Black Dreaming

Submitted into Contest #80 in response to: Write about a child witnessing a major historical event.... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction Indigenous


Content warning: abuse

My story is called “Black Dreaming”. I have written it in verse. I apologise if it upsets you in anyway. 


Poem/chapter 1 – “The Beginning”

Once upon a nightmare,

Its ghastly scenes too cruel.

The tale I will tell you

Is very far from cool.


Our story does begin,

On a day like any other.

A young girl explores the world

Guided by her mother.


Blue skies above

Red earth below

Everything as it should be,

Till cold winds began to blow.


Unknown voices could be heard,

Echoing all around

Voices never heard before,

So alien the sound.


The call for us to gather

Was carried on the breeze.

Women mustered round us

Telling us to freeze.


Menfolk took their stance

All eyes cast over yonder

And the ground began to quake

As though filled with growling thunder.


With quivering hands I reached

To other children I was near.

Then before we knew it,

The aliens were here.


Poem/chapter 2 – “First Meeting”

The aliens were so pale,

So sickly did they look

Sat astride large single-footed beasts,

Their appearance left us shook.


Bodies covered by strange furs,

Feet hidden from nature’s view.

We didn’t know it yet but,

Soon we’d be taken from all we knew.


I scanned all around us,

As the aliens jumped down.

The menfolk seemed unsure

While Elders began to frown.


The aliens’ mouths opened

Strange sounds emerged,

They seemed to want something,

Making sounds we’d never heard.


A cousin came forward,

Stepping from within the cluster.

The alien seemed relieved,

For it had begun to fluster.


Turning to the alien

The cousin listened, head bent.

Then rotating to face us,

He explained what the alien meant.


The Elders understood him.

When the cousin was then done,

They turned to face each other

With emotion-filled voices, spoke as one.



Poem/chapter 3 – “Massacre”

Our Elders were unhappy

About what, we did not know,

Suddenly they turned

Yelling for the aliens to go!


As the cousin grimaced

Translating what they said,

Before he’d even finished

He fell to the ground, dead.


Smoke rose from the alien’s grip,

They all had strange sticks in hand.

Two Elders were soon dying,

As their life blood soaked the land.


As our menfolk yelled and charged,

The women shrieked and cried.

We children huddled closer,

I watched as my mob died.


My heart grew heavier by the second

As I watched my people die.

We held each other tight

As we all tried not to cry.


Once the menfolk were gone,

The aliens turned toward the women.

Beaten into submission,

Heads leaking ribbons of crimson.


We children were torn,

Should we hide or run?

Our hearts broke

At the setting of the sun.



Poem/chapter 4 – “Journey Bound”

The aliens chased

After those who ran.

Those who fought them,

Were never seen again.


Our hands were bound

With some strong grass or vine,

Made to march behind them

For a very long time.


With thin sticks and long vine

Our skin was flayed,

Happy memories stripped,

Old games, never to be replayed.


Days passed in a blur,

Our feet cracked and bled,

Only stopping for the aliens

To ease their thirst and be fed.


When we finally stopped,

I collapsed upon the ground.

My heart beating so quietly,

I scarcely heard a sound.

Given dirty water and very little food,

We huddled altogether,

Fearful as we waited

Staying close through all weather.


Each day that passed,

More were taken away.

I’d close my eyes and hope,

That I would see them another day.



Poem/chapter 5 – “My Time”

One day my time came,

I tried my hardest not to cry

And as I was led away,

I wished that I would die.


Years passed slowly,

My life spent wasted.

Dreams filled with

Sweet memories I tasted.


One day before I knew it,

I had children of my own,

Their heritage lost,

Something never to be known.


As my children grew,

I never lost my hope

One day I’d see my family

Free from alien rope.


My children spent their lives,

Slaving away like me,

To never know the feeling

Of truly being free.

Though my story is painful,

I thanked the Spirits for each day.

For without those good memories,

I’d know no other way.


Once more my time had come,

And as I was led away,

I watched my children cry.

I’d never see another day.


Poem/chapter 6 – “Stolen Land”

Spirits of the land

Hear your peoples cry,

Feel our tears fall,

As our hearts die.


Our once-great home,

Now torn apart

From hate, war and

The greed-filled heart.


The sun, once a warm,

Shining life,

Burns too bright, causing

Fires, drought and strife.


Creatures great and small,

Once were wild and ran free

Now murdered at each turn,

Death is all that we see.


As night falls,

The stars will set alight,

Floating in the sky above

To brighten the dark night.

My people are now animals,

Treated cruelly, never kind.

Our identities were stolen,

Taken where we’ll never find.


Families were torn apart,

Mothers cry all night and day.

If we’ll see them again,

We truly cannot say.



Poem/chapter 7 – “Dreams Broken, Wishes Spent.”

Dreams and wishes,

Though tried and true,

Still fill my heart,

With thoughts of you.


Laughter and smiles

Though on my face,

To the soul behind,

They bear no place.


Tears and shame

Behind closed doors,

Hidden from the world

Sorrow seeping from my pores.


Love and hate

Go hand in hand,

Filling broken cracks

Like grains of sand.


From a childhood

Filled with hope,

To an adulthood

Bound by vine, I’m trying to cope.


Dreams once dreamt,

Now hidden from view.

Wishes once wished,

Can no longer come true.


My mind is broken,

My heart unfilled,

My soul in pieces,

My blood all spilled.



Poem/Chapter 8 – “Forever Changed

With our backs bent,

Years have passed.

Once hope-filled children,

We’re broken adults at last.


Lives spent slaving away,

Whipped and beaten,

By pale masters from afar,

When was the last time I’d eaten?


Made to change ourselves,

To fit within their mould,

Forced to learn new rules

As we forget the ways of old.


Strange furs now cover us,

Our feet hidden from view,

Lost and uncomfortable

We’re unsure of what to do.


Those who refused to submit

Were beaten and used,

Bodies no longer theirs,

They were constantly abused.

February 08, 2021 05:46

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