Adventure Drama Friendship

A group of 33 men were crawling under a small narrow tunnel. It was very dirty and wet. If it rained anymore then the tunnels would be flooded. Each man knew it was a race against time. They all had camouflage hats in their pockets to match their uniforms. General Dalton who was leading the group yelled at them in a big booming voice to keep going. It echoed throughout the whole tunnel. They had one long rope tied on each man's waist. Dalton wanted to make sure he did not lose any men. Dalton ran his hand through his wet red hair. His blue eyes sparkled as he pushed on. This was his first mission that he was leading. He would be leading the troop temporarily. The tunnel was 40 miles long. It took them hours to get to the end of the tunnel. They went on without stopping till they reached the vent to come out of. It led to a prison. His leader and a few other men were being held there. Their mission was to free them and come back to headquarters. One of the prisoners was Daltonś best friend. They all had book bags with food in them on their backs and guns strap to their side. Dalton also had a couple of foldable stretchers in case there was a need for them. Dalton kicked open the vent. All the men followed him out of the vent. Then they took the rope off. Dalton and another man named Miller were responsible for finding the prisoners and then freeing them. The other men had to fend off any prisoner guards. Dalton ordered his men to take the safety off their guns. They had to make this as quick as possible. Dalton found their leader and Miller looked for the other men. Dalton found his leader Colonel Lee. Dalton picked the lock. Lee was uninjured but did need some food for energy. He was not given any food for nearly a week. Dalton got a little food from his bag with his other hand closely on his gun. Dalton got just enough food to give Lee some energy. Lee would be in charge again when they got back but Dalton was in charge of this mission. Dalton told Lee and the men with him that was on guard; they were going to go check on the others. Dalton found Miller and the rest of his troop making their way back to the tunnels. Then three prison guards came in and saw them. When they saw they were outnumbered they quickly ran away. They were probably going to go get back up. Dalton and his men had to get out of their quick. He asked Miller if he had got everyone. Miller said one man was found dead in his cell and one is injured but other than that everyone was there. Dalton figured out his best friend did not make it but he did not have time to mourn. The injured man named Campbell was limping. He had a bullet wound on one of his legs. Dalton got a stretcher and helped Campbell lay down there. Dalton decided Lee and himself would carry the stretcher because they were the strongest of the troop. They put the rope back on. They then quickly went back down the vent to go back down the tunnels. Dalton and Lee went first and had to crawl while carrying the stretcher. Luckily the tunnel was wide enough for it. Behind them the rest of the men followed. The last man closed the vent back up. They started crawling as fast as possible back to the other side. Suddenly three men died. The whole group was stopped. Dalton was confused on why some of his men  had died. He told his men to take the rope of those who were dead and continue on. A few hours later Dalton was not feeling well. His stomach hurt and he felt sick. Soon all his men started to complain they felt sick. Lee said after a couple of days being in the prison that he started feeling sick. Dalton knew that had to push on despite the sickness they all felt. The other troop would catch up with them if they stopped. They finally made out to the other side of the tunnel. There was a plane waiting for them. They flew back to headquarters. Dalton reported that his mission was complete. One man was dead and one was injured. The injured man was taken immediately to the emergency treatment room. Campbell curled up in pain. The doctor started applying a dressing applying a negative pressure wound therapy device. . It would take about 10 days to heal. The doctor took a blood sample to analyze. The doctor found that Campbell had a very congustious virus. The virus was from the prison. The doctor told the director that Daltonś troop all probably had the virus and needed to be tested right away. The probability of surviving the virus was very low. If you did survive it would take a long time for the virus to leave your body. The rate of surviving was 30%. The director summoned Lee and Dalton and told him to round up his troop and go to the treatment room. They all went to get tested. Most of the troop had the virus including Dalton. Lee did not get the virus.  This is why they all felt so sick while crawling back in the tunnels. It slowed them down a lot but they all pushed on. The group would have to be quarantined. The ones who did not have the virus were put in a different troop. The group with the virus was to be sent to an island that no one was at. All the soldiers were scared for their life and prayed they would make it through this. They all had to put on masks. Dalton  flew all of them on a plane to the island. Most of the group had lost their spirits and morale. Dalton told them stories and taught them songs to help lift up their spirits. It seemed to work. Every month or so supplies would be dropped off at the island for them. Then men started dropping like flies. The whole group's moods shifted after seeing their fellow soldiers dying. Soon there were only three of them left. Dalton, Miller, and Davis were the only ones left. Over the next year they grew closer to each other and became good friends. They started becoming stronger. The virus was slowly leaving their bodies. They made sure they maintained fitness in case they returned back to the military. Miller started writing songs in his free time. Dalton started writing a novel. Davis read a lot and wrote short poems. Dalton soon requested for them to be tested again to see if the virus was gone or not. They were tested and there was still a little bit of the virus in their systems. They would have to wait for a couple more weeks. Before they knew it the virus was finally all out of their systems. The three of them all ended up going back to the military. They all ended up in the same troop. They remained close friends for the rest of their lives. They had missed out on a lot because of the virus. Eventually Dalton published his novel and won an award for it. The toll of the virus affected them a lot but they had made close friends. 

March 12, 2021 16:09

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