Mystery Mansion

Submitted into Contest #60 in response to: Write a post-apocalyptic thriller.... view prompt


Thriller Adventure

Sasha tried to be as quiet as a church mouse as she walked down the hallway of the mansion she suddenly found herself in. Not even knowing how she got there or why she was there, she had escaped from the room she was being held in to see if she could find a way out to the outside. She had been wandering the hallway for an hour now and every door that she tried was either locked or no one was in the empty room. Getting tired of wandering in a dark mansion in the middle of the night, she was imaging she could smell food being prepared in this mansion that no one else was here. Who was preparing food in the middle of the night for people that weren’t anywhere to be found?

Walking on down the hallways that seemed to go on forever and when Sasha thought she was finally getting to the end, the hallway would take a turn which would place her right back at the beginning of the same hallway that she had walked down. How did she find herself back at the start of the hallway when she turned either to her left or right? This mansion was a mystery to her and she wanted to scream as loud as she could, but when she opened her mouth to scream, empty air was all that came out.   Getting tired of walking, she spotted a chair sitting against the walk slightly in front of her on her left side. She knew that when she got up to the chair, she was going to sit down to rest her legs and try to figure this mansion out. She kept watching the chair, but it never seemed to get any closer. Was she going crazy? Was she seeing things that weren’t even there?

Feeling something run across her shoes, she looked down which instantly she wished she hadn’t looked down. There lying across her feet was a big fat brown snake that was looking at something off in the distance with the snake’s red tongue darting in and out. Jumping back away from the snake, she watched as it slithered on its way toward whatever in the distance the snake had been watching. Her skin started to feel snakes crawling all over her and she started to brush the creepy feeling away. A shudder went throughout her body and touched every inch of her body inside as if to warn her of something which she hoped and prayed that it wasn’t more snakes coming her way.  She had two things that she hated with every inch of her soul, mind, and body which was snakes and spiders.  God could come down and put both of them in Hell to torment the devil with their presences. She wanted to find a door to the outside, so she could get out and away from this mansion. She wanted far, far away from whatever was happening in this dark creepy mansion.

Hearing someone laugh off in the distance, she hoped she was getting close to someone that would be able to help her get out of this mess. A sweet smell drifted pass her as the wind pushed its way into the mansion, she wondered slightly where that was coming from. Hoping that maybe she could figure out where the smell was coming from, she would be able to find people that would help her. Maybe they would let her sit down to rest before they started to help her find the door. Maybe they would have food that they would share with her. Was she hoping for too much in the form of people and food?

She was about to take a step to go down the hallway when from behind two strong hands grabbed each of her arms and she was swung around to come face to face with two of the ugliest men that she had ever laid eyes on. One of the men had a scar that ran from somewhere inside his hair to his lips like someone had slashed half of his face up with a knife. He had little scars by his right ear and around his chin to earn him the nickname “Scarface”. The other man was mean looking and mad that someone had to go find the escape artist that had somehow got out of her room. She was instantly scared of both of them and one of them said “We finally found her. Let’s take her back to the boss and see what he does with her. I would just get this whole thing done with and kill her.”

“No, not the boss, he wants to run his experiments on her and then maybe we will have fun with what’s left of her, just like the last woman that he brought her.” Sasha was getting scared to death with the thought of some woman been that the boss had brought here and what did those two men mean when they said “what was left of her”? Tears were starting to flow out of her brown eyes as the men dragged her down the hallway she had just came down. Entering a room that looked more like an operation room, she was lifted onto a gurney to be strapped there to await her upcoming operation.  Through the tears that were flowing heavily, she said to the two men, “Please let me go! I wouldn’t tell anyone about this! Please!”

“Sorry, my love these two goonies are more excited with the thought of getting your remains for their pleasure, then being a nice human being to let you go.”  A strange man had entered the room unseen by anyone as he stood in the shadows to listening to the conversation that was going on between the two men and the lovely lady that he had kidnapped for his pleasure. He wasn’t sure which was the most fun he would have, the actually part of stalking her like an animal and knocking her out to carry her off in the middle of the night like a prized treasure he had found. Or was it the experiments that he would be doing on her body tonight?

He had stalked her for two weeks getting used to her schedule that she had for most of her life because she would get up, get dressed, and go to work. During lunch, she would either bring a brown bag lunch or go out with one of her friends. After work, she would do her shopping or simply go home to her apartment. She did the same thing every day and the only thing that was different was her lunch time. No one to miss her when he took her and he would take her eventually, one night when she was least expecting it or maybe he would terrific her enough to make her run from him which excited him the most.

“Why are you doing this to me?” He stood there looking at her with a puzzled look on his face and confused thoughts running through his mind.  He wondered if she was telling the truth that someone hadn’t heard about his situation and how he had gone to court for cruelty to humans. What a joke because he had been sentenced to sixty years in prison and even before he got to prison, he had escaped leaving the guards looking like the totally fools that they are. “Why? My dear, I am doing this simply because I can. You see I use to run so-called cruelty tests on my clients and they started to whine like the little children they are. So simply put, I took you out of society to be my test pigeon. Now, go to sleep like a good little girl and when you wake up, I promise you will be different.”

Sasha slept the whole afternoon away and into the evening. Her head pounded like it was going to burst open and everything in her head was going to flow out. She kept having thoughts how much better off she would be if she wouldn’t even wake up to finish this nightmare to the end. Not even wanting to know what the dear old doctor had done to her while she slept, she knew one thing for sure which was he was completely crazy, insane, totally off the cracker.

Something was going wrong, she felt light like a cloud floating away from the Earth, from this nightmare. Her spirit floated out of her body leaving the empty shell behind for someone else because she was on her way upward. She kept hearing this man’s voice not to look back at her shell of a body, but just to look upward to follow his voice. Her heart was slowing down and her breathing was labor. Her eyes were focusing upward to her Heavenly Father who was taking her to a better place, a safer place.

September 24, 2020 20:39

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