Mystery Crime Thriller


That’s the thing about this city. No matter what, everyone is always together. I always imagine it as the “perfect place”. Imagine...it’s a strong word. A word that gives people dreams...hopes...wantings. I dream of being a great police officer, like my dad. A crime solver. I imagine myself in his shoes everyday. 

Chapter 1

    My hand started to shake as I saw a huge figure in front of me. I shuddered as I pointed up my flashlight to see his face. He is six feet tall, has brown hair, a childishly sneaky appearance, and his name is...Bart Jonas. “Dad, you scared me! I’m still adjusting to the new house.”, I said. 

“You should be in bed Ursula Le Guin”, my father scolded. He must be pretty angry if he’d said my full name.

I sighed. I couldn’t work on my case anymore tonight. 

“Alright. Good night Dad.”

“Good night Ursula.”

As I climbed into bed, I felt, surprisingly, extremely tired.I should really call it a night, I thought to myself and drifted off to sleep. 

    The next morning, I woke up to the smell of strawberry pancakes. “Yum!” I said. I raced downstairs to find a plate with pancakes and...my dad nowhere to be found. “Dad?” I called, my voice muffled with pancakes. There was no response. I swallowed my mouthful. “Dad?” I called again. Still no response. I felt something scratch my hand, right where my birthmark was. I looked on the table to find a note. It said, “Dear Ursula, I’m sorry I had to leave early. There was a case at the railroad station near the library. Something about litter, missing money, and something expensive. Meet me at the station by 10am. Love, Dad.”. I turned my head to look at the clock. 9:15am. I stuffed down my breakfast, grabbed the car keys, and sped off. I had just gotten my driver’s license a few months ago. 

    I reached the station by 9:59am. Phew! As I got out of the car, my eyes widened at the sight of TONS of litter on the station floor. I got to my father as fast as I could. “Hi Ursula!” 

“Hi Dad. What happened here? Do we have any leads yet?” I asked as I put on a pair of latex gloves. 

“Nothing yet. See if you can get something. We’re looking for a missing amount of money and a very expensive item. It belongs to the president, I heard.” my dad replied.


I turned around, looked at my palm tree shaped necklace, and whispered, “I love you mom.”

Then, I got to work. I went around, hopping around the litter, talking to witnesses and clearing the station. I moved on to my last witness. 

“I saw a man, he was talking to a woman who looked...like you.” he said, as he pointed at me. I spun around and faced him. I narrowed my eyes.

“What did you say?” I asked.

“I said, there was a woman who looked exactly like you, same birthmark, same necklace…” his voice trailed off.

“Not again…” I muttered. I went to my dad and said “It’s him. It’s Zach”.

His eyes widened. 

“Are you sure? I mean, what made you think that?” he said.

“One of the witnesses. He said he saw a woman that looked just like me-“ I pause, “-exactly like me”, I correct.

“Show me the witness.” 

I pointed my finger at where I saw the witness.

“There’s no one there Ursula”.

“What? He’s right…” my voice trails off as I turn my head to look. Nobody was there.

“He was right here!” 

It’s then I realize, he was Zach. 

Chapter 2

    My dad and I get in the car and drive home, my head spinning with ideas, thoughts. How could he have gotten out of jail? How did he make more clones? More copies? Suddenly, my head started to throb as I heard a voice, one that was inside my head. “Ursula, how nice to see you again. You might be wondering how I escaped jail. Oh, and also, I was the one who stole the items and put the litter in the station. I hope I didn’t cause much trouble.”

All of a sudden, the car stopped. 

“Dad? Why did you stop the car?” I asked

“Ursula! Get out of the car now!!!” dad shouted.

“WHY?!” I shouted back.

There was a huge, blasting sound. A train.

I unblocked my seat belt and did the same to dad’s. Opening the car door, I shoved my father out of the car and got myself out right before the train smashed into our car. Dad seemed...blank. Scared. 

“Are you okay dad?”I asked.

He shook his head and replied,”I’m fine. Let’s get home.”

Chapter 3

    After I was sure my dad was sleeping, I put on my police coat and snuck out of the house. I sighed. What was I doing? I decided to go back, when I heard a scream. A high-pitched one. I ran towards the sound, determined to catch...whoever. I reached an abandoned building on Stark st. I took out my gun, the one with the flashlight. 

“Who’s there?” I said. 

A flash of Zach runs in my mind. His kind but deceiving smile. I loved him, but he used me. He used me to kill millions of people. He used me to make thousands of clones, causing havoc in the city. It all started on August 12th, 2022. I met him at training college. We both wanted to become a crime police. He was an orphan, or so he told me. I decided from that moment that he would be in my life forever. We were together for a year. He secretly collected all my information, the birthmark on my forearm, my palm tree necklace, my eye color, everything. One day, he stopped coming to college. I called him, left a voice message, texted him. I almost searched the whole city for him. He was...gone. The next morning I woke up, my eyes swollen from crying to see flames surrounding the house. I got dad and myself out just in time. My eyes widened at the sight of the city. My city. The one I was training to protect. 

I heard a ding. 

I took my phone out of my pocket and checked my messages. One voice message. From...Zach. It said, “Hey Ursula! Do you like my gift? I made clones just like you. Have fun getting thrown in jail! The police department will believe that you’re my clone. Then I can get rid of you. I never liked you. I just needed you in jail so then your dad can go to jail. He is the best detective after all. Then I can freely create more destruction!” 

My eyes welled up with tears. But something inside me snapped. Heat rushed into my face and I called my team and fought against the clones. It took some time to prove that I wasn’t a clone, to find Zach, and put him in jail.

And now...I’m looking for him again. I sigh.


“Ursula?” A voice said. My head snapped up. 

“Who’s there?” I asked.

A six foot figure stood in front of me. 

“Dad?” I said, shocked

“Shh.” He said, “I heard the scream too.”

Then the shots start. My dad goes into the room.

I freeze. One of the blue beams is fixed on my chest. I dive sideways to move out but I’m not fast enough.

The gun goes off. I fall.

Chapter 4

    I wake to a throbbing pain in my right arm. I cringe as I push myself up. I’m back home, in bed. 

“Dad?” I call. Me and my dad have had a very close relationship since my mom died. I barely remember her, but I know that my Dad really loved her. 

I hear his feet pounding up the stairs. 

“Ursula? Are you awake?” He asks, breathing heavily.

“Yeah.” I call back

He enters my room.

“How are you feeling?” He says.

“Good. My arm is throbbing though…” I reply.

“Well, I’m glad you woke up. You’ve been in bed for 3 days. I was starting to think that I would have to admit you in a hospital.” he sighs.

“3 DAYS?!” I exclaim.

“Yes” he responds.

“Did you get him? Zach, I mean.” I ask.

“Not yet. We’re very close though.” He replies.

I sigh as I get up, stifling a groan as pain shoots through my arm.

“You should take it easy for a while Ursula…” my dad says.

“Ok” I say.

Suddenly, everything went black and my father screamed.

March 20, 2021 01:27

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Vasugi Guru
20:24 Mar 21, 2021

It’s really good attempt, little thrilling and fallowing their ambitions.


Aarathi Guru
16:11 Mar 22, 2021



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