Romance Funny Fiction

Hey, Stephanie! I have a little request. If you’re going to keep changing me, reach those artificial nacho cheese-dusted hands onto the Wheel of My Fortune and spin it to figure out who I’d be this thirty-second time (Yes, I counted.) around, could you at least swap out…you know?

Yes, I’m aware, all too much, in fact. You say that you’re a pantser, that you’re a flâneuse who would rather meander the winding alleys of your imagination rather than follow some preset road map. You balk at the idea of anything other than the thorny weeds of a plot point sprouting up in your mind guiding you to concoct “the most heartfelt romance story to ever grace the pages of”. Perhaps, my plea would but fall on deaf ears…uhm, fingers. However, as I stand here at the foot of the craggy Pennines (my ninth home), my large brown eyes (which have always been the same) exhausted from deciphering my fate hanging in the air, I feel the need to discuss all this with you course in my veins like ink flows onto a sheet of pristine white paper.

Let’s see now. In the past five months, you’ve thrust upon me the costumes of a flower shop owner from sunny Brighton (for which, I sneezed up a storm. You forgot I had allergies.), a street tough New York cop (Guns! Gore! GAH, no!), a trapeze artist from St. Peterburg (Heights, really?! My stomach just flipped remembering that.). Gosh, there were so many masks, but not much time. My favourite would most certainly be my February identity, a jazz singer from the Philippines with long, wavy tresses and a staccato laugh. Alas, I was blissfully lapping up the dulcet voice and jewel-toned wardrobe you had gifted me with when you smacked your lips together and hit that backspace button. I could only silently scream “NO!” before that blinking black line transformed me from beaming Antonella Callea to pink mohawk-sporting Roxie Matthews from your ill-researched idea of LA. No worries, though. As per usual, I just sighed and did your bidding. What’s an entity that only exists in a yellow folder icon on some beat-up, crumb-covered laptop to do?

However, there is one thing about me that you’ve kept intact, a tiny morsel of my parsed together existence that has remained as solid as the stone walls of the first cave drawings where Homo Erectus first told his tales. From the moment you first entered your email to create that writing website account, you have always envisioned me ending up with Ethan ---- blonde, burly Ethan. Ethan who’s…. uhm…. golden-haired and muscular. I get it. If you, Stephanie Marie Thorpe, can not bag very much married Nathan Hayworth (really clever modifying only the first syllable by the way), if your prince charming slipped that glass slipper on another woman, you suppose that you could at least give me --- the baby spawned by your thoughts, the two dimensional chameleon you conceived for the sole purpose of simulating the elation of being Mrs. Hayworth --- the decency of wedding your dream boy. At least, in this world of the Word document, anything is possible.

Well, indeed, when you’re the one tap-tapping away, everything is yes and amen…. except for what I really want. You see, Stephanie, we ---your characters --- have been hiding a secret from you, a “sin,” so to speak, from the alpha and omega of this entire universe’s existence. The moment of truth has arrived. It’s about time you know that yes, I’m in love…with Daniel.

(Yes, I could observe your mouth contort into some twisted pretzel. Stop!)

I can finally admit to you that Daniel --- the last-minute addition to your piece, the supporting role in the film in your brain cinema you only cast because your Paddweb readers insisted on a best friend for good ol’ moi ---- is the star of every fantasy I’ve conjured up in my fictional consciousness. No, no, don’t yell. I do understand that to develop the hazel-eyed, brunet hero of my journey, you’d listed down every single quality that has enshrined Nathan in your pedestal (literally. I’ve seen you scribbling it at the back of a receipt. My Daniel can’t even get the decency of a proper notepad?!) and ascribed the exact opposite of him. If Nathan spends his afternoons with his cheeks covered in mud on a football pitch, Daniel’s face is constantly covered by a hardbound. If Nathan air guitars along as Metallica blasts from his headphones, Daniel hums to Elton John records, true to his name. You even went the other way on a detail as minuscule as his favourite ice cream flavour, vanilla to Nathan’s rocky road. I was meant to take this difference as a glaring neon sign pointing to my leading man. Well, it did; it was just not the Casanova you had envisioned.

Yes, Stephanie, it is by your fingers we live and breathe when your laptop is on, but once you click on “shut down”, you couldn’t and can’t stop us from, well, living and breathing beyond the script you feed us. Neither could you stop me and Daniel from using the same power you wield over us to draw our own arc into each other’s embrace: the power of words.

You couldn’t stop the day I had reached across the table Daniel was sat at the Character Café and beamed at him. As your machine for writing died down, a surge of energy coursed in my verbally constructed veins. It was but a stream of consciousness when I grabbed his muscular hands, stared into those amber orbs, and gave him a smile more glittering than a Pulitzer in a case. Thankfully for me, he pulled me close and shakily retrieved a folded leaf of stationery bearing a love poem. Like with Cupid and Psyche before, no, you can’t prohibit the inking of affections in black in white.

You couldn’t stop Daniel’s sputtered out request to take me to the Idea Theatre for the very first time. The overmorrow after that fateful confession over coffee, he knocked on my door of my flat (Yes, the one you’d described to resemble your own. I think I’d appreciate you cleaning up after yourself, if only my own abode could be immaculate too.) and jittered as his mouth spilt out his desire to fulfil that daydream he’s had ever since you first fashioned him from keyboard strokes: a movie date. Of course, like in those slow-motion scenes in those Nora Ephron flicks, I leapt into his arms and said yes. Stephanie, any cutesy scene you invent has nothing on the way he gently wrapped himself around my waist as we walked to the ticket counter. And oh that kiss as the two main players canoodled on screen --- tinged with the butter popcorn he so kindly bought for us both, so tender! Inside my mind, it’s as if a reel stopped. Like with Boubil and Schönberg’s Chris and Kim, no, you can’t prohibit us from sneaking away to each other’s company, celebrating as if it were the last night of the world.

You can’t stop Daniel and me promenading by the River of Thoughts and laying out blankets of checkered linen and sweet nothings for a picnic. You couldn’t stop us pressed up against each other, my head leaning onto his firm chest, the cadence of his heart the rhythm section to the melody of the words I’m reading him from the tome in my lap. You couldn’t stop every twirl and every giggle as rain pitter-patters on a rooftop and Stevie Wonder’s poetry in notes blares from a radio. Like with Jo and Friedrich Bhaer, no, you can’t prohibit the cloudy, pillow-like peace that comes with two like-minds letting time fall away together.

Oh, and absolutely not, you couldn’t stop Daniel bending down on one knee, an art deco-style diamond seemingly belonging to Daisy Buchanan in a green velvet box before me. As you slammed your computer shut after the umpteenth case of writer’s block yielded but one paragraph, my beloved picked me up and told me we’d be visiting a garden. Little did I know that it secretly was decorated with tulip petals, sting lights making all that greenery look like Wonderland. I couldn’t help being speechless, robbed of the very glib you had bestowed upon me. That’s when my Daniel knelt down, tears flowing from his eyes and spouted out the question I had always longed to be part of our dialogue: Will you marry me? Soundlessly, without anything I could put in quotation marks, I cupped his cheeks and passionately gave him a smooch. As if I were reading the climax of the most gripping of novels, my eyes were glued to my sweetheart slipping the jewel onto my waiting digit. It is so like us to show you no, you can’t prohibit two souls yearning to spend the rest of their lives together --- yes, even if you, the person who conjured us up, brought us to life.

Stephanie, no, you can not stop our love. Really, all I’m asking for you is to change up my partner in your work so we, the figments of your imagination don’t have to pretend, wear yet another set of masks, when your laptop is fired up. It’s really simple now if you think about it. Since you can not make us cease from writing our own story when you’re not around, all you need to do is accept this needed edit to your tale. Call it constructive criticism.

Oh hey, what’s that sound? Is that clicking? Why are you…no….oh no! Don’t send us to the Recycle B….

Posted Sep 03, 2024

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61 likes 95 comments

Annie Persson
19:32 Sep 07, 2024

Noooo! Oh, Steph!

I know the life of a pantser can get... hectic when characters don't want to do something you really think they should. But, sometimes, YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO THEM (AHEM). I've had some very interesting tales twist an turn their way into a beautiful tapestry that way, and I can really vibe with this story. Wonderful words! :)


Alexis Araneta
23:43 Sep 07, 2024

Hi, Annie ! Hahahaha ! Funnily enough, I'm more of a plotter. But I wanted to tie into the prompt. Glad you liked it !


Annie Persson
09:17 Sep 08, 2024

Well, everyone has their crosses to bear... 😋


Cedar Barkwood
19:29 Sep 11, 2024

This was wonderful! It was funny, ironic, well written. As a pantser myself this was refreshing.

Thank you so much for sharing, and maybe a little less skydiving?


Alexis Araneta
03:22 Sep 12, 2024

Hi, Cedar ! So happy you liked this story. more of a plotter, so at least, my characters do not need to have identity crises. Hahahaha ! Thank you for reading !


Justin J. Harris
15:55 Sep 07, 2024

I feel attacked. I am embarrassed. I want to write with my eyes closed and apologize with every tap of the delete button. Now when I boot up all my docs app and see all the unfinished worlds… I’ll hear booing noises lol. I love this story, no wait, these stories*, no wait, their story*!? Awesome work. Thank you.


Alexis Araneta
16:17 Sep 07, 2024

Hi, Justin! Hahahahaha ! Yes, if only we could apologise to our characters Thank you for reading and commenting!


Justin J. Harris
17:16 Sep 07, 2024

Most welcome :)


23:22 Sep 06, 2024

Cool title. This sure made me giggle. I received a comment that mine seemed like the background plot was soapy. (I chose the same prompt) I also imagined a character put with the wrong partner, and then taken away from the right one, pleading to be back with her. As we know, characters carve out their own plots. Whatever we wrote, we had lots of fun doing it!

Your author is a pantser. My author follows writing suggestions and comes back with excuses for all the criticism from a MC. Whichever style we write in, we write about characters that become real and believable. Hence the dilemma. What would our characters say to us if they could? From one writer to another, you'd probably agree that they actually do!


Alexis Araneta
02:44 Sep 07, 2024

Hi, Kaitlyn ! I couldn't resist using a pun in the title. Hahahaha ! For some reason, I felt like I wanted to do something a bit different with the prompt and have them be okay with the changes...but wanting to swap out their partner. I'm happy it worked.

Funnily enough, I'm more of a plotter. I even list down what my characters would be like and needed plot points for stories on a piece of paper. Hahahaha ! I do hope my characters don't complain. No, I'm not deleting them, though. Hahahaha !

Thanks for reading !


Darvico Ulmeli
21:07 Sep 06, 2024

Only a writer could write something like this. I had immense fun reading it.


Alexis Araneta
02:45 Sep 07, 2024

Hi, Darvico ! Yep, the prompt called for it. Hahahaha ! Thanks for reading !


Mary Bendickson
15:43 Sep 04, 2024

Romance that writes itself.💘 Lovely job and I like the play on words of the title.


Alexis Araneta
15:52 Sep 04, 2024

Thank you so much, Mary ! Of course, I found a way to shoehorn romance into the prompt. Hahahahaha ! Thanks for reading !


Graham Kinross
14:04 Dec 28, 2024

Seems like your character is following their heart while the writer follows their head and the disagreement between the two is interesting.


Alexis Araneta
14:29 Dec 28, 2024

Hi, Graham ! Actually, both of them were ! It's just that the protagonist's idea of a partner isn't the writer's. Hahahaha ! Thanks for reading !


Graham Kinross
14:44 Dec 28, 2024

To each their own. You’re welcome Alexis. Have you ever read any of the T Kingfisher books?


Alexis Araneta
16:33 Dec 28, 2024

I've not, actually. Interesting !


Graham Kinross
19:39 Dec 28, 2024

Fantasy romance. Both elements done very well.


Alexis Araneta
23:03 Dec 28, 2024

Ooh, okay. I was just discussing with someone very, very dear to me about romantasy books with gratuitous 'spice' (it's basically porn), and I hope it's not one of those. Hahahaha !


Stasia Komadinko
08:36 Oct 16, 2024

The idea of characters "rebelling" against their author is incredibly engaging)


Alexis Araneta
08:45 Oct 16, 2024

Hahahaha ! Thank you, Stasia !! Happy you liked that concept ! I truly enjoyed writing this.


Stasia Komadinko
08:58 Oct 16, 2024

My characters feel so real to me too. I hope they’re not holding a grudge for all the tough stuff I put them through, hahahaha)))


Charis Keith
01:28 Oct 06, 2024

lets just say, at this point; my characters must hate me. imagine going from a sword-slinging heroine to a side character who ultimately gets killed in battle. yeah, I am currently erasing that mistake from my manuscript. I'm sorry, Miriam! I got writers block!
nice take on the prompt - I enjoyed reading this.


Alexis Araneta
06:56 Oct 06, 2024

Hahahahaha ! Yeah, sometimes, we have wild ideas, and our characters have to suffer. As for mine, it's a Russian roulette on what their romantic fates are. Some (Like Alice and Tom in my first ever Reedsy story or Adam and Candace in one of my favourite ones) end up with the person they love. Others are separated by death, but at least, they will hold that pure love in their hearts. Other still, well, the love is unrequited. Hahahaha !

I'm so happy you liked this. I truly enjoyed writing this, so I'm happy you enjoyed reading it!


Charis Keith
18:52 Oct 06, 2024

I can relate. often times I don't know the plot of the story I am writing until it is already on the paper.


Alexis Araneta
02:14 Oct 07, 2024

Ooh, I'm the opposite. I have to plot first before I write.


Charis Keith
02:58 Oct 07, 2024

nice. I have ADHD, so I find that virtually impossible lol!
well, most of the time. sometimes at around 1:00 am I'll come up with a killer idea and have to try and find my phone so I can write it down.


Alexis Araneta
03:42 Oct 07, 2024

LOL ! So do I, but writing is one of those things that I'm hyperfocused on. Hahahaha ~


Martha Kowalski
00:47 Oct 02, 2024

Beyond love


Alexis Araneta
03:21 Oct 02, 2024

Indeed ! Thanks for reading !


♡ Tana ♡
13:18 Sep 26, 2024

You are so incredibly creative! Wow! How do you come up with these amazing ideas??


Alexis Araneta
13:34 Sep 26, 2024

Hi, Tana ! Hahaha ! Oh wow ! I don't even know how I come up with them. I guess I'm just influenced by what I read or watch. Music is a huge inspiration too. For this one, I just sort of imagined a whole Toy Story world where characters have their own lives and they could even have relationships with people Stephanie hadn't paired them with. Hahahaha ! Happy you liked it !


Daniel R. Hayes
19:16 Sep 24, 2024

As I read this again, multiple times...I find that you have a special way of pulling us into your world and paint the picture perfectly. I love stories that can take me to different places and situations! You always deliver with carefully thought out stories and scenes that keep me coming back for more!!

Bravo once again! I look forward to your next one!! :)


Alexis Araneta
01:40 Sep 25, 2024

Multiple times !! You are absolutely sweet, Daniel ! That means so much to me ! Thank you !

I suppose that's supposed to be our goal as writers, to plunge readers into our characters' worlds. I'm so happy I was able to take you there. I could say the same for your brilliant writing too !

Thank you so very much for being supportive of my writing. You know very well that it means so much to me. 😊


VJ Hamilton
00:57 Sep 23, 2024

Alexis, I love how you get into the mind of your character and absolutely inhabit their world! How you pump credibility into the "verbally constructed veins"!


Alexis Araneta
02:07 Sep 23, 2024

How kind of you, VJ !! I suppose that when I write I really try to feel every single emotion I put them through so it comes out on the page. Huge thanks for the compliment, and thanks for reading !


Stevie Burges
09:48 Sep 15, 2024

Hi Alexis

This is a clever, well-written story. I had to look up 'pantser', having never heard of it before—so it's not just a good story but educational as well!


Alexis Araneta
12:43 Sep 15, 2024

Hi, Stevie ! Yep, it's a term meaning someone who writes without really a plan. I'm happy you liked it and found it clever.


Fern Everton
14:00 Sep 14, 2024

Oh gods, as a panster myself, this is what my characters go through— I change my mind on them every week, haha! One in particular has gone through so many different iterations that I’m pretty sure if they entered the real world, they’d want to strangle me.
Ack, just as the two star-crossed lovers finally got their happy ending, Stephanie changed her mind! Perhaps she’ll reincarnate them in another manuscript and they’ll be together… or change her mind yet again and doom them to an eternity just out of reach! Our poor children born of boredom and a pen. Maybe they’ll forgive us one day, right?
Such a fun story, Alexis!! Absolutely love how you took the prompt!


Alexis Araneta
15:53 Sep 14, 2024

Hi, Fern ! So happy you liked the story. I consider myself a plotter, so thankfully, none of my thought babies have to suffer this fate...all that much. Hahahaha !

Yes, precisely. Unfortunately for them, all that trying to defend their relationship still got them deleted. I too want them to have their happy ending. Hahahaha ! Thank you for reading, as usual, Fern ! It really means a lot.


19:13 Sep 12, 2024

haha that was hilarious I loved that story I hope you make more but this time please just let her live and love


Alexis Araneta
02:41 Sep 13, 2024

Hahahaha ! Happy you found it funny, Tehron ! As for the HEA endings, sure, sometimes, I do that. I like to experiment with endings, though. Thanks for reading !


Helen A Howard
17:05 Sep 12, 2024

The pesky characters have a habit of dominating us, don’t they? Or do they? They will insist on getting their way all the time! Romantic fools!
I like the description of slamming the computer case shut after “the upteenth case of writer’s block yielded but one paragraph.” How true
Lots of fun here. Enjoyable interpretation of the prompt.


Alexis Araneta
18:10 Sep 12, 2024

Hi, Helen ! Yes, I did have fun writing this. Well, I like to think of my characters as having their own desires but having the misfortune of being fictional and unable to act on these wants. I try to be as nice to them as possible. Hahahaha ! Glad you liked it. Thanks for reading !


Helen A Howard
19:07 Sep 12, 2024

Although I didn’t get time to write for this prompt, it makes me realise how much our characters actually seem to take on a life of their own.


11:11 Sep 12, 2024

Funny and clever much enjoyed x


Alexis Araneta
11:54 Sep 12, 2024

Thank you, Susan ! I'm happy you liked it. I had fun with it !


K.A. Murray
09:20 Sep 12, 2024

Oh, my goodness, loved this! You do such a wonderful job with imagery and references to create really rich text with a lot of attention to detail. I love the ending as well.


Alexis Araneta
11:49 Sep 12, 2024

Thank you so much, Kerriann ! Glad you liked my little references. I really had fun writing this. Like I said in other comments, perhaps, Stephanie doesn't like her protagonists mouthy. Hahahaha ! Thanks for reading !


Max Wightwick
16:55 Sep 11, 2024

"However, there is one thing about me that you’ve kept intact, a tiny morsel of my parsed together existence that has remained as solid as the stone walls of the first cave drawings where Homo Erectus first told his tales."
"Like with Cupid and Psyche before, no, you can’t prohibit the inking of affections in black in white."
The first quote I found to be hilarious, whereas the second beautiful. Your ending was perfect, and throughout I had trouble deciphering where the zany tale was leading me - a very good thing.


Alexis Araneta
17:37 Sep 11, 2024

Hi, Max !! Oooh, I'm very glad you caught those literary references. I wanted to incorporate them given the theme was writing. I'm happy the ending surprised you too. Thank you for reading !


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