A Letter to Andrew Jackson from Simon La Greed

Submitted into Contest #102 in response to: Start your story with a metaphor about human nature.... view prompt


Historical Fiction People of Color

According to Richard Carlson, "The greed of gain has no time

or limit to its capaciousness. Its one object is to produce and

consume. It has pity neither for beautiful nature nor for living

 human beings. It is ruthlessly ready without a moment's hesitation

 to crush beauty and life".

A Letter to Andrew Jackson from Simon La Greed

(A plead for consideration to Andrew Jackson) by George Key

Dear President Jackson,

While in committee regarding the appropriation of necessary fiscal outlay, new evidence has come to our attention that might well warrant reconsideration of any plans for displacing the civilized people known as the Cherokee. Enlightening evidence was delivered by a special delegation. These ambassadors, who upon entrance to our chamber, were announced as being representatives of the “Seventh Generation”. Though we in session knew not of the arrival of such delegation nor from where they were haled. They appeared, neither upon any docket nor invitation to address us. Yet, we in present mind to the value of the democratic process found it prudent for the consideration of our committee's commitment to recognizing the delegation.

If we, as our destiny calls us, take to heart God’s will, that we might bring the Christian way of thinking to these savage beasts, then, we as reasonable, civilized men, must realize the potential profits in both westward expansions of protestant affairs and great personal wealth for those of like minds. If Georgians are allowed to redraw borders to the North for the profits of Georgians, then what will stop them from expanding into other neighboring states for the same.  Such a dangerous precedent might likely lead to an eventual armed conflict between the several states. This could divide our nation and be the seed from which insurrection grows. The Cherokee have proven to assimilate well into our society of civilized men. They dress as gentlemen of means. They manage large estates and plantations. They own sufficient property to succeed. They recognize the value of servants and negro slaves. This is so evinced in the documentation of ownership reflecting chattels of great numbers. Importers of such property continue to profit from sales to wealthy Cherokee plantation owners. This record of ownership establishes that the Cherokee clearly understand and embrace our way of life.

 Georgians have voiced their concern that the Cherokee will provide a haven for disobedient runaway slaves. There has been no evidence presented that would suggest that the Cherokee would not cooperate fully in the return of escaped property to any owners whether they be Georgian or not. The Cherokee know that the whip demands respect whether it meets the flesh of slow horses, stubborn mules, or lazy, disobedient slaves.

We as sober servants of wealthy constituents, all being of right mind and sound faculties, took great reverence in the validity of the message delivered by this unexpected and quite mystical envoy. No matter the chosen path upon this issue before us, it would be of benefit to ascertain from what far distant land does this “Seventh Generation” resides. Perhaps someday we might appropriate such unchartered lands. Rulers of such a land most certainly earn our ear’s attention by the grand stature and robes of riches in which their representatives appeared.

Our own guards and keepers of the gate reported on their arrival. A thick cover of fog lifted like a theatre curtain exposing the visitors’ strange horseless carriage. The ominous coach was adorned with giant turning wings upon its roof. Such power and wealth could be displayed by no one less than successful God-fearing men of great means and influence. Undoubtedly, to those of us with political aspirations, we educated men could find within their message to us quite useful knowledge from the wisdom conveyed. Though, reality so dictates, we must also consider upon such blind trust what direction of purpose or motivation might so drive this delegation to our attention. Nonetheless, compelled we were to lend ear. They were unanimously accepted to present their oratory in our chamber before all sitting committeemen.

The delegation reported of the great wealth beneath the lands for which we are so urgent to trade for mere farms and grazing. The wealth is in the black oily water that burns. The black water that they speak of rises simply as geysers from the Earth. Giant black snakes will deliver the liquid gold and those of us that control the geysers of black water and the giant snakes will certainly control the world just as God directs, we must. The expenditure our nation pays to the whalers’ fleet of late will be no more, for the black water be it liquid gold, burns to light lamps for all through the long winter nights. It takes no wizard's eye to envision the profits available to our treasury from the subsequent increase in production-based taxation.

Sidebars with these delegates revealed news of sculptured mountains in the west, whereupon correct decision will find a place for an eternal memorial to the greatness of thee, great honorable Andrew Jackson. To leave these lower but civilized tribes to toil their lands we find profit in their doing so through clever trade and taxation. Be we fools to not heed the wisdom from which we came. The king’s empire grew quickly and so then shall our empire. Given the correct decision on this delicate matter, we may realize profits that will turn all the English Royal Family green with envy.

Remiss would be thee to favor the needs of one state’s desire over the need and economic betterment of the whole nation. It is by this the committee pleads to provide no such appropriation for displacing the Cherokee, further-more we ask you as top executive through federal intervention prevent the Georgian injustice and theft of territories held and occupied by the registered members of the Cherokee Nation.

 Declaring that it is in the best interest of the nation to not only uphold the high court’s decision but to protect the sovereign rights of the people of the Cherokee and all boundaries set forth in treaties signed prior to this question of removal. The short-sighted desires of Georgians must be reasonably weighed against the long-term economic wellbeing of the entire nation. After all, we will certainly find the need for the expanding labor availed to us by the plantation owners in the fields of geysers to the West. Such owners of labor will most likely share the joy in such profits when expressed to them in such common “Cents and Dollars”.

Respectfully submitted,

Senator Simon La Greed, Chairman

Senate Appropriations Committee

                               United States Senate

July 10, 2021 00:01

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