Summer (Wolf) Love

Submitted into Contest #53 in response to: Write a story about summer love — the quarantine edition.... view prompt



Luna slept soundly in her cave. The cold rock under her was satisfying. A ray of late-night moonlight covered half of her face from the hole in the roof. Luna rolled over onto her other side and her legs kicked; undoubtedly the result of a dream. For the rest of the night, Luna stays still in a deep sleep.

The morning comes too early for Luna, but soon enough she is up and eating a juicy rabbit that she caught the night before for breakfast. Once her stomach is full, Luna is pushing the big gray rock (the door to her cave) out of her way so she can get out in the sun. After Luna has pushed the rock out of the way then pushed it back into place, she is already panting. Ignoring how hot it is, Luna adjusts her satchel and starts her walk.

The path that Luna took daily was blocked off to do a flood from the major rain earlier in the week. So, Luna took the alternative trail which was longer, but still the quickest one possible.

Luna hadn’t taken the path in a long time and seeing all of the different sights was like a brand new experience for her. The way that the wind rustled the tree’s leaves, and the sound of her paws crunching leaves and branches was comforting in a way.

The path finally came to an end at the main road. Luna had learned from experiences when she was young that the men’s road was different from their’s, but still very alike.

Early risers like herself were running, trying to get all of their errands done. She noticed a bright white wolf pass; it was her old friend, Angelica! But she was only able to get a quick hi in before Angelica was gone again. Luna still stood there until the number of other wolves settled down and she was able to start her journey to the market.

Some days she just went to the market to see if there were any good vegetables and fruits to eat or trade. Today was different. Today she was meeting someone.

Luna walked on the winding road, saying hello to a couple of people she knew. By the time that Luna was at the market, her paws were already tired from walking the path and then the road. She practically dragged herself inside. “Hey, Luna! Looking for some veggies or fruits today?” Luna walked over to her friend Tallis’s stand, which was filled with an abundance of healthy foods.

“Sorry, Tallis. Not today. I gotta go meet someone.” Tallis raised her eyebrows but Luna shook her head.

“Don’t even think about it, Tallis. We’re just going to trade.” Luna motioned to her satchel and Tallis finally nodded in understanding.

“Alright, alright. See you tomorrow then?” Tallis looked at me with pleading eyes and I nodded.

“Of course. And I promise I’ll be something this time. See you around.” Luna nodded as Tallis smiled and barked goodbye.

Luna continued through the market, scanning through the stands, looking for something worth stopping for. There was nothing new from yesterday.

Finally, Luna came to the end of the market, where there was an open doorway, and through that doorway, there was yet another path. This one was less used, so there were more tall grass and weeds than the others that Luna took regularly. Despite that, Luna stepped through the doorway and onto it. The grass tickled her paws, but she kept going. The slight wind relieved her from the bright, hot sun.

It didn’t take long for Luna to get to the end of the path; it was only about fifteen minutes long. The end of the path opened up to a large clearing, and no one was there. And that was for a good reason. At the edge of the clearing, there was a building. Not a normal building, but a man building. That was why the path was rarely used. This was where Luna was meeting someone. After looking around, Luna found a good spot under a shade tree to sit and did so. She slid her satchel off of her back and sat it down on the ground, dumping out the contents. Luna spread a blanket out and laid down all of the food she brought; including two fish, a couple of carrots, and some jalapenos. Most wolves only ate meat, but the new rave was eating any type of herb. The shade from the tree was comfortable, and soon Luna was drifting off to sleep.

Luna’s eyes snapped open to someone’s paw shaking her. She immediately rolled, stood up, and bared her teeth, letting out a low growl.

“Woah! Easy there. It’s me!” As Luna realized exactly who it was, she relaxed and sat back down.

“Sorry, Cy. Got a little jumpy there.” Cyrus sat back down himself across from her on the other side of the blanket.

“Yeah, no kidding.” Cyrus and Luna laughed together and Luna relaxed further. This was just what she needed.

“So, it’s our first date and you choose a clearing behind a man building. I mean, this clearing is very romantic, but then the building...Just why?” Luna looked at Cyrus with inquiring eyes and Cyrus shrugged.

“You’ve seen a man building before, correct?” Luna nodded. “So, there are always those moving machines going in and out. But I came here one day and something was different. It wasn’t like when they’re gone because the place is closed like the market is on Sundays. There was something different. Something eerie.” Cyrus took a deep breath and Luna still looked at him intently.

“So, I started poking around. You know, going into men’s backyards. And guess what I figured out! There’s a big sickness spreading all over the men’s world. So, no one can go anywhere. I think that this is our chance. To have the best first date ever. Let’s go steal some man food.” Luna smiled mischievously and followed Cyrus to the start of the cement. The first step was exhilarating for Luna; as was the following steps. She kept on stealing glances at Cyrus’s beautiful chocolate brown eyes and his reddish fur. 

“Here we are.” They were at the back of the water, where there was an entrance. Cyrus pushed on the door, and he was able to easily break it open with his strength.

“After you.” Luna looked left and right before walking in. She was immediately overwhelmed by the scent of man. It was sickening.

“Are you sure about this? I don’t wanna be smelling like men until I wash in a couple of days.” Luna looked at Cyrus with a worried expression.

“It’ll be fine. Once we’re done, we can go through the other path that doesn’t go through the market and get in the pond and wash off and we’ll be fine. Okay?” Luna nodded and kissed Cyrus on the cheek. They continued through the restaurant. They passed a little spot with a cabinet and what Luna believed was called a computer. There were two rooms that each had a man symbol on it, and they made sure they avoided them. Finally, Cyrus caught the scent of meat and motioned for Luna to follow him.

Now they were in the kitchen, and the smell was getting stronger.; There were all new sights for both Cyrus and Luna, and it was wonderful. The metal counter and storage was new material to them, and all of the pots and pans were objects that didn’t quite make sense yet. They finally came to the fridge and Luna jumped on the handle, pulling it down and opening the door. She opened her mouth in awe, and Cyrus did as well.

“This. Is. Amazing.” Luna immediately ran to the steak and grabbed a couple of packages. Cyrus ran to the venison and grabbed pounds and pounds.

“Think this is enough for a while? We can always come back for more.” Cyrus’s words were slightly slurred from the meat in his mouth.

“Yeah, I think so. And we gotta tell everyone at the market. It’ll be awesome!” Luna smiled and Cyrus did, too. They walked out of the restaurant satisfied.


“Here, just drop the food right here. We’ll pick it up once we’re done.” Cyrus dropped his share of the meat on the ground with Luna not far behind. After the restaurant, they took the other path that led to a pond; where they were now.

Luna ran into the water was immediately refreshed from how cold it was.

“Come in here! It feels really good!” Cyrus finished setting all of the food down and ran in after Luna. He splashed her and she splashed him back.

“Hey!” Luna tackled Cyrus and he play-growled. Luna growled back and they ended up in bursts in laughter.

“Alright, I better get back before Angelica wonders where I’m at. I told her I would meet her at the market for dinner. I had a lot of fun, though. Best first date ever.” Luna leaned over and kissed Cyrus before getting out of the water and shaking some water off of her fur. She grabbed her things and waited for Cyrus.

“Let’s go then!”

August 05, 2020 02:47

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נιмму 🤎
20:06 Aug 12, 2020

this was so cutee!! I've never read a wolf story on here. It was very unique and creative and I really liked the names especially 'luna' I think it has something to do with the moon? Loved it!!! <3


20:07 Aug 12, 2020

Yes, Luna actually means 'moon'. Thank you so much! If you want to read more wolf stories, go check out Megan Sutherland! She is in my library. Her stories are amazing!


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B. W.
22:19 Sep 07, 2020

Okay While i'm waiting i decided to come check out some of your other stories since i think i've still only read just a few ^^ This like your other stories was still really good and i also really like wolves so thats a plus with this story. i still don't think anything is wrong with this story so you still did really great with it. Guess what? Yet another 10/10 ^^


00:21 Sep 08, 2020

Thanks so much!


B. W.
00:26 Sep 08, 2020

No problem ^^ ill keep looking at more of your stories.


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. .
06:26 Sep 02, 2020

Such a cute, sweet story! I love the detail and depth, I was also super hooked at the start! P.S Would you mind checking out my new story? 'Ocean eyes' Thanks


20:34 Sep 02, 2020

Thanks, Sarah! Just did! :D


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Patricia Green
22:08 Aug 12, 2020

Very nice, cute story. just keep an eye on your grammar. Please check out my story, thanks.


14:48 Aug 13, 2020

Thank you so much, Patricia! I do my best with grammar.


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Velma Darnell
11:31 Aug 11, 2020

Your story is adorable and sweet. I also loved the names you picked for the characters, they are unique and lovely! p.s. I would appreciate if you could read my story when you aren't busy, thank you!


13:52 Aug 11, 2020

Thank you so much, Velma! Of course!


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Chris Buono
22:45 Aug 09, 2020

Love this story. I’d say you have great potential, but that would be unfair. You’re definitely a great writer and have nowhere to go but up from here. Love the story.


22:47 Aug 09, 2020

Thank you so much, Chris!


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I love this! Also, I read your bio, I love Victorious too! <3


17:10 Aug 09, 2020

Thank you, Kendra! Yes! It's one of the best shows of all time! <3


Totally! And your welcome 😊


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Deborah Angevin
23:32 Aug 06, 2020

Great story (and unique naming for the character... loved it!) Would you mind reading my recent story out, "(Pink)y Promise"? Thank you :D


17:13 Aug 09, 2020

Thank you so much! Of course!


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Brooke, I was worried you weren't going to come out with new stories for a sec. This was adorable! -Peachy 🦔


17:15 Aug 09, 2020

Thank you so much, Peachy! I have been camping a lot, so I haven't had time to write much! I'm writing as much as possible!


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Kristin Neubauer
19:50 Aug 05, 2020

Original, well-written and very sweet!


14:17 Aug 06, 2020

Thank you so much, Kristin!


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Megan Sutherland
19:16 Aug 05, 2020

Also, do you mind if I use the name Cyprus in a future story? I really liked it.


14:17 Aug 06, 2020

I don't mind at all!


Megan Sutherland
14:28 Aug 06, 2020



14:31 Aug 06, 2020

You're welcome!


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Megan Sutherland
19:09 Aug 05, 2020

Great story Brooke! You forgot to tell meeeee 😫😫😫😫😫😂 I thought that for your first wolf story this was amazing! A few grammatical errors, but otherwise awesome. Some tips- try to show more, and not just tell. Use body language to show how happy Luna is to see Cyrus. In one part of the story, where Cyrus explains that he has been poking around in the man world, I would say something like 'Cyrus' eyes were lit up with excitement, and his body was like a spring waiting to pop', or something more to explain how they characters are feeling w...


14:20 Aug 06, 2020

Thank you so much! Sorry! I have been busy, and not active very often like I normally am, so I forgot! Also, thank you for the tips! I will definitely work on that on my next wolf story (if I do one, which I probably will)!


Megan Sutherland
14:30 Aug 06, 2020

Of course, you're welcome!


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18:40 Aug 05, 2020

Hello!!!! Great story! I loved the way you described everything so I got a good sense of the story? Can you check out my profile, I just submitted my very first story!!!


14:20 Aug 06, 2020

Thank you so much! Of course!


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Avery G.
17:07 Aug 05, 2020

Hey Brooke! I loved this story! It was a very interesting take on this prompt. It was really cute! Great job!


14:31 Aug 06, 2020

Thank you so much, Avery!


Avery G.
15:31 Aug 06, 2020

You're welcome!


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