“beep, beep, beep”
I groaned as my alarm clock woke me up from my peaceful sleep. I looked over as I realized I am running late to work. I quickly shot up out of bed and ran towards the bathroom. It is currently 7:45 and I needed to be there by 8 and it is a 30 minute drive.
I quickly hurried up, and gathered all of my essentials for the day. As I ran out to my car, I felt a strong sensation in my head and chest. I felt as if I was being watched, I looked up and the sky had a pale, green looking color. I ignored it and headed to work.
I was preparing to be yelled at by my boss who hates when we slack or we are late. I walked in and it looked different, it was the same office but something off. I felt a pang in my head and chest again.
“Hey Janice.” I said to the receptionist, but as she looked at me her face looked different. I felt lightheaded as I walked up the few stairs towards the elevator. I immediately felt nauseous and needed to stop where I was walking. I was already late and just continued walking.
I touched the button for the elevator. “ OUCH!”
My hand was stinging and burning, I looked at the button it was glowing red and looked at my hand, it was like things were moving under my skin, I decided to ignore it as I didn’t think it was a big deal.
The elevator opened up and I walked on in. I heard someone say “ Hold the doors please” I hold open the door and look out but no one was there. I let the doors close. All of a sudden I felt myself being pushed against the wall and couldn’t breath. I dropped to my knees in pain and struggling to catch my breath. Why is the elevator taking so long? I thought to myself.
I looked out the glass wall and see that the floors multiplied but I was at the right office building. Something was way off.
All of a sudden the elevator jolted to a stop. I grabbed onto the bars, I was frightened, something was there, I could feel it. All of a sudden, everything went black.
“AHHH!” I screamed.
I looked out again, everything was pitch black except for a few lights on. “Hmm weird” I thought.
I felt like I was being forced down to the ground. My breath was caught in my throat. I felt frightened. I felt tightness around my throat, my eyes were closing, I started to see colors everywhere. I was able to open my eyes and looked up and saw a face. I felt the grip loosen and disappear.
The figure came closer and I could see a silhouette. All of a sudden, I felt courage and needed to speak up against this questionable figure.
“Who are you? Leave me alone!” I screamed at the face.
I saw the face smile and leaned in closer to me, I felt a lump in my throat. I tried to scoot closer to wall and felt the cool metal against my back. The face got closer and said to me “I’m not going to hurt you. I want to be friends.”
I tried to speak but it felt like my mouth was glued shut. My hands were trembling as it laughed at me. It got even closer, there was a small beam of light to where I could see it a little better.
I all of a sudden got a little bit of confidence. “Show yourself!” I said. I didn’t want to die, I am way to young for this. After all, I haven’t gotten to actually live my life, it was just working at a dang office. It shook me out of my thoughts as it said to me, “you can see me clearly young one”. I quickly remembered that I had a flashlight that I kept in my purse just in case of emergencies. I turned it on and the light started flickering. I shined it at the face and it was a little girl! She was wearing a torn up white dress, it was covered in dirt and what looked like dried blood. I realized her brown hair was cascading past the dress and that is when I noticed her eyes were completely black. As black as the night sky.
I felt fear overcome my body as I tried to back away even further but it was impossible. Just then, I see a pair of eyes behind her, I shined my light over and saw what looked like her mother. Their sinister smiles matching each others.
I felt a rush of heat then cold. My mouth went dry as my blood ran cold, I was trembling in fear. Just then my body started lifting up until I was standing. The mother walked towards me at a torturing slow pace. Her eyes black, staring into my soul. It felt like an eternity.
She started to reach out her arms towards me, and then all of a sudden she disappeared. The back wall of glass went shattering out, I heard it break as it reached 13 floors down.
There was a strong wind and I felt my body being pushed out of the open area. I grabbed the sides of the doorway, ignoring the stinging pain in my hands as they were on shattered pieces of glass.
I felt the presence of the little girl behind me. Her hands on my back, trying with all her might to push me out of the elevator to me death.
“LET GO OF ME! GET AWAY!”, I screamed.
My body slammed against the doors of the elevator, I groaned in pain as I tried with all of my strength to stand up. I looked over and the little girl was standing there.
“You will regret this. Goodbye.” All of a sudden, she jumps down the open door and I heard her screaming as she dropped.
I stood up and I heard a snap! Just then the elevator started quickly going all the way down the elevator shaft. The cable snapped!
I tried to hold on to the bars as much as I could, I looked up at the little screen.
10th floor….Then 6th floor…. Then 3rd… then 1st.
I felt the boom as I flew up almost touching the ceiling. Paralyzed in fear, all I could do was sit there. Thinking about how my life was going super great to almost being killed by a demon.
Just then, the lights turned on. I felt relieved that this was almost over. I looked over to where the open area was supposed to be and I realized that somehow, the glass was back. I crawled over to look at the glass and saw I was still going up.
Did I die? Was it all a dream?
The doors opened and I screamed. A man in a nice suit walked in and gave me a look. I couldn’t tear my eyes away, as I thought he was going to turn into another demon. He looked over at me and said in the rudest tone, “What is wrong with you? You need to get up and get to your work station.” I looked at my watch, It was still 8:30. The time never changed.
I looked out into the hallway as the elevator doors were closing, I saw the little girl standing there waving, taunting me. I looked over at this man and I think he could see her too. He looked over at me and we shared a glance, I knew that he saw this demon girl too.
Just then, she started walking closer, the doors shut. Everything went black.
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