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Drama Suspense Thriller

Day 1

Jake, Adam, and Steven are three guys who lived in New york and were best friends for 5 years.  One day they saw a poster on the floor that said “How long can you survive in the lockdown, prize $500,000,000”. “This seems cool”, said Jake. Steven replied “I’m not sure though”. “I think it’s worth a shot”. Said Adam.  “so it’s settled” said Jake, “We’re going today”.

“Hooray.” said Steven in a faint worried tone 

Later that day they went to the address that the poster said it was at. It was a science lab that was called RH corp.  As soon as they went in, A scientist popped out from the door saying “welcome to the lockdown” in a happy voice. Would you like to start immediately or wait for tomorrow. Steven was about to suggest going tomorrow but Jake immediately interrupted him saying “today”. “Very well then.”  said the scientist now in a serious voice. The group went with the scientist and walked towards a room. Then the scientist turned around and said to the group. “Step in this room.” He showed the three guys the room which was kind of small and had nothing in there except a tv that only plays one episode of blue's clues and three books . The three guys stepped inside and the door immediately shut. Even though Steven was shaking ,all three guys were thinking to themselves, “it’s going to be fine”

3 days later...

Every day at 12:00 The scientists put food in the room using a small slide on the door. Jake is pretty chill, sleeping most of the time, Adam is looking at the tv, and Steven is reading a book. Every hour though, they stop what they're doing and just talk to each other about certain things . “So what do you think about the books that we are reading?” said Steven. “It’s pretty good I guess.” Jake replied. “I mean I’m not really into the story”. “Hey by the way, how long do you think we are going to stay in here”. Said Adam. Jake replied “Well the poster said “how long can you survive in the lockdown” so I guess until we don’t want to be in here”.  “Well I don’t want to be in here anymore”. Said Steven. “Come on, don’t wuss out”. Said Adam. Steven (completely ignoring him) Tried to open the door but it wouldn’t open. Steven, now looking worried, turns to Jake and says “It’s not opening”. Jake gets up immediately and says “What!”. 

He tries to open the door too but it still doesn’t work. Adam starts to panic. “You mean we’re stuck in here?” said Adam. Jake tries to calm him down but then Steven starts panicking too, saying. “I told you!” (multiple times). “Everyone calm down!” said Jake in an angry voice. “I think they can hear us so let's just try to tell them what’s going on”. Jake see’s a speaker and a camera and starts speaking to it. “Hello!” said Jake. I think your door is stuck”. “We want to get out now”. Jake kept trying to talk to the camera but eventually Steven just told him to stop. “I think we’re stuck in here.” Jake says in a worried voice.

33 days later...

Jake is still trying to figure out how to get out of there, Adam is trying to see how to change the channel of the tv, and Steven is stacking the books in different ways. Jake, Adam, and Steven only sometimes talk to each other now. Adam said “did you figure out how to escape.” “No, not yet.” said Jake. “Let’s just face it guys” said Steven while breaking down into crying. “We’re never going home...We’re never going home...We’re never going ho...” Jake slaps him immediately saying “Calm down!” in an angry voice. “Yes we will”. “We just have to keep looking.” Adam replies, “He’s right.” “o..okay”. Steven said. “I guess you know what you're doing.” “I trust you”. with just a little bit of doubt in his voice

208 Days later...

Jake has been marking multiple plans on the wall, Adam is singing along to the blues clues theme song, and Steven has ripped out multiple pages from each book to make a lot of paper airplanes. The three of them rarely talk to each other now. When they do, it’s only to hear about Jake’s new but impossible plans. “At exactly 12:00pm, I’m going to go in the door slot to try to get out and then…”  “ENOUGH!!” said Steven in the loudest voice he’s ever done. “We are never going to get out of here and that’s final!”. “Wait I still have multiple plans”. Said Jake “No that’s enough!” Said Steven pushing Jake. Jake, now furious, pushed Steven back. Three hours later. They are all fighting. Friend turning on friend. This goes on for thirty minutes and finally, they stop. Too exhausted to fight anymore. Steven in a weak voice says “We are never going to get out”. And like that. Jake finally accepts his fate. 

120 days later...

Jake, Adam, and Steven are sleeping most of the time, when they are not sleeping, they are throwing paper airplanes. None of them talk to each other. They all are just sleeping....Until the doors all of a sudden open. Adam, Jake, and Steven jump up and look at each other and then look at the two scientists as they are dragged out of the room. They couldn’t do certain things in a normal way anymore. Jack couldn’t draw anymore, Adam could no longer watch kid shows, and Steven was never able to read a book the same again.

 Two scientists in a hidden glass window behind the room say to each other. “Longest ones yet”. Said scientist one. “Let’s make sure to give them the money that we promised”. Said scientist two. They type in their computer. “Project 256, time 8760 hours. A span of 365 days.

March 13, 2021 04:29

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1 comment

Naomi Coffman
20:58 Mar 18, 2021

Nice - interesting thought experiment. I would try to show a little more than tell and add some more descriptions of the characters. What are their ticks? What are their facial expressions? Do they look the same after the year of isolation? Do they talk differently or move differently. Explore your narrative!


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