Paranoia~ I'm His Last Saved Meal~

Submitted into Contest #98 in response to: Start your story with a character having a premonition, but no one believes them.... view prompt


Adventure Christian Fantasy

"You know guys... I could turn this whole Mystical Palace into my personal runaway."

Angelika, my best friend and a dear sister said jokingly. Of course, out of amusement every one laughed at that casual joke

While I... well for some reason I feel nothing but this intense anxiety that flaring inside my soul.

The "Mystical Palace" that Angelika mentioned earlier is actually the palace that belong to the Pagan God of Child Sacrifice... Molach.

That name alone sends shivers down my spine, till this day I still have endless nightmares of it. I slowly raised my two hands as I wrapped my arms, just hugging myself tight.

I looked around me to digest my surroundings. The castle had glistening, golden lights that brighten the whole room. The walls was covered in crismon, bloody red boulders that surrounded the ceiling and the walls where the dim lights was also placed in. The floor was filled with glass that was showing a reflection of the flaming, lava underneath it and it also had sparkling glitters all over it, which might be the reason why Angelika commented on 'making it her personal runaway' because for something so grim, this palace was oddly beautiful to look at.

"So... I heard Reina confronted Molach last September while I was still gone. Can anyone give me the update on what really went down?"

Angelika said, swaying her hips like the Supermodel she is, just swaying her cardigan suit back and forth as she was doing her catwalk.

"Oh yeah the reports were true... Reina did had a confrontation with Molach, which of course ended up in a fight and Reina nearly won, if it wasn't for the fact the battle was immediately stopped by Dominick."

Aemilia explained.

Yeah... that's true, I did fought Molach despite the injuries that I had suffered from my previous battle Goddess of wisdom and war, Athena, which was a tough opponent for me but managed to defeat nonetheless.

Barely had enough time for recovery, I quickly rushed to the next dimension, which was the Canaan Realm where the Blade of Leviticus was resided in. When I heard about the endangerment that Genesis was in during her confrontation she had with God of Sacrifice, Molach I quickly rushed to her side.

There I met the god, face to face which was the moment I completely black out from all the rage stored inside of me. That was when the intense battle commenced, I remember mentally and spiritually feeling nothing but immense hate that I had build up for the past five-milennium.

I hated him. I used that hatred through my "Scriptural Jewels" which is my god-given powers to add in the heated fueled battle we had amongst each other, but was then stopped once my Commander Dominick came in.

"Oh yeah, you completely missed out Angelika, Reina was heated~~"

Genesis laughed, which made everyone else laugh.

I mean... I didn't find anything remotely funny about that situation as I could've easily inflict harm on Genesis given to the fact she was also there as well. Based on how intense our attacks were, she could've been harmed, but I'm glad someone was able to find amusement about it.

"Yo Reina, think you could kick his again this time. I would totally love to see it... just get the front row of the action, fliming every single badass scene out of it."

Angelika chuckling as she turned from her shoulder to face me, grining.

I giggled as I raised my hand in front of my lips that the other angels would call it 'My Posh Laugh' with some humor in my tone I jokingly said

"Na,ha,ha~! Who knows, maybe this time, I could enter my 'Berserk Mode' and erupt a massive volcano to awaken my 'true power'!"

My brothers and sisters bursted into laughter which echoes the room around us, including Angelika.

My laughter died down when the massive swarm of anxiety came back to my stomach as I looked down the floor we walking to which stopped me on my tracks. I looked down on the lava orientated floor, I don't know why but for some reason, I have a strong feeling something terrible was going to occur.

"You okay, Reina?"

I turned to gaze down to see my friend Lillian, a look of concern was on her face.


I frowned as I started walking again, I turned behind my back to see fourteen of my other brothers taking, being immersed in their conversations.

"Hey brothers, everything alright back here?"

I casually said, masking my overwhelming anxiety and concern. For some reason, I can't help but feel concern for their safety rather than mine.

"Everything's alright here, mistress!"

Brother Chad said, cheerfully putting his two thumbs up alongside with the other brothers that was also smiling.

"Good. Keep your guard up, you never know what these Mythical Deities are capable of."

I said sternly but calmly.


My head quickly turned to Angelika who was walking in front of me with Aemilia and Genesis next to her. She grinned

"There's nothing to worry about. Molach doesn't smell you here, is not like he's going to make a dramatic appearance and start demolishing us apart one by one, I sure there's nothing to worry about."

I frowned.

That's not what I'm concerned about. I'm concern about the well-being of my brothers and sisters. When I first confronted the Pagan God of Sacrifice, he was happy. Happy. Just happy to see me. He used my friend, Genesis who is not a combatant by nature, who would hug and kiss your boo-boos away than fight you, as bait for me to make an appearance just so he could get a reaction for me, and that alone worries me very much.

I interjected with such haste

"B-but you never know! You've should've saw how thrilled he was to see me! Thrilled! Like no doubt he used Genesis as a bait to get me! He knew how emotionally attached I am to all of my brothers and sisters... and he used that as his advantage to anger me."

"So you think he'll use us as bait?"

Lillian said deadpan

I nodded eagerly

"Yes! The fact that he needed to use Genesis as bait says it all!"

He's been doing this since I first saw him. That night I'll never forget, at a young age of five, I remembered the fear, the tears coming from the kids as he was eating them, being devoured by his fiery filled mouth.

When he saw the fear in my eyes as I was passed down to him by the priests, the fear I had for my friends lives he knew he had me... he just knew how sacrificial I was an individual that caused him to eat me first out of the twelve children. The fact I still have the bruns in my skin was prove that he desired me more than the other kids. I survived through his flames. That's what made me special to him.

"Reina... now your just being stupid"

Lillian deadpans


"Molick doesn't have time to go after the lesser beings, he wants a challenge, and a way he's gonna get that challenge is confronting stronger opponents such as yourself, Reina."

That's the point!

"That's mainly my point! Please understand that Molach isn't going play fair. If he's looking for a good match, then he would want some an entertainment behind in his battle against stronger foes, he's going to use any means necessary to get that even of it involves manipulation!"

"So you think he's going to get me?"

Lillian bluntly asked. Which widen my eyes out of that realization. Oh my goodness... of course, that makes absolute sense. Of course he would go after Lillian because she's weakest out of all of us.

" Cuz... if you think the reason you should stay guarded is the sole reason to protect me just because I'm the weakest out of a group stupid angels... then don't. I don't need your protection Reina, just because I'm the weakest that doesn't mean you should prioritize me before your duties."

"But... but Lillian-"

"Sides' he despises me... do you really think the only way to get to you is use me as bait, please. If anything the first thing he'd do is try to demolish my entire existence before he could even get to you, so if you're worried about the dirty tactics he has planned, don't... cuz if he tries anything, I'll make sure to stop him before he even gets the chance, so just put your paranoia away, sweetie."


"...Then that's more of a reason why I should be worried."

I softly concluded


I lifted head up to see Angelika

"There's nothing to get paranoid over. I'm sure we'll be able to protect Lillian, regardless of his plans to play dirty"

"Reina, you're just worried about Lillian's well-being as a friend and that's very sweet of you, but he won't hurt her just so he could have his 'fun with you' or try anythimg just to could rile you up. We'll stop him before he gets the chance."

Aemilia said softly

frowned with nothing but pure anxiety in me.

None of them had ever had a confrontation with the God of Sacrifice so how would they know what he's really capable of. They don't know what lengths he's willing to go just to get his hands on me. He had eyes for me ever since I was only a child.

"Out of all children I was able to devour over the centuries... you had to be one of the most delicious out of them all~"

Molach's voice echoed in my memory... look I get that my friends are doing the best they can to calm my anxieties down and that's what I love them for.

But I couldn't help but feel discouraged, possibly feeling like I'm not being believed by my friends. Like I'm the crazy one. Like I'm worried over nothing.

"So you don't believe me...?"

I said, sounding very hurt

"Hey, hey, hey baby girl... is not that we don't believe you, is that we're telling you... there's nothing to be paranoid about we-"

Then suddenly, before Lillian could even finish her sentence, she was being lifted off of the ground by a strong black and red, lava splattered covered hand that was wrapped around Lillian's entire body.

As the ground started to quake, everyone quickly manifest their wings and flew out of the ground as the floor started to break. Angels was levitating into mid-air as the entire ground continued to rumble, what was that? I didn't even feel the floor shake or rumble untill a hand literally appeared.


I heard Lillian grunted from above.

"Oh. My. Gosh....!"

Aemilia uttered underneath her breath, as she quickly manifest her blade using her Scriptural Jewelry spirit energy, preparing her battle stance for the upcoming enemy... which is Molach...!

Speaking of Molach, his other arm made an appearance as it slammed the ground as his face started to make an appearance. His skin was charcoal black, that is also covered in lines of lava across his face. His eyes had no iris, just red and white shining, glowing eyes, he had a massive nose ring that was pinched below his nostrils, and his mouth that was already steaming with hot smoke was also drooling with deadly, hot stream of lava with sharp fangs underneath.

My eyes widen with fear. I was frozen.

"Brothers, unleash your Jewelries! Aemilia, Genesis I need to you to help me on getting Lillian out of that jackass' grasp!"

I heard Angelika ordered

"As you wish, Mistress!"

"Okay Angel!"

While the brothers, Genesis and Aemilia was rushing to Angelika's side, unleashing their holy powers through their spirit energy. Here I was, levitating on mid-air, still in a frozen state as I was shaking my head out of disbelief.

Didn't... didn't I say this was going to happen...? We're literally in the enemy's grounds so of course I saw this outcome coming... why didn't anyone just listen to me? Why didn't anyone at least just taken my words into a account...?

And the only explanation that I have for them was possibly because... there was really not much we could do to prepare an outcome like this... he's out to get me. He's been after me for years.

Out of all the Twelve Noble Children he has been after, I'm his favorite dish. And he's going to devour everyone else in the plate until he gets to me. His last saved dish. He wants to enjoy the fear, the emotional breakdown, the rage I've held in, the hatred I have for him, he wants to eat every single part of me until he's satisfied.

If the meal isn't enjoyable, he doesn't want it... he just wants me. I'm that enjoyable meal he desires because it wouldn't be fun if he ate me with just one bite, he wants to thoroughly enjoy me.

I promise you, this isn't me bragging about being irresistible I am. This is me just stating the obvious.

"My, my don't you look scrumptious~ eh Reina~? Hahahaha!!!"

He said in his echo, deep scruffy voice.

"Out of all children that I was able to devour over the centuries... you had to be one of the most delicious out of them all~"

"You look extremely ravishing Queen~ ravishing enough to eat I mean, Nahhahahaha~~!!!"

"Have you ever just shut your beautiful eyes to sleep only to see visions of me burning your friends and family with my hell-pit flames, as they're being devoured by me, while you stand there helpless? Doesn't it frightened you the most, of course it does is every heroine's fear~"

"... Has anyone ever told you... that you look absolutely gorgeous with fear filled in your eyes? I could swallow you whole if I had the chance, my dear~~"

"Admit it, you're scared of me aren't you, scared of what I'm capable of. There's no need to mask it, darling is practically written all over your face~!!!"

I shook my head as I eventually snapped out of my frozen state. All of his words that had stuck in my head made me realize how much power I give him.

I slowly levitated my way to him, wings being fluttered as I continued. I lifted my hand out above my head, spiritual, floral lavender colored energy started to flow through my hand.

"Open, 2King 23: 1-3~ Temple of God"

I eventually released a bursting amount of floral, celestial frozen ice power that exploded around the room, which frozen the entire palace, just turning the whole place into a skating ring, I even droped the temperature to negative zero.

That amount of energy that I released also manifested a lavender, rose petal spear iced filled blades that is on top it's handle, the rest of its just a long staff handle polearm which appeared in my hand.

"Oooohhh is the Queen finally going to show me her dance?! I haven't seen you this excited since the last time we met in the ballroom! You're finally going to spice up the dish this time, Nahhahahahaha!!"


I uttered to myself as I still kept levitating my way to him. Now I just need to get Lillian out of his grasp, and get her out of here, that I have him all to myself.

I just want to put an end to this nightmare already.

"Kkkghh...! Reina... I-"

"Is okay honey I'm not mad... this isn't your fault"

I reassured Lillian, keeping my gaze to the Pagan God.

"Yes~! C'mon baby girl dance for me, let's get this party started~~!!"

I turned to Angelika

"Angel, I want you and the rest of the brothers and sisters to meet up with Commander Dominick at the front of castle."

HHer eyes widen at that

"What...! C'mon Reina, look I know you have a major beef with him but-"


Angelika flinched a bit at my sudden outburst

"Please... if I unleashed my Scriptural Jewelry powers around you guys and inflict harm on you, then I won't ever forgive myself. So just get everyone and yourself into safety, please."

Angelika looked at me for a second, with hesitance.

"Guys~~ can someone please help me down... I feel like Modick is getting little impatient."

We've ignored Lillian' plea of course

Angelika sighed then said

"Okay. If this what you wanna do, fine. Just be careful though."

"Thank you"

As Angelika turned around she started

"And Reina..."


"... I'm sorry"

I stared at her with surprise.

"We're sorry for invalidating your feelings and the experience you've had. Clearly we didn't know what played out behind the scenes, especially me so...sorry"

That's means alot

I smiled at that apology. I guess because I'm the youngest, they feel is their obligation to protect me, that included easing my worries

"That's okay. I forgive you"

Without another word, Angelika and everyone else made their exit. Then I gazed back on the Molach , my face remain expressionless

The Pagan got out of the ground he came from, rumbling the whole room below me, causing the whole place to quake.

"Ay, ay, ay! Modick chill out damn it! Your literal giant and you're already destroy'n the place, so relax goddammit!!"

Ignoring Lillian yet again, Molach fully stood up. Standing 9'1ft tall, so he is a literal giant, just as Lillian said.

"Now my darling~ shall we begin our feast, Queen~?"

The End

June 16, 2021 18:26

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