Fantasy Romance

In a world where creatures of all sizes lived, four kingdoms emerged from the grueling war that lasted seven endless years. To the East lived the werewolves and to the West bred notorious vampires. A peace treaty made by the strongest known to all, Ruler of the Dragons, who separated the two hating sides kinds. And far away, a vast kingdom housed the tiniest of us all, the Pixies.

According to my late father, the Pixie King, Jeronious, we sided with the Dragons to protect our land from the vicious werewolves. One attack after another, my people had seen the merciless werewolves rampaging in our kingdom, stealing our possessions, creating massacres of defenseless Pixies. Growing up listening to veterans and our subjects only fueled my anger towards such vile creatures.

Sitting on my throne, I furiously signed documents for the kingdom’s food rationing. The doors opened and came in my personal guard, Dimitri. With his wings, he breezily flew, holding a wrapped parchment in his hand. “Queen Katrina, a letter from the Dragon King,” he said, bowing his head while extending the paper.

I wearily smiled. “Dimitri, you know you can just call me Kat. No need to be formal,” I told him, pulling on the ribbon with the Dragon’s seal.

“But I must, Your Highness. It’s a tradition passed down since the first Pixie King.”

Exhaling a breath, I scanned the letter. “Some traditions can change...”

Dimitri clicked his tongue. “What am I going to do with you, Your Highness.”

We cordially invite the family of Her Royal Highness, Queen Katrina Astrae of Pixies to a Masquerade Ball to celebrate the engagement of the Dragon King and his mate, Princess Calliostine of Valladians. 

My eyes bulged from the words of this letter. “A masquerade ball? I-I don’t think so! I have tasks to do! A-A kingdom to run!” I exclaimed.

“Sis, I want to go!” I whipped around to see Rosalind sauntered towards me, crossing her arms. Her wavy brown hair spiked in all directions with leaves everywhere. Her shirt and trousers were splattered with mud while dirt-colored her tan face. “I want to see Princess Calliostine! Besides, it has been eons since we mingled with other kinds!”

I gave her a cold, daring look. “We are not going and that is final,” I argued, rising from my throne. “Don’t you have your studies to work on since you were out riding?”

She seemed to ignore my comment, pursing her lips. “You are in your Pixie-Prime, Katrina! Time to meet your suitors at this event! Imagine a whole harem of men ready to serve at will!” Her green eyes sparkled in mischief.

“A man will only distract me from my goal as the Pixie Queen. Besides, being independent for twenty-three years never caused me any harm, why would it now?” I remarked. 

Rosalind shook her head, rolling her eyes. “That’s just it! You deserve love and happiness because you worked hard for us and the Pixie citizens. You should lower your guard for once!”

I pressed a hand on her cheek. I stared at her pleading eyes and shook my head.

“No. I’m sorry, but we are not going to this ball.”


Inside a flying carriage, I adjusted my gold mask with jeweled flowers. I clutched the dress’s green satin fabric, agonizing if I made a mistake agreeing to Rosalind’s insistent request.

I looked at my sister in front of me. She watched the night sky and the lights below us with awe. Her face brightened as she giddily bounced on her seat. “I’m so ecstatic! The dressmakers are wickedly talented! They made yours elegant and classy! I love it!”

I turned away, adjusting the dress’s off-shoulder sleeves. The gold necklace laced with wildflowers miraculously stayed in its place despite my anxious movements. “We are just here to congratulate the new royal couple, socialize a bit, then leave,” I reminded her. “This is for formality’s sake, nothing more.”

Rosalind shrugged my words off with a wave. “Whatever you say, just enjoy tonight… please.

The carriage slowly descended and footmen opened the door to assist us down. Carriages with other creatures arrived. Gowns in multiple colors swirled around like flowers blooming in a field. Different creatures coming alone or in pairs surrounded the courtyard. My younger sister grinned and stepped into what seemed like a different realm. “Don’t worry about me! I’ll keep your rules in mind!” She quickly slipped away, and my smile faltered. I called Dimitri, pulling him close. “I trust that you can keep my sister safe?”

He bowed his head. “Yes, Your Highness. Other guards are stationed around the whole court for everyone’s safety,” he informed me. I nodded, taking in the bright scenery and faint cheery music. Heeding my sister’s advice, I relaxed my shoulders. Glass heels laces with vine, matching my necklace, clicked with each step I took.

Upon entering the ballroom, I couldn’t help myself but gasp at the room’s illustrious design.  Chandeliers lit up the room with candles perched on golden arms and crystals surrounding the area like stars. On the dance floor, women of contrasting milieu held their partners close as they dance to the music’s pleasant ambiance. The smell of roses invaded my senses, calmness washing over me. 

I held my head high and walked to a comfortable corner of the ballroom. Along the way, I grabbed two glasses of the strongest drink offered. I watched the crowd, feeling eyes pinned on me, but I discarded the paranoid thought. It has been a long, long time since I attended the King’s masquerade balls.

I swirled the red liquid before draining the first glass of wine and searching for a familiar figure. As I took a sip from the other glass, a shadow loomed over me. I eyed the towering creature, wearing a solid red mask with black detailing. Even though his suit outlines a hint of muscle and lean physique, he is intimidating and domineering. He might be a dragon or a vampire based on his height. I glowered, wishing he would leave if I act uninterested, and signaled the guards around me to stay alert.

He leaned against a wall, noting my every move. “I can’t help but see that everyone here is enjoying the celebration except for you. Is the ball not to your standards?” 

I turned away, crossing my arms. “It's none of your business. Find someone else to entertain you and your small talk.”

To my disappointment, he didn’t budge. “I figured that you would need some company. No one likes being secluded in a crowded room,” he pointed out. 

I scoffed and finished drinking the wine. “Don't go around speculating other’s preferences before meeting them. That's just rude.” I set both glasses down; Hiccuping, I covered my mouth with a gloved hand.

The man’s lips gaped at my comment despite the idiocy coming out of his mouth, “My! You're such a hypocrite, speculating that I'm rude! Here, I was thinking of complimenting you even!”

My forehead furrows, taken aback by his words. My cheeks started to become warm, and my head spun from the alcohol. “I never knew that calling a lady a hypocrite is a compliment!”

Sensing a hint of red on his cheeks, I assumed he was intoxicated from his confidence in talking to a queen. “When you walked down those steps, I thought an angel strolled down gracefully. I knew that I just had to talk to you,” he explained softly. “I truly don't mean to offend you.”

My cheeks burned red as the gap between us lessened. A waiter came by with a tray of drinks, and I reached for a shot and downed it quickly; The burning liquid ran down my throat. “Ex-excuse me, I must c-congratulate.. the couple and leave this place with… with my s-sister.” I flattened my dress and heading way to the center of the ballroom when a hand grabbed my arm. 

“Wait! Not that way!” He called out, but it was too late. 

Strangers pulled both of us into the dancing circle turning and twirling me to the rhythm. “Get off of me!” I blurted while having no energy to push the man away. With everyone dancing to the fast-paced music, we both were forced into the continuous circle of dancing couples. I held tight to his suit, clutching to the stranger for support as the world continued to spin in my vision.

He placed a hand on my lower back and laced one of his warm hands on mine. Pulling me close, his breath tickled my ear. “Focus on me. I'll get you to where you want to be. Trust me,” he whispered in a low tone.

“I–I...” my speech faltered. I could smell his husky cologne as my face came close to his chest. My heartbeat intensified from being close to a stranger. I don't even know his name, but I sensed him stiffen from my hand traveling from his shoulder to his chest.

I looked up at my dancing partner who was focused on his steps, the music, and the distance to my goal as he strategically, and gracefully, swirled through different dancers. I followed his lead and moved to the music despite feeling his dark brown eyes watching me with amusement.

“You asked me before if I am unsatisfied with the King’s ball. I love the room’s aesthetic, the energetic atmosphere, and…” I zoned off, catching myself rambling on.

His mouth curved into a smile, showing me four sharp teeth. “It's good to hear that you are having fun.” I felt secure in his arms, knowing he’s a vampire and even if I’ll never meet him again.

He pulled me closer, and I could feel his heartbeat match my pace. Our breaths mixed in the proximity we are in. His eyes traveled down from my eyes to my lips. I see him lick his own, but he controlled himself by looking away. I turned away, blushing uncontrollably. I cleared my throat while he steered us to where the Royals sat. I thanked the opportunity to get out of his arms. Suddenly, the room felt colder as I separated myself from him.

No matter, I walked forward with my head high and curtsied to the King and future Queen of Draconia. “Good evening, Your Highnesses,” I greeted respectfully. 

“Ah! Nice for my valued guest to arrive!” The King gestured for me to come closer with his scaled arm. His eyes went towards the man behind me. “I see you have met one of my closest guards, Cole.”

He placed a fist to his heart and bowed to his master. 

“Yes, I did. He was wonderful assisting me to meet you both,” I said to the couple. “I apologize for not visiting you soon. The Pixie kingdom needed rebuilding after minor problems. I am loving the festivities though.”

Princess Calliostine smiled sweetly and held my hand gently. “Well, I hope you and your sister will stay a little longer and enjoy the celebration!”

I returned the smile. “We will, thank you, Princess.”

“Anytime... Queen Katrina,” she whispered.

My eyes widened. “How did–”

 “Wouldn't want your suitor to know your identity yet!” she tapped her mask twice, giggling.

“He is not–” I tried to rack my clouded brain for any explanations. “We just met! Acquaintances, nothing more.”

“It's not bad to make new acquaintances. Even if they are from a different species. I know him to be trustworthy, loyal, and protective of those who he cared for. Get to know him, Queen Katrina. You will be surprised.

I turned to look at him conversing with King Wentsworth, my eyes prohibit themselves from looking away. “Yes, Princess. Thank you for sharing your advice.”

“Now, go and have fun!” she gently pushed me in Cole’s direction. 

I flailed like a chicken trying to fly when Cole caught me in his embrace. Our eyes met once more and seemed to stay in place. Cole laughed awkwardly, “Want to go outside for fresh air, Miss Fallen Angel?”

I gulped. “A-Ah, well… It is getting a bit stuffy in here…” I cleared my throat and moved away from his comforting, strong arms. We walked out with our hands slightly touching. The King’s patio overlooks the previous Queen’s garden. A wide array of flowers decorated the green scenery as the moon serves as the only light for us.

I leaned on the stone railings and he did the same. “So… You are a great dancer for a guard. Who taught you?

“Well, some servants raised me in this castle walls. The King treated me like a son that I have a few instances of meeting the dance instructor.” He shrugged. “I’m always thankful for the castle staff who took care of an orphan.”

I returned his smile. “It is my pleasure to see the amazing works of the staff. They are the backbone of the whole party ”

He grinned and gently nudged my shoulder. “I'm glad to know you are enjoying this celebration.” 

I noticed his dark brown eyes shifted to gold, but I could just be hallucinating because of the night. “It’s because you appeared out of nowhere!” I laughed. “I've never felt happy in years! I feel like I can trust you, Cole.” I turned towards him. 

“Same here too, Miss...”

“Katrina,” I whispered.

“Katrina…” He said under his breath as he leaned closer. My heart hammered against my chest. “When I first saw you, my heart knew that you’re the one.” He placed a warm hand on my cheek that I instantly leaned on. He laced his fingers with mine on the other. “I want to give all my love to you.”

This right moment felt like the stars, the moon, and the universe aligned perfectly. I tiptoed and pressed my lips gently on his. He gasped from my sudden action. He returned my kiss with his arms tightening around me like a protective blanket. The kiss became feverish as if two lost lovers found their way home at last. I moaned his name out like a cry for more. My hand reached for his curly dark hair and ran my fingers on those soft strands. 

We separated from each other to get some air before diving in again. I feel a blossoming feeling from deep inside me, and it's going to overflow. 

Cole was breathing heavily as he looked at me with passionate eyes. “I just know, you are undeniably my mate. After seven years of searching for my true love, you're the one! I can't believe it!”

I laughed. “You mean like a Bloodmate! I know vampires need blood to survive.”

Cole frowned. “What do you mean?”

“I know from the beginning that you are a vampire! Sharp teeth, changing eye colors when you, and you have a mate!” I pointed out, smiling. When he didn't return it, my blood ran cold. “Cole… Are you?” I gulped.

“A werewolf, Kat,” he frowned. “I-Is there something wrong?”

With that, he confirmed my worst of fears. “N-No… You can't be a werewolf, you…” I started to step away from him. I was about to hand him the key to my heart, but realizing it, I should have thrown it away. 

“K-Kat We can still love each other. We are made for each other… Don't you see it? This is fate,” he begged, taking hold of my hand. His golden eyes change back to those pleading dark brown eyes. Hurt and pain came upon him and I felt it too.

I swat his hands away. Coldness seeped within me. “Get away from me,” I quietly warned. “Out of all the creatures you could have been, you are a werewolf. Your kind murdered ours and made the Pixies live in suffering for decades,” I tried to say without my voice quivering. I stuck my head up and tried to control the tears that threatened to fall. 

“I’m different from those monsters! Kat, please give me your trust, I can't live with you!” As he reached for me, but I moved away from his familiar touch.

My heart yearned for him. For an enemy. “Stop calling me that! I-I forbid you to say my nickname!” I shouted at him. “I am a queen! I do not belong to someone! I can live independently and…” Never-ending tears streak down my face uncontrollably as sobs racked my body. My body shook with fear that my knees gave up. “Why are you a werewolf…” I whispered.

I closed my eyes and felt a tightening pain in my stomach. A calming embrace came before me, holding me tight, a promise to never let go. “I love you already. P-Please don't push me away. Let me prove to you and your people that I belong to fight any trouble or fears that held your kingdom. Let me help rebuild the destruction my ancestors befall in your land. Give me the chance to give you all my heart and love that I never knew existed. Katrina… I shall be loyal to you only and no one else.”

We sat on the marble floors in silence, allowing me to calm down. For the first time in my life, I felt like I could rely on someone. Someone who can manage my burden and flaws. Someone who needs me.

I ignored all the red flags warning in my mind and looked up in his shining eyes, “You have one chance. If my guards or my people alerted me for any traitorous behavior, I vow to end you no matter how much it hurts me.”

He gently kissed my forehead. “Yes, my Queen. Anything for you.”

As we held right for each other underneath the moonlight, we might not know what lies before us and what troubles we will face. Just as long as we reciprocate trust, I might one day fully open my heart to him.

December 19, 2020 04:04

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Mou Sukoshi
11:50 Dec 24, 2020

Great detailing.. Very vivid storytelling. You seem to have a great future as a YA fantasy writer. :)


Jmen Seso
07:05 Dec 28, 2020

Thank you so much!!! I’m going to do my best to improve my writing and provide an awesome read for everyone! :)


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