
 There's a secure location on Earth where no one in the world is human. They are Halloween figures such as the ogres, goblins, lizards, etc. Pixies, and other mystical creatures reside in Pumpkinville. Other mystical creatures that like you perform dark magic such as the witches, warlocks, and underworld rulers reside in Witchcraft City. Colora is half which and half fairy. Her parents were killed immediately after her birth as punishment of the sins her parents committed for being with each other. With her mother a fairy and her father a warlock, that made her an unaccepted mix of their kind. Peyton, the fastest pixie in town was her best friend.

Colora awakes in a cold drip sweat that soaks the casket she slept in. Too tired and lazy to walk, she uses her fairy wings to fly over to the sink in her stone cottage to pour water over her face. She can't go back to sleep now. Not after the nightmare she had of the worst thing happening to Pumpkinville. The people who she always loved would be transformed into full life humans controlled by dark magic!

She goes to see Peyton who doesn't live that far from her. The door opens and without a greeting she bursts inside. Peyton's cottage was just as small with candles displayed everywhere!

"I know it's late but I had to come and see you! I've had another nightmare! You remember what happened a few weeks ago, right?"

"Of course! Thank God for you or Greg the Goblin would have been done for sure with his ingenious idea to open up a shop selling goblet pie. It would have worked if fire counted as a legitimate cooking source. Why what happened in your dream?"

“A coven in Witchcraft City are planning to turn all of Pumpkinville into humans! They have to be stopped or we will be under their control,"

"Mother of pumpkin patches! What will we do?"


"Well more so you. Colora, you were given this curse of a gift for a reason. It is only you who have these nightmares and it's your knowledge that can put a stop to this horribleness."

 Feeling reassured, Colora formulates a plan. Peter the pumpkin reaper would made a great lookout. Skotty the scorching Skeleton could obtain a copy of the map leading to Witchcraft City. Peyton was fast as ever and Colora knew she had that hidden dark magic strength built up inside because of her father. Colora hurries to Spell Ave picking up the strongest ingredients to make a potion for dark magic. She knew Franken-Floyd keeps the forbidden stuff. They had lots to do and very little time to accomplish these tasks.

Pumpkinville's population scrambled in and out of stores preparing for the night's festivities. Halloween was not just a celebration to collect candy but a chance for the unique town to come together and celebrate their heritage. There were traditional activities such as bobbing for apples, pumpkin carving contests, pinning the broom on the witch, bowling with cemetery stones as the pins. 

 Evening snuck into the sky. They created the potion from scratch. Peyton tossed spider blood into the cauldron when maroon red smoke appeared. A loud knock on the door startled them identically. Colora hurried to the door, briefly looking into the wooden peak hole before opening it. Scotty and Peter both barge in with excitement.

"Skotty, did you get the map? “Peyton asks and

Scotty nods handing it over. She grabs the map to inspect it before leaving.

They hiked all the way down through Candy Corn Ave where the festivities already begun. Once crossing over the gummy bear bridge, they only had one steep Hill left, where witchcraft City presented itself at the top of a very steep Cliff created at the at the Bay of Pumpkin Seed Sea. Climbing the cliff to have full access to witch's Mansion was the hardest task of their journey. Peter went first to lead the way.

"Be careful," Colora advised.

Peter not only managed to safely help Colora, Peyton, and even Scotty, but he also had the strength and flexibility to climb on top of the rims mansion windows to try get a closer view of what to expect.

Each Witch which had their own bedroom, and were filled with similar objects such as a personal black caldron, two steel shelves mounted to their walls filled with various random ingredients, desks and chairs for them to make their spells and recipes, and huge beds longer than their broomsticks. Peter observed the final room.

"Color me cotton candy! I don't believe this sour stuff..."

"What is it?"

"This doesn't look good," 

Colora doesn't contain her curiosity anymore. She uses her wings and flies up to Peter's height level. Squinting into the diamond shaped fogged glass windows her jaw drops in astonishment and terror. It is worse than she envisioned. Further down into the Mansion stood a coven of strong, beautiful, and fierce-looking witches, staring at their work with accomplishment.

"For generations, Pumpkinville has have the same celebration with the same events in games each year," the leader of the coven folk. Her nose was bigger than the rest of the witches surrounding her. "They never do anything new or exciting! So, let this poison candy they consume tonight be the start of a new day with our chaos! Turn creatures as humans and they will serve at our demand!" She is surrounded by Hales and silent chants from the rest of her coven.

Colora saw enough and comes down from the window back to Scotty and Peyton. Peter effortlessly jumps down behind her.

"It looks like they are taking pounds and kilos of candy and putting it through a spell process to possess anyone who consumes it as a human face the next sunrise.” Peyton and Scotty can't control her horrified reaction.

"Does everybody know what to do?"

The group understood. There was an iron gate in front of the front door, for the dark magic to stay locked inside of their mansion. Scotty uses his flaming fire balls to try to break down the gates. It takes a couple of tries but he manages to turn the perfect steel Gates into old rusted ashes. 

"Good job Scotty!"

With great discretion Colora takes the lead to search for the last room where the candy is being sabotaged. There are a series of wrap around steps that could make a person go dizzy for days. Strong warlocks stood professionally by each row of stairs. Nobody goes up and nobody comes down.

Scotty and Peter do what they can to fight off the warlocks with strength. This gives the girls the perfect opportunity to go as fast as lightning up into the final floor in the mansion and all the way down the hallway to the last room.

 Roman candlesticks are mounted on the wall as a source of light.

 Peyton's eyes widen when she sees the dilemma. Scotty is all the way downstairs still fighting off the warlocks. What will we do? How will we get in?"

"We simply bang on the door,"

The sound of Colora's heartbeat is louder than the knock she gives. There is no answer. She decides she needs to knock harder. Right before her sweaty knuckles hit the door once more, the loudest sound came from the other side of the door. The head which appears by the doorway with her long emerald green cloak draping down to the floor. She is unaware of Peyton and Colora being only a few feet away from her.

"This is taking too long!" The sound of another witch complained from further room. “The festivities in Pumpkinville have already begun, and we are not even close to poisoning every last drop of candy. I just sped up the process will a little dark magic and now look at the boatload of that sweet poison?"

"Excellent work Agatha. Now we need to do the switch spell to swap out the Sweet and sour hard and soft sugar-coated pieces of sweetness into a recipe of pure domination."

"Throw it now!" Colora watched Peyton's glass bottle go up into the air waiting for it to explode but nothing happened. The head Witch Left cold heartedly.

"You’re a foolish girl oh, did you really think that your magic would compare too mine?"

“With our minds we switch the last spell casted

Pumpkinville will remain unaware and we all will move past it,"

Light gray smoke continued to surround the room, before transcending into a dark maroon red. Once the fog cleared there were no witches in site. The only thing left for a large pile of bones collected by each which. Peter and Skotty run through the door feeling like undefeated heroes.

 Pumpkinville lit up with lights, and happy smiling unique faces of all ages. A full harvest Moon rested itself in the middle of the sky. 

February 22, 2020 16:33

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Marianne Wieland
02:17 Mar 06, 2020

I am not the best one to ask. I am not a fan of witches.


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Sue Monkress
18:54 Feb 29, 2020

Good fantasy!


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