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Fantasy Fiction Mystery

Chris and Jeremy had a expression of annoyance plastered on their face, wanting to roll their eyes, But they didn't. They wanted to leave and stop wasting their time listening to the constant rambling of the librarian.

"I've told you boys countless times this is no place for horseplay, or yelling. You've made it very apparent that it goes in one ear, and straight out the other! Find the book you want, check it out, and go home!" With that the librarian turned, going back to the desk, sitting down and going back to whatever she was doing on the computer.

Chris and Jeremy turned. There actually was a book the two wanted to read. It was a fantasy book, that had just been released. The author who wrote it had been the boys favorite author for years. The two walked to the fantasy/fiction aisle, whispering as they went. The two went down the isle, scanning the books for the name, "Christine Linkin". But half way through the aisle, the ground felt... strange. The boys were puzzled. The Library was built over a sturdy foundation. How was there a weak point?

The Boys thought nothing of it, Shrugging it off. After looking a bit longer the two found the book. "Down the Cavern.". They looked at each other. They had anticipated a new book for weeks, and it was finally here! They turned around, walking back,

that's when the floor gave...

The two fell, it seemed like a never ending fall down a tube, but it wasn't necessarily dark. It was lit by bio-luminescent mushrooms, giving it a blueish green lighting. After falling for what seemed like forever, the boys hit the ground. But when they did, it didn't hurt, or cause any dis-comfort. But when they opened their eyes, it didn't look like the real world. Or at least.. it didn't look like their world.

The trees had purplish leaves, with a ocean blue wood. fire flies buzzed around, one even landed on Chris's shoulder. "What is this place..." Jeremy asked, looking around. "Do I look like I know? You think I fall through holes in the ground all the time?" Chris snapped back, standing up. Jeremy looked down, realizing he still had the book.

The two walked around for what seemed like hours, slowly growing tired as time went on. Jeremy yawned, looking at Chris. "Maybe we should rest.. i'm getting really tired.." Chris looked back, not looking nearly as tired. "And get eaten by something that looks like it came straight out of Courage the Cowardly Dog? No thanks."

The two continued, that's when Jeremy opened the book, reading it.

"Wait.. Chris! This is our story! Look, It has everything that happened. And according to this.. we're almost out of here!"

Chris looked at him, his face showing an expression of pure desperation. "What? Let me see.."

Chris took the book, reading through, his face lighting up. "Here! It says we need to go through a cave.. lit by a flurry of crystal light." Chris looked up, his eyes darting around, until they landed on a cavern, just visible through the brush and trees. The two ran toward it, not caring if they got cut up by and plants, or bit by any bugs.

When they got there, the two looked into the cave, there was a gem stone, laying in the middle of the crystal lit room. The two slowly approached it. They looked at each other, nodding to each other as if counting to 3. They touched it at the same time.

It went dark...

The boys opened their eyes, looking around. Where were they..? A faint, familiar voice could be heard, yelling. What was it saying? Then it became more clear.. it was the librarian. She was yelling, asking if they were okay, a quiver in her voice. When the boys opened their eyes, she let out a sigh of relief. "You Two were out of it.. basically unconscious! Come on, get up. Lets get you two home."

They dropped the book on the library floor, walking out with the librarian. Their parents were waiting on them to come out, and when they did, they were helped to the car. They went home, still dazed. They never found the book again after what happened. But they didn't care, they had lived through the story. Not just read it.

But something made Chris want to go back, not through the hole, but he wanted to go back. So, he did, he scanned through the shelves, looking for the last book by Christine Linkin. He found it, a book named, "The Mystery on Boynton Valley." Chris took the book, checking it out, taking it home to his computer. He cracked the book open, reading through it.

The book told the story of a family that went missing, in Boynton Valley, without a trace. Chris Googled the release date of the book. April 29th, 2019. Chris wrote the date down, then googled the event that happened in the book. He was shocked to find out that it really did happen. And when he looked up when it happened, he found the date was May 12th, 2019. He was startled, the book predicted the future, just like it did with him and Jeremy!

Chris went back to the library, in and out for the next several days. Each story by Christine Linkin matched with a event that happened shortly after it was published! Chris told Jeremy what he found, he agreed with Chris. This was more then a coincidence..

Was this witch-craft.. a secret admirer.. or something darker..?

Chris couldn't sleep. What was happening? His favorite author had turned into someone.. something he feared. He looked up to her, and now with every new book announced, he knew it could result in tragedy. Chris continued researching, until he decided to research not on the stories.. but on Christine herself.

He found that she was found abandoned, her parents didn't want her, but didn't want to go through the paper work for adoption. So they left her to be found. She had a terrible childhood, constantly getting in trouble, almost being arrested a few times. And then one day, something tragic happened.

Her adoptive parents were lost tragically in a car accident, right after her first book. Which like Chris guessed, was a story about a family having a road side incident. Chris thought about contacting the police, but then, he thought of something better. He would contact Christine herself.

After a day, Christine responded to the email he sent her about the stories. She denied the claim, saying they were tragic coincidences that no one could've stopped. She never responded again, but she did announce another book, coming out in a month. It was about a territory becoming infested with a plague, that town.. was Dahlgren, Illinois.. the same town Chris lived in.. And then soon after the book came out, the town was quarantined, and no one who inhabited was let out, and along with the rest of the town, Chris was lost to the plague. And as always, no one pointed a finger at Christine.

April 26, 2021 15:12

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1 comment

Rex Baker
18:58 Apr 27, 2021

Hello! First I wanna say thank you for reading my story. It's my first one, so i'd really appreciate some friendly criticism.


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