Crime Speculative Drama

“Unrest, distress, disrespect and detest

      The Sacrifice then Fallen Crest”

“He will perish.” 

“They will all perish if we don’t intervene. He must be placed in power to overcome the evil that already exists.”

“Our powers of premonition and persuasion may not prevail. However, we have been left with no other choice. Now, stir, and say it with me, sisters.” 

“Unrest, distress, disrespect and detest

      The Sacrifice then Fallen Crest”

“Who will deliver our message?” 

“Raina, you’re the obvious choice.” 

“I’m not protesting, but why me?” 

“This man will listen to a beautiful woman. Approach him on neutral ground; suggest he take power, and the chips will fall where they may.” 

Raina knew better than to debate the decisions of her older sisters, but it never felt right to be used for her wiles instead of her wisdom. “Tell me what I must do.”

Mavis waved her hand, clearing the steam rising from the bubbling cauldron before bowing her head to get a closer look inside. “Tomorrow.” she proclaimed, “A happenstance meeting at his favorite coffee shop should do the trick. Nine-thirty, yes, nine-thirty.” 

Dawn broke, there were only mere hours until Raina was to carry out the task placed upon her by her sisters, Mavis and Freda. She dressed, checked the address to the coffee shop and prepared herself with a devotional often used in the craft before the implementation of a significant rite or ritual. Her intended destination was not but a few miles from her home, but Raina’s apprehension caused her to get a rather early start. 

As predicted, Michael Macbeth, Mayor of their fair city entered the shop and placed his usual order with the pretty barista behind the counter. Raina watched as he mercilessly flirted with the young woman who was having difficulty hiding her disgust. She rose from her inconspicuous perch near the corner and sauntered to the counter, intentionally brushing her shoulder against Michael’s arm. “Pardon me, I just can’t seem to even walk straight before my morning coffee.” she said, offering her most sultry smile. 

The smile he returned was almost as illuminating as her own, catching Raina a bit off guard. “You can invade my space any time.” He should have simply taken his leave; he had his coffee and paid the bill, instead he lingered just long enough to solicit another comment from Raina.

“You’re quite the charmer Mr. Mayor, but I suppose all politicians are.” 

“So, you know who I am?” 

“Of course. I’m a big fan. As a matter of fact, I was just telling my sisters what a wonderful job I think you’re doing for our city, and wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could do the same for our entire state?” 

“Oh, you flatter me, Miss…?”

“Raina.” she offered, extending her hand, which he took and kissed. “Mr. Mayor are you flirting with me?” she asked coyly.

“Are you opposed to the notion?” 

“I might say no, if it weren’t for that band of gold you wear on your finger. As interesting as I find you, I cannot see my way clear to engage in anything other than conversation with a married man. Have a wonderful day Mr. Mayor, and think about what I said; you should consider a higher seat in our government; much higher.” 

Michael Macbeth watched as Raina walked away, hoping she’d turn back for one last exchange, maybe another one of her flashy smiles, or a wink if he was really lucky. However, the only thing she left him with was the ambitious idea to take the governor's seat on his way to the presidency. The thought of power and placement in the grand scheme of politics became all-consuming and Michael knew he had a destiny to fulfill. 

That night, during a pleasant and informal dinner with his wife, Michael could hardly contain his enthusiasm. “Lilith, what would you say if I told you I’d like to run for governor?” 

Michael didn’t suspect, or maybe he did, but Lilith, his wife of twelve years was actively planning to leave him. Her ambitions far outweighed his and she truly believed she deserved someone who would do whatever it took to get ahead, not only in politics but in life. Lilith grew tired of settling for the second shelf at Tiffany’s and a new car every other year, and she was willing to compromise her marriage to obtain the finer things. Lilith knew she had to act quickly if she were to find another insanely wealthy go-getter before her looks began to betray her. The very thought of Michael becoming governor, sent chills throughout her body; not to mention the unexpected and spontaneous feelings of arousal. Could he be the man she wanted him to be after all? There were two separate seductions that night: Lilith by the promise of power and prestige, and Michael by Lilith. 

Lilith mentally unpacked her bags in favor of the life she always imagined, even if it had to be with Michael Macbeth. “Oh, Michael, that is a brilliant idea. There must be a way to achieve this without having to wait for the next election. The people love you, and I can venture to guess, you’d have a glowing endorsement for the governor’s seat. You know, I heard through the grapevine, Governor Duncan has been having some, well, let’s just say, financial difficulties. I would assume proving him unstable would be a simple undertaking. Are you up for the task?” 

Michael finished his wine and poured another, “You mean take a run at the seat before the next election? Lilith, that is just not how things are done.” 

“Please, spare me the dramatics. Don’t make my suggestion seem so dastardly. You’re a politician Michael, not a boy scout.” 

“I do want the position; no, I deserve the position.” 

Sheer elation coursed through her spent body, eluding sleep like a child anticipating Christmas morning. Lilith filled the quiet hours of night alone in the study, launching her own social media campaign, painting Michael’s portrait exactly as she wanted the public to see him. Surely, when the governor’s seat opened, Mayor Michael Macbeth would be the first name every person in their great state, no, in the country would consider; yes, first in the minds of many. Pleased with her masterpiece of manipulation, Lilith began to research her next move. #futurefirstLadyMacbeth

It did not take but a few days before Michael Macbeth’s notoriety reached epic proportions. An impatient Lilith accelerated her timeline, certain of her plan to place her husband into power. Once his place as governor was secure, she would focus on the senate. 

“Lilith!” Michael frantically called from the foyer. “Something terrible has happened.”

Michael’s doting wife composed herself and went to comfort her husband’s apparent distress. “What has you so upset?” 

“Governor Duncan was killed in an accident last night; they’re saying the cause was faulty brakes. The car could not slow down and took the curve on Inverness Drive over sixty miles per hour; they went over the cliff. Lilith, the governor and his driver are both dead.” 

Lilith feigned concern, “Such a tragedy.”

“I’m going to make a donation to his family. He leaves behind a wife and two young boys.” Michael reached in his desk for his checkbook, contemplating a respectable amount to give. “Lilith?”

“Yes, Michael?”

“Tell me, who is Scott Macduff and why did you pay him ten thousand dollars last week?” 

“Never mind that, Michael. It’s my money too and I will spend it any way I see fit.” 

“Oh, dear God! Lilith what have you done? You forged my signature?”

“I did what I had to do.” 

Michael wanted to be upset. He knew he should have felt something other than relief, but relief is all he felt. “You know, last week I met a woman at the coffee shop who told me I should run the entire state. What if she predicted this, Lilith? I think she may be a witch.” 

“Michael, listen to yourself; have you gone insane?” 

“I should be asking you the same question. Listen, I’ve been called to a meeting at the governor's mansion at three p.m. tomorrow. If I don’t show, I will miss the opportunity you and I both know I deserve. You should pack a bag and come with me. We can celebrate and plan our move into the mansion. I will call you later tonight, I am expected to be in the office this morning to address the unfortunate turn of events.”

“You’re surprisingly reposeful.”

“I suppose I am. I will see you tonight.” Michael kissed his wife and went about his typical morning routine. Had Lilith not taken matters into her own hands, he certainly would have. His introspection brought no guilt, no remorse, just the desire for his morning coffee. 

Raina sat toward the back of the coffee shop, anticipating the arrival of Mayor Macbeth. She was instructed to deliver one more message, sweetly and subliminally to the egotistical yet gullible mayor. He entered the shop just minutes after her prediction, making his way through the crowd to the front of the line, as if it were his right. “My usual please.” he demanded with a disingenuous politeness. Raina sidled up next to him and tugged playfully on his sleeve.

“Mr. Mayor.” she greeted with one of her signature smiles.

“Well, if it isn’t my favorite fortune teller?” 

Raina, insulted by his ignorance, swallowed the urge to curse him and simply delivered the false confidence he would need to carry out his fate. “I see you’ve been busy charming the public on social media. I have to say, it’s working. You’ll be president before you know it.” 

Michael opened his mouth to respond but the words hung inside his cheeks, refusing to escape. Raina blew a playful kiss and quickly turned to away. He would tell Lilith of the second encounter with the witch on their way to the governor's mansion in the morning. He was certain Raina was his harbinger of good fortune and success. However, Lilith would not readily agree. She’d done her due diligence and discovered the latest obstacles in Michael’s path to the presidency. Two young politicians with more experience in their short time in service than Michael had acquired in his two years as mayor. 

Dunsinane Mansion was as gloriously impressive as Lilith had anticipated. She and Michael were escorted to their quarters and instructed to report to the main dining room promptly at six p.m.; formal attire required. “Why does this feel like a trial to determine whether we’re lynched or stoned?” Lilith asked. 

“We’ve come this far, don’t lose your confidence or momentum now. We’re in this together, Lilith. We belong at Dunsinane. The apprehension you’re feeling is likely intimidation; rise above it.” 

Lilith was intimidated, but nothing could prepare her for what she felt entering the grand dining hall that evening. Seated at the far end of the banquet sized table were Governor Duncan’s widow and two young sons; clearly wrought with grief. To their immediate left was deputy governor Birnam Wood; young, serious and pensive and Michael’s biggest threat. He quietly conversed with one of his peers seated across the table, his assistant Earl Siward. She also recognized three other mayors from surrounding cities and Republican Senator Banquo Ross, appropriately positioned at the head of the table.

Senator Ross invited the Macbeth’s to join the others. “We have a bit of business to attend to before dinner is served. Please, come in and have a seat.” he began. “It has come to my attention that you, Michael Macbeth, are interested in becoming the interim governor, is this accurate?”

Michael nervously cleared his throat, “Of course, I want to serve our great state to the best of my ability in any capacity. I do, however, believe I will lead with an abundance of confidence and determination.” 

“And, arrogance, apparently.” was Ross’ retort. “Mayor Macbeth, are you now, or have you ever been associated with one Scott Macduff?”

“Um, no, I don’t recall any Macduff, why?”

Senator Ross stood, “I’m going to give you a moment to retract your answer in favor of the truth, Macbeth. We have Mr. Mcduff in custody, following his voluntary confession to the acceptance of payment in the amount of ten thousand dollars in return for intentionally cutting the brake lines on Governor Duncan’s car. The check was not only from your account but signed by you as well. In light of the concrete evidence we have so readily obtained, you will be charged with premeditated murder. The authorities have been notified and will be here to collect you by morning. In the meantime, we would appreciate your honesty, and admittance of guilt. Make no mistake Michael, we are prepared to hold you here until you are formally arrested, so don’t even consider fleeing Dunsinane.”

Lilith quietly excused herself. She wandered aimlessly through the mansion, trying desperately to remember her way back to the room. As she began to ascend the stairs, the widow Duncan called out from the foyer. “Mrs. Macbeth?” 

Lilith turned to her teary eyed and wracked with guilt. “I’m sorry, I’m not feeling well.” she offered. 

“Yes, I can imagine. Here, I brought you something.” The widow Duncan extended her hand and presented Lilith with a prescription bottle. “They're sedatives, prescribed to me. I suggest you try one for your nerves; it will help you sleep.” 

Lilith took the bottle without a word and found her way back to the room assigned to Michael and her. “How could she be so kind?”, she wondered. 

The authorities came; Michael Macbeth did not willingly surrender. They searched Dunsinane, and found Macbeth hunched over his wife, Lilith’s lifeless body lying on the floor of their ensuite. An empty bottle of sedatives prescribed to the widow Duncan rested between Lilith and the door. 

Senator Ross displayed no remorse. "Say your last good-byes Macbeth, your life too is essentially over.”  

June 29, 2024 19:57

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Malcolm Twigg
15:09 Jul 06, 2024

Tongue very firmly in both cheeks here I think Myranda. Interesting comparison of Medieval Scottish intrigue to modern American politics. It was a literal interpretation of the Scottish play (not that I'm at all superstitious) - if anything I think it was perhaps too literal. That being so, it could probably have done with sending up a bit more. Interesting approach, though. Good luck with it.


Myranda Marie
16:05 Jul 06, 2024

Thank you for your honest feedback; it is always appreciated, although I tend to disagree, but why wouldn't I?...lol I had fun with this one, literal or not; Macbeth is my favorite Shakespeare work.


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06:45 Jul 11, 2024

I’m not particularly familiar with Macbeth as a work but this rendition seemed to have a very straightforward storyline haha :)) it was pretty predictable where I think there may have been opportunity at creating more mystery and intrigue! Nice writing overall, though!


Myranda Marie
14:42 Jul 11, 2024

Thank you for your honest feedback, it's always appreciated. This seems to be the consensus this week, and although I did enjoy writing this, I must take the comments into consideration.


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Darvico Ulmeli
17:39 Jul 08, 2024

Love your writing. Nice one.


Myranda Marie
18:53 Jul 08, 2024

Thank you so much !!!! You made my day !!!


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20:59 Jun 30, 2024

This is superb. Really updated the plot and made it work so well here. Great to see you back!


Myranda Marie
21:12 Jun 30, 2024

Hey, thanks so much !!!!! I really missed everyone here !!!!


05:05 Jul 01, 2024

I know . I was gone for.six months and really missed it!


Myranda Marie
16:29 Jul 01, 2024

We missed you !!!!!


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Mary Bendickson
20:07 Jun 30, 2024



Myranda Marie
20:36 Jun 30, 2024

Yeah, those Macbeth's are a real tragedy, aren't they? lol


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Kristi Gott
01:10 Jun 30, 2024

Very clever story inspired by the evil Lady MacBeth of Shakespeare, who plotted also for power. Pacing, descriptions, dialogue, and characters are all intriguing and the complex plot fits the prompt and keeps the reader drawn into the story. Very well done and entertaining!


Myranda Marie
01:16 Jun 30, 2024

Wow ! Thank you so much ! Macbeth is my favorite Shakespearian work. I know I took many liberties, but Lady Macbeth steered this ship for sure.


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Alexis Araneta
01:02 Jun 30, 2024

Ooh, gripping one, Myranda ! I love how you translated the plats elements into a modern story. Lovely job !


Myranda Marie
01:15 Jun 30, 2024

Thank you. I loved this challenge, although I kept feeling unworthy of reworking Shakespeare.... lol


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Trudy Jas
00:28 Jun 30, 2024

And she's baaaaack! LOL I confess, I'm the least knowledgeable person re. good old Willie. So, I will refrain from adding to the mayhem. Loved the line "There will be two seductions tonight." And I learned a new word: Reposeful. Great stuff. The old coot's stuff is still relevant. :-)


Myranda Marie
01:19 Jun 30, 2024

Thanks !!!! After spending the last four weeks with teenage werewolves, I loved coming back to something with a little more intellect. I'm such a nerd, I actually loved reading Macbeth. "Bubble bubble, toil and trouble!"


Trudy Jas
01:36 Jun 30, 2024

... Squeak and bubble? Or is that something else? LOL Tell me (and anyone who's eaves dropping) about your teenage werewolves. Bet Joshuah I might want to meet them. LOL


Myranda Marie
15:55 Jun 30, 2024

There's a site called READICT that was looking for specific novels to consider for online publishing. One genre they were looking for was young adult stories about werewolves. {I guess they're still popular}....I challenged myself to write one, {you know, not my specialty, but hey.....} So, I wrote "Werewolves, Witches and the Weird Girl"....... funny, right? .....It's been submitted for consideration, so fingers crossed!! If they hate it, I may submit it elsewhere....I really enjoyed writing it!!! .....BTW, they were also looking for romanc...


Trudy Jas
16:15 Jun 30, 2024

I'll check them out. Saw where reedsy was promoting a book about a guy who buys a victorian hous that, guess what is haunted, then falls in love with the female ghost. Hm, sounds familiar, right. I'm working to expand my "Devil" storu (You see). Would sex with the Devil classify as romance?


Myranda Marie
16:33 Jun 30, 2024

Oh damn ! Thats what you meant by someone wrote your book !!!! I was almost afraid to ask !!! You know, I don't get any notifications from Reedsy....except the receipt when I pay to enter the contests. I can't figure out how to fix that. Maybe writing is like investing, you gotta diversify !!! lol


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