You are Pretty Cute for a Boy.

Submitted into Contest #65 in response to: Write about a group of witches meeting up on Halloween night.... view prompt


LGBTQ+ Holiday Funny

(So this was written at 12:00 in the morning and I was tried as all. So, this story is really just something that was created on the fly :))

Tonight was the night of Halloweenie and Kota could not be any more excited than he already was. After about a year of separation, he was going to be able to get to see all of his friends again. Not only that but they get to see how the witch in training is going to be like. That he was most excited for since this year the witch in training was going to be training underneath him.

Taming his pink fluffy hair he smiled at himself in the mirror and pursed his lips. Was he cute? Kota had always thought that he looked cute and all, but did he really feel cute? He stared at himself hard in the mirror before he shrugged it off. He decided that he looked cute enough for himself but he could always improve if he really wanted to. He stepped out of the bathroom looking down at his skinny-black ripped jeans and his black and light blue striped shirt. The thing is, was that Kota didn't feel like changing into something darker because he just didn't feel like that was something that he was up to wear. He was already going to be wearing a silky robe over his body that would kinda cover what he was wearing underneath. Kota played with the shirt underneath his fingertips then huffed, "I don't really care anymore... Last year Lanta wore a red dress so why can't I wear a shirt that had a light color on it?!"

"Are you going to hurry up or look at yourself all day?" Slowly Kota looked over at the voice and smiled. "Mhm, because you don't sit and look outside the window and look at that cat in the window across the hall all day." Larry walked over to Kota gracefully swishing her tail angrily behind her. "Well, it's not my fault that I live with such a handsome man cat across from me!" She hissed before jumping up onto his shoulder. "You should get to know his owners so we can meet." Kota laughed softly before tapping the angry cat on the head. "He's fixed you furball." She lightly smacked him with her paw in the face, before jumping off of his shoulder. She didn't say a word all she did was walk to the door and plop her tiny but down and begin meowing. "Larry shut up," Kota complained walking up behind her and flicking both his hand in a motion that made a wooden broom, a pointed hat, and a silky robe fly over to him. He put the pointed hat and the robe on, before kneeling down and pulling on his black-skinny laced up combat boots. As he stood up he picked up Larry who made no trouble to have a hissy fit in his arms. Instead, she was a very good girl as she was set on Kota's shoulder. Kota reached behind him and grabbed the broom that was floating mid-air. Looking around him one last time. Kota smiled knowing that he wasn't going to come home alone.

Quickly Kota made his way out of the apartment, slamming his door behind him and walking swiftly down the steps. "Happy Halloween!" He heard from behind him, the sky was starting to get dark and there were kids, adults, and teens alike dressed up in different costumes. "Minty!" Kota smiled before was greeted with a soft kiss on his forehead. Minty was dressed way different then he was, wearing a long white robe, that was almost see-through, that had fur lining every edge it possibly could. Minty was wearing furry white knee-length boots that almost made him look like a snowy prince. Though they did have similarities with the pointed hats and the cats- though one was not black. With a soft smile, Kota bowed his head to the elder witch. "So are you ready for what is to come?" Slowly the younger looked up with a bright smile and nodded quickly, "I can't wait to have a trainee. I've waited a whole year for this!" Kota cheered which earned a small laugh from Minty.

As they started walking to the forest our group began to grow. Once we got out of the view of people they got onto their magic brooms and started to fly. The cats perched on the front of the poll or up against their owner, who they know well enough to pick a place to sit that they won't fall off. "So, am I still going to be your favorite?" Kota let out a soft laugh before he nodded, "Larry you will always be my favorite regardless if you are an animal or not." He said softly before placing a hand on top of the small cat's head.

Gathered in a large circle there were about 50 of them, though the size grows every year it wasn't hard to remember everybody names. They were all dressed in dark colors floating in the air on their brooms with their black cats. Except for Minty, as he was wearing all white. "As you know every year we get a new member of our community as a trainee. This year the person who is watching over this trainee is none other than our Kota." The other witches snapped their fingers with approving smiles. "Are you ready?" Kota could feel all the eyes on him as he stepped down off of his broom, walking to the center of the circle. "Yes." His voice was more toned down and serious compared to the more excited and happy voice he had only 10 minutes prior. Slowly he made his way to the center ever-growing circle that was webbed beneath his feet and then stopped. The witches as small smiles on their faces knowing that they were going to gain another family member. Kota closed his eyes and his head fell slack looking towards the ground. His hands were placed out in front of him, palms facing up. Quietly the witches around him began chanting incoherent words. The young witch began to float up into the air as an aura of blue formed around him creating a large sparkling cacoon around him. The light began to get brighter and brighter around Kota's hands, the chanting was being to turn into something of a cult. Feeling the floating sensation give out from beneath him, in his mind he wanted to scream but he just couldn't open his mouth to do so. But Kota never touched the ground, he opened his eyes to a weight being pulled off of his arms. There were bubbles of sweet laughter that echoed around him, "So, is he the one that I am going to be training?" Kota spoke up to see a Minty holding a black haired male in his arms. "Yep, his is all yours-."

"Don't tell me I go summoned again during this stupid cultist ceremony." A voice rose from the man as he struggles-with ease to get from Minty's death grip. "Ahh, Levi. You have to be kidding me." The black-haired male was dropped onto the ground with a thud. Out of nature, Kota rushed over to the older looking male to see if he was alright. "Kota, if you want we can redo the ceremony with you next year. I am pretty sure you don't want whatever this rejected piece of candy has to offer." Minty didn't even spare another glance at the male as Kota looked up at him. The black-haired chuckled heartfully, "Marshmellow, your only mad because this hot piece of candy rejected you and your fluffy shoes." Kota couldn't help to let out a laugh at the man's bluntness. "See he-ow!" Kota watched Minty kick him in the side before walking off, "Alright! Now, who wants to party!?" Ignoring the cheers and screens Kota smiled.

"You know, I've never met a witch with pink hair. It's always some stupid black color." He rolled his eyes playfully and looked away from the black-haired male. "Well, your hair is also black so what do you have to say about that?" Kota asked with a small laugh. "Hm... I think I look sexy and the name is Levi. So, if you don't get me then I'll go bye-bye."

"Then go." Kota was whipping off his knees ready to walk away when he was pulled back down onto the ground.

"Sorry Prince, but once I see something I want nothing can stop me from taking it," Levi said with a cocky smile, placing a hand on the younger thigh. "You know you are pretty cute for a boy."

Kota let out a small laugh bruising his face into his arms. "Wow, I think it'll be fun living with this type of comedian." Snapping his fingers Kota floated up into the air away from the male. "Who said I was joking?" Levi got up onto the feet himself.

"I did. Because who said I was just going to let you flirt with me that easily?" Kota smiled before placing a finger over his lips sliding it across and then pointing the finger at Levi. With a small smirk, Kota walked over and smiled, "So, how does it feel to be pushed around and called cute?"

Kota didn't even bother to look behind him to see Larry watching him with a small smirk resting upon cat face. 'Such a hypocrite.' She thought before looking around to find a congregation of free-roaming cats.

"Because I don't think I'm cute. I think I am pretty adorable if you ask me." Kota growled in a cute manner.


(This is what your going to get from a tired person. Goodnight.)

October 24, 2020 05:45

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Cam Croz
00:47 Dec 14, 2020

aww! Kota's not the only adorable thing, this story is too! Great Job! Sometimes midnight stories are the most interesting lol. (also, nice profile pic!💜) Cuz I-I-I'm in the stars tonight!! 😂 whelp now its stuck in my head...🙃 da nanananana


Serendipity May
15:49 Dec 14, 2020

Thank you, this comment made my day! lol (You have a nice one too!) That is my favorite line in LGO, and then Dynamite -still a bop.-


Cam Croz
01:22 Dec 15, 2020

Nice! lol my profile is just some random Jimin fanart 😂 and yes, Dynamite will forever be a bop.


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11:09 Nov 12, 2020

Great work


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Ari Berri
21:38 Oct 29, 2020

This is great!


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11:10 Nov 12, 2020

Hii, Serendipity Sorry to intervene, in this brutal manner, I have a request for you would be kind to give a single glance over the vehicle which my team had been working over months. Sorry to take your time and If possible like the post.Because this would help team to win


Serendipity May
15:04 Nov 13, 2020

Sure, I can take a look at it.


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