
My life has changed dramatically since the accident. I never thought that a simple drive to work could end up having me in the er. I never saw the 18 wheeler and to be honest due to the head injury i dont remember too much before it either. One of the things i do remember is my name. To be honest it was kinda hard to forget with everyone coming in calling me by it.

What i don't understand is why this one lady keeps coming in crying over me. She definitely has me confused with someone else and i have tried telling her but she just wont listen. The doctors even told her i need my rest. Yet here she is every five minutes crying at my bedside begging her mother not to leave her. Its at the least awkward. Oh well, maybe shes crazy i don't know. Thats the least of the craziness im going through anyways. The creepiest thing is these dreams i been having ever since my accident.

I didn't think it was possible to dream when you are just knocked unconscious. This concussion must be a doozy.

I keep having a reoccurring dream about kids. In my dream they are MY kids. I know its a dream because i don't even have kids. Im only 17 years old. Yet when i go to sleep im having surreal dreams that i am a mother of 4 small kids.

They are cute kids and they do kinda look like me. So crazy! What if the head injury made me psychic and im dreaming of my future kids? Ha ha, well that big one better get it together because the future me is NOT gunna deal with that attitude.

They are always into something too. Like it is so surreal that when i do wake up i have anxiety super bad. Its ok though. My nurse is awesome and seems to know what i need before i even tell her.

I was just bout to doze off asleep when the crying woman came back in. She keeps calling me moma and telling me to open my eyes. My eyes are open! And im not her mom! Im only 17 years old! Suddenly she says something strange. She was apologizing for screaming at me on the phone when i was driving and if it wasn't for her i wouldn't be here. Oh my God! That semi must have hit another car and her mother must have been in it! That doesn't explain why she thinks im her mom though. Unless..my concussion is worse than i think and im actually mangled! I start screaming for my nurse for a mirror. The nurse rushes in but she doesn't bring a mirror. Shes just checking my alarms and as i start to doze back off i hear the nurse tell the woman she can't stay. Why is she still allowed in here?

My dreams are getting more vivid with each one. Today i dreamed i had kids and they were older. I even have grandkids! The weirdest thing is my oldest daughter looks just like the woman who keeps visiting me!

I woke up kinda groggy today. My vision is a little blurry but this time there is a few people in my room. They look familiar but i can barely see. Everyone starts saying im waking up as if i didn't just wake up earlier today. As my vision comes clearer i realize that something isn't right. The people i see are the kids in my dream! Am i dreaming? This cant be real. This cant be right. Im 17 years old! The doctor is asking me if i remember anything about what happened. I tell him yes how can i forget. I was hit by a semi truck. The doctor looks worried and asks the people behind him to come talk to me. The crying woman is first. Shes crying but doesn't look sad anymore.

" Moma", she says; "You were shot in the head during a robbery at your store 3 years ago."

" No you got the wrong person ." " Im not your mom, im only 17 years old. I was hit by a semi truck on the way to work this morning ".

The lady looks at the doctor and the the doctor just shakes his head and says it will take time. " What you mean?", i yell. The crying lady turns to me and tells me something that makes me go cold all over.

" Moma, you were never in a wreck with a semi truck this morning. When grandma was pregnant with you she was driving and arguing with your sister. She was hit head on by a semi truck and both her and your sister died at the scene. They thought they lost you but you survived being born at only 30 weeks."

" This cant be true! Im 17 years old!" I yell.

" Mom". " You are 42 years old. You are confused because your sister that died in the crash was 17 years old," she explains.

Suddenly a flash of memories hit me all at once. Like channels changing super fast. Im in a car but someone else is driving. We are yelling but i don't know about what. All i can hear is me saying how i wish i could change places with the baby. What baby? Suddenly i see more clearly. I am riding with a pregnant woman that looks kinda like me and we are arguing. Suddenly out of nowhere i see a semi. It was on us before i even knew what happened. I feel so peaceful and im just laying in the car upside down stunned. Suddenly a horrible yet exciting thought comes to my mind. I was the 1 who died at 17 not my sister. My mom was pregnant with my sister and she was the only one to survive the crash! Somehow and i don't know why but when my sister got shot in the head she died. Thus leaving my soul to slide right in and overtake her body and life. The dreams that i was having about having kids weren't dreams but the memories of my dead sister! Which really doesn't matter now because i am in their mother's body and explaining that would be ludicrous.

So i haven't been alive in 25 years and i already learned a valuable lesson...be careful what you wish for.

February 26, 2020 01:30

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