Who's Better Than Baskin Robbins?

Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write about someone who has a superpower.... view prompt



Who’s better than Baskin Robbins?

I will let you know the answer to that question in just a few. This story is about a freaking Superhero, with the most murderous positive Superpower ever gifted to man. Dang, do not want to sound negative, but he is killing Superman. Much honor and respect to the man that is super. I viciously connect more to my Superhero and the lasting effects of his Superpower. Do not shoot me yet, check it out.

There was this living carcass, a species which all humanity calls them or rather him, a villain. This certain individual name was, um. Dang, do we have to give him a name. Bad News, his name was Bad News. Key word ‘WAS’ laugh out loud.

Bad News was a serious patch of sore pimples on your bottom. This guy attitude and character alone was created out of movies and horrific violent music. No seriously, his strongest influencing role models were. Frank White, Nino Brown, Scarface, Denise The Menace and Brother Lynch Hung, to name a few. Bad News being a villain, stole those characters and others, Superpowers. Which was the power of manipulation, complaining, thievery, destruction and acts of self-loveless demonstrations towards others.

He hated being born into a world of monstrous behavior and poverty. Instead of fighting against it, it consumed him and made him angry and evil. Bad New always had bad news, his work sometimes made the bad news section in the newspapers. Totally ironic. Bad News was filled with every emotion possible. He was angry one second and then worried. Happy one second then depressed, furious then joyful. Explosive then wonderful to be around. Pissed off then kind, violent then an enormous guilt trip. This guy was all over the place.

He would use his Superpowers on everyone including to those who cared about him. The repercussions and tax return on his deceitful acts of deliberate violence caused catastrophic injuries. Mentally, spiritually, sometimes lightly physical damage to his victims. The magical Universe than holds the planets together would use its Superpower, Krama.

Bad News would unleash more of his power the more the Universe would release its power. Bad News went deep into his sorcery. His powers became more ultimately destructive and extremely powerful. He loved the fruit those powers produced. Bad News was sitting on top of the world. The Universe powers could not defeat his powers or at least that what Bad news thought.

Bad News did not know that the power of Karma was only at DEFCON one. The Universe released Karma at DEFCON four. Bad New powers began to work against him. His emotions hit tremendously hard causing mental breakdown. The long beautiful bridges that lead to amazing cities and to Divine spectacular human beings burnt down. The access to those who gave him love and affection were blocked by titanium walls.

The more he used his power the more Bad News suffered. Absolutely nothing suppressed his misery and pain from his cancerous powers. Karma made him see all his tax return in full and more. Bad News could not rest, could not sleep. The agony from his malfunctioned powers and Karma brought him to his knees. No longer could he experience his one minutes of happiness anymore.

Death was his final thought when he woke up completely alone. On his last road to his final resting place. He notices a bridge, a skinny narrow bridge. It was a pathway to a secret new world. He smiles from the thought of using his powers once again. So, he scraped his body trying to fit through the painful thin bridge.

Bad New entered this humongous beautiful new world. He is met by this tall, deep voice, intimidating Superhuman. Bad News looks at him curiously but not able to see him clearly. This Superhero has an extra electrifying superpower, his smile. This smile alone is divine. He felt something weird about this guy. By the halo alone that follows this Superhero you know he meant business. Bad News stood at attention preparing for battle.

The Superhero released his God given Superpowers violently correct. Bad News fought until he was decapitated by those lighting volts of Power.

Bad News was defeated by the power of truth and self-love. The high-power words of comprehensible conversation on several topics destroyed Bad News negative pride. The more the Superhero talked, the more his superpower destroyed Bad News fictional character. Viciously the vocal literature spread through the mind of Bad New dropping him to his knees.

The knowledge on how to build your real character is revealed. Consumed by positive energy and a different state of mind he begins to transform. He was taught how to love himself. Forgive himself, to forgive others, take responsibility for his actions. How to control himself, discipline his action from disappointments. How to stop giving all emotions negative meanings. The Superhero release more of his power each second.

Bad News was taught how to dissect each human emotion. That negative emotions are messages from the Universe to change something to be greater Superhumans. To change his perspective on things and their meaning. Or simply to change his actions, to receive a better emotion. That gives, smiles and hugs rather than violence.

The Superhero superpower poured mountains of strength and knowledge in each sentence. Bad News cried as he was taught, he had the choice to be a Superhero or Villain. The truth on who superpower last a lifetime without regrets or guilt after being used. The Superhero powers were a gift from his creator. His superpower is to help others, use and find their superpower to live ‘GREATNESS’.

After a day of being beat up by the vocabulary superpower of wisdom and motivation. Bad News took of his mask off. He summitted to the ultimate Superhero, the Universe. And acquired unused Superpowers he already had within. Like the superpower to choose, love, forgiveness, kindness, fairness and understanding. And changed his name to the Great News.  

Coaching and understanding human nature to change our direction become our greatest selves was the Superhero superpower. So, to the question. Who’s better than Baskin Robbins?  Simple, my Superhero, The Amazing TONY ROBBINS!!

                                                                      The End      

July 04, 2020 01:51

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Anisha Yagnik
15:30 Jul 13, 2020

I love the arc of this story! There was so much truth to your words that it made the Superhero believable. A redemption arc is often cheesy, but this was not. It was deep, moving, and hopeful. I enjoyed how you channeled [what I assume is] Tony Robbins' philosophy into this story without revealing his name until the end. To me, this story was about hope for the "villains" in humanity. Well done. Also; Some sentences I particularly admire is: "There was this living carcass, a species which all humanity calls them or rather him, a villain....


Steven Thompson
19:29 Jul 16, 2020

I absolutely appreciate your beautiful words, thank you so kindly for reading the story and especially leaving a comment, everything you said and admire means the world to me. Thanks again Queen, have a marvelous day.


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