Yea :T just a question for the collab, but what's your character's name going to be? And how are they going to look? Just curious


Sia S
03:52 Jan 04, 2021

Ooh I really liked yhis one! The plot was real good! I liked the overall suspense and dramatics,(lol, I'm talking like im some professional writer here lmao ) but 👏 👏


04:44 Jan 04, 2021

Haha thanks! 😄


Sia S
04:53 Jan 04, 2021



B. W.
23:31 Jan 03, 2021

New thread?


23:32 Jan 03, 2021



B. W.
23:34 Jan 03, 2021

So, how is it going with the drawing?


23:36 Jan 03, 2021

I'm still working on the face, I've been getting a bit busy recently so I haven't done too much work on it recently, but I'm going to start with Freddy really soon ^^ I'm so sorry it's been taking a while! Didn't realise how long just getting the facial expression would take


B. W.
23:46 Jan 03, 2021

It's alright, have ya done the hands? I know how ya said that was taking a long time as well for a few reasons.


23:47 Jan 03, 2021

Yea, I've finished the hands.


B. W.
02:20 Jan 02, 2021

New thread?


02:27 Jan 02, 2021



B. W.
03:43 Jan 02, 2021

so you planning on making any other stories?


03:43 Jan 02, 2021

Mm idk


B. W.
04:21 Jan 02, 2021

Maybe i could help ya if ya do?


04:23 Jan 02, 2021

Sure! I just have no ideas


16:51 Jan 01, 2021

I loved this!
I like how you alternated between logs and the story, so it mixes things up :)
This could be a really interesting book, as B.W. said.
Happy New Year :D
- Amethyst


18:11 Jan 01, 2021

Thank you! Happy new year to you too! :D


B. W.
08:25 Jan 01, 2021

This was really great and it turned out really well, I say that it gets a 10/10 :) I feel like that maybe you should try and turn this into a novel or something, it might be great as one, though you don't have to if ya don't wanna. Also, this is dedicated to me?


18:10 Jan 01, 2021

Mhm, you helped me a lot with this story :D


B. W.
18:15 Jan 01, 2021

aww thanks :)


19:30 Jan 01, 2021



B. W.
19:32 Jan 01, 2021

I got a new story out, could you check it out and leave some feedback?


19:57 Jan 01, 2021



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