Fiction Lesbian Romance

I ran to get a taxi waving my arms as hard as I could to get one “FOLLOW THAT CAR” I shouted at that taxi driver while getting in. This was my last chance...my one last chance I was ready to do anything to get to the woman in that car no matter what it took. Let us go back to explain how this all started, my name is Victoria. I am a 26-year-old artist. I am extremely proud of what I do. My art has been put into galleries and I have been praised for my art ever since I was a kid by my family, friends, strangers, teachers, and even some famous people. Now I get that I just said I am an artist, but you may be wondering what kind of art I make well I paint and make renaissance paintings of people, buildings, and places as a kid I did not make art like this like that would be crazy for a kid to make art like that I think I started making art like this when I was 19 or 18 I saw a renaissance painting In my college art class. It was of the most gorgeous lady. I do not remember the name of the piece, but I remember what she looked like, she had beautiful curly red hair, she had soft hazel eyes, she had cute pinkish cheeks, and the prettiest tinted lips she was sitting with her hands held close and had a pretty orange dress on. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen I saw other beautiful and pretty women in renaissance paintings, but none gave me the same feeling as that one, so I tried looking for someone who looked like her who gave me the same feeling as the lady in that painting, but I never found another woman who looked like her. I got older and kept working and tried to stop thinking about it, but it just kept me up at night thinking about it. That all changed today it was late at night about 8 pm at one of my arts shows so many of my paintings were shown to people I was congratulated by family, friends, strangers, and a few celebrities for making it far in my art career and while walking around and talking to people I saw her the lady in the painting she had the beautiful curly red hair, soft hazel eyes, cute pinkish cheeks, and the prettiest tinted lips. I was... I do not even have words for how I was feeling. Astonished, I think would describe it well. She was examining my art when she turned my way then waved and smiled. She walked over to me and said, “Hello my name’s Ruby and Miss Victoria Smith I’m a huge fan of your work I'm glad I got to tell you before I leave, I hope you keep making beautiful paintings and I will try to make it to your next art show.” I stood there shocked trying to collect my words “w-well thank you” I muttered and smiled. She smiled back and started walking away. I was still shocked until I finally snapped out of it and looked around to see if she was still in here, she was not. I ran outside hoping to catch her, but she was getting into her car. I saw her car plate JHS 879, and it was a light blue muscle car. She started driving away, so I started trying to get a taxi driver's attention, and here we are now back to the present. We started following the car trying to catch up to it but then I started thinking what if she was going home what if she was going on a date what if what if I started getting all panicked. Then I realized the taxi driver was shouting at me “Ma’am the car has stopped are we at your stop or not” we were Infront of a little store and I said thank you to the taxi driver, paid, and got out of the car. I walked inside and saw her I started walking towards her and tapped her shoulder she looked up “OH! It's you aren't you supposed to be at your show” I realized I was supposed to be at my show, but it did not matter now I got this far, and I am not going back. “Yes, but that does not matter Ruby your one of the most gorgeous ladies I have ever seen, and I fell for you at first sight, and I get this is all cringey and stupid, but could I get your number, and would you ever go on a date with me” she looked at me shockingly and then her face got a little red “Victoria Um sorry this is really embarrassing for me” she chuckled of course she is straight and about to reject me “WAIT WAIT I see that look on your face so don’t think I'm about to reject you I would love to go on a date but I don’t know how I would give you my number since my phone broke and its getting fixed at a store so how about we meet up at that coffee shop on main street at 2 pm tomorrow because I'm getting my phone back at 1pm” I smiled wide and said sure. That was a few years ago but sometime after that date we became girlfriends, then we moved in together, then 2 years later I proposed she said yes, and sometime after that we decided to try and have a baby together and I was able to get pregnant and had a beautiful baby boy, and now have been married for 10 years and are baby boy is now 10 and were the happiest as this little family. I am happier than I have ever been ever since I met Ruby, I hope we can love each other till we die. 

January 21, 2023 00:38

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Wendy Kaminski
02:54 Jan 30, 2023

Hi, Dash, and welcome to Reedsy! This was such a lovely ending. :) I think your story could really "pop" if you added in some paragraph breaks and a few periods, but I enjoyed reading it - keep on writin'! :)


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Mary Ann Ford
23:08 Feb 01, 2023

I was asked to critique this story so here goes. Definitely paragraph breaks and punctuation would be great. Also two girls can not get married. It is against God's law and common sense. I'm afraid that turned me away instantly. There was a certain attraction placed between men and women that does not exist between two of the same gender.


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