Adventure Romance Drama

Email Correspondence between Richard Lawrence and Willa Reed:

From: R. Lawrence 

To: W. Reed

Time: 4:47pm EDT, March 11th, 2019

Dear W. Reed,

Good evening. How are you? I thought I’d share a little about myself. My name is Richard Lawrence. I am sixteen years old and attend Hall High School for the Academically Gifted. As part of my English project, I must maintain close correspondence between a peer chosen by my teacher at another school for the next six weeks. I look forward to getting to work with you on this project.

Good wishes,

R. Lawrence 

From: W. Reed

To: R. Lawrence

Time: 12:05pm EDT, March 12th, 2019

Dear Ricky,

First of all, I’m going to call you Ricky because you sound too old to be sixteen and I think a nickname might help you have fun since you obviously don’t know what that it. Second, ‘Good evening’? Dude, get real. Anyway, my name is Willa Reed. I am fifteen years old, until April, and I go to Jewel School of the Arts. This is going to be a weird project, that they said we need to continue even if school gets shut down. So, what should we talk about? Favorite things? My favorite ice cream flavor is mint chip. Bye for now, lunch is ending. 


From: R. Lawrence 

To: W. Reed

Time: 7:56am EDT, March 13th, 2019

Dear Willa,

My favorite ice cream flavor is vanilla with cherries and whipped cream on top. Yesterday my teacher started assigning prompts for us to answer. It was: Describe your family and friends. (How many siblings you have? Etc.) 

To answer, I am an only child. I live with my mother, father, and grandparents on my father’s side. We live on our family estate. One of my favorite activities out there is riding the horses. To note the subject of friends, I don’t have any. I am in the math club at school, and my peers are nice enough. First bell is about to ring, so I must go. 


R. Lawrence

P.S. I do not like the nickname Ricky.

From: W. Reed

To: R. Lawrence

Time: 11:43pm EDT, March 14th, 2019

Can we stop writing in the form of letters? And I’m still going to call you Ricky; I think it sounds nice. (See the semicolon, I thought you and your fancy writing would like it.) Cherries on ice cream? No offense but gross! Hm, estate, huh? Sounds nice. I live with my Mom and two brothers, Alec and James. They’re little, four and five years old with Alec being older. I share a room with them in our apartment. Favorite activity? Music. That’s what I focus on at school, anyway. I like to listen to music, and can play the piano or guitar. I like to be outside and adventure too. Not many trees to climb in town though, and Mom won’t let me go out of the city. Sorry, for the late hour. I forgot to check my email today. Got to go, Mom’s telling me to go to bed.

-Willa(even though you could check the sender and I wouldn’t have to do this)

From: R. Lawrence

To: W. Reed

Time: 7:34am EDT, March 15th, 2019

Fine, I won’t start these like letters, Willa Tree. That’s your new nickname by the way. Question of the day: How do you pronounce pecan? Personally, there is only one way to pronounce it which is Peh-con. Also, pecan is my favorite kind of pie. 

From: W. Reed

To: R. Lawrence

Time: 12:01pm EDT, March 16th, 2019

It’s pee-can. Like where’d the puh come from? You say it like it’s spelled. And what kinda question is this? Your teacher must be at a loss. Also, how would you pronounce tomato? (Jokes on you I like that nickname)

From: R. Lawrence

To: W. Reed

Time: 7:17am EDT, March 17th, 2019

Toe-mah-toe. Obviously. Fine then, I’ll come up with the questions from now on. Favorite book and or series?

From: W. Reed

To: R. Lawrence

Time: 4:56am EDT, March 18th, 2019

Weird. Now I kinda picture you with a British accent. Hm, maybe Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. Not too into books. You?

From: R. Lawrence 

To: W. Reed

Time: 7:02am EDT, March 18th, 2019

Couldn’t sleep? I’m actually very fond of The Giver by Lois Lowry. Not sure why, but it was my favorite in middle school and remains so. And for the record I’m not British. My mother lived there for ten years before moving back to the states, though. 

From: W. Reed

To: R. Lawrence 

Time: 5:22pm EDT, March 19th, 2019

Thunder storm kept me up. As for the British thing, did you pick up her accent or something? I’m curious to know. 

From: R. Lawrence

To: W. Reed

Time: 7:27am EDT, March 20th, 2019

And how do you suppose I prove it?

From: W. Reed

To: R. Lawrence

Time: 11:57am EDT, March 20th, 2019

How about ice cream at Scoops? Tomorrow, after school. Say? Four-ish. You in?

From: R. Lawrence

To: W. Reed

Time: 6:59am EDT, March 21st, 2019

Are you asking me out? I’m in. 

From: W. Reed

To: R. Lawrence

Time: 8:34am EDT, March 21st, 2019

See you then. 

Direct Text Messaging:

8:45pm EDT, March 21st, 2019

WillaTree: so, u r really not British

Ricky: sadly, no.

WillaTree: did you mean what you said about art school?

Ricky: What?

WillaTree: said you want to go to art school like me but your parents won’t let u

WillaTree: was it true?

Ricky: yes. I want to play in the band, but don’t tell my parents please

WillaTree: wouldn’t dream of it. I don’t even know your parents 

Ricky: I had a good time today

WillaTree: me too. 

WillaTree: mom’s calling me for dinner, got to go

Ricky: bye

Email Correspondence between Richard Lawrence and Willa Reed:

From: R. Lawrence

To: W. Reed

Time: 7:04am EDT, March 22nd, 2019

For the record, do we have to email for this project or can I just text you?

From: W. Reed

To: R. Lawrence 

Time: 12:07pm EDT, March 22nd, 2019

Not sure. Would rather text though, it’s easier to respond right away. 

From: R. Lawrence

To: W. Reed

Time: 3:57pm EDT, March 22nd, 2019

Will ask Monday

Direct Text Messaging:

12:54am EDT, March 23rd, 2019

Ricky: ...did we go on a date?

WillaTree: has this been bothering u? Is that y your up so late?

Ricky: yes. please answer the question

WillaTree: do you want it to have been a date?

Ricky: was it a date to you when you asked me to go to the ice cream shop?

WillaTree: well I just wanted to meet you, but I wouldn’t mind if it had been a date

Ricky: you can’t just decide if it’s a date after the fact!

WillaTree: Ricky, do you want to go on a date with me?

Ricky: Yes. Movies?

WillaTree: sure, Tuesday after school?

Ricky: of course. Why are you up so late? 

WillaTree: couldn’t sleep

Ricky: thunderstorm?

WillaTree: yeah

Ricky: do u want to video chat while we wait it out?

WillaTree: that’d be nice 

Email Correspondence between Richard Lawrence and Willa Reed:

From: R. Lawrence 

To: W. Reed

Time: 4:09pm EDT, March 25th, 2019

Any form of communication is good for the project. But they would like proof of it after the project. 

From: W. Reed

To: R. Lawrence

Time: 7:28pm EDT, March 25th, 2019

What kinda proof?

From: R. Lawrence

To: W. Reed

Time: 7:48am EDT, March 26th, 2019

An essay with things about other selves and the other person so that they can asses that we bothered talking to each other. 

From: W. Reed

To: R. Lawrence

Time: 12:09pm EDT, March 26th, 2019

Ok, got it. See you later.

Direct Text Messaging:

4:29pm EDT, April 3rd, 2019

Ricky: Happy Birthday!

Ricky: where’ve you been?

WillaTree: well, mom got mad that I started spending my afternoons with u instead of being home and grounded me (without phone)

WillaTree: but now I’m free, and 16!

Ricky: are you going to get your license?

WillaTree: I still have a few months until I can, got a permit though

Ricky: I got you a gift

WillaTree: really? what is it?

Ricky: I can’t tell you that would ruin the surprise

WillaTree: ok 

Ricky: meet me at Scoops in an hour?

WillaTree: deal

WillaTree: best boyfriend ever

Direct Text Messaging:

11:34pm EDT, April 5th, 2019

Ricky: you up?

WillaTree: yeah, what’s up?

Ricky: nothing, I’m not tired and finished watching a movie. You?

WillaTree: art project, or waiting for it to dry. Mom’s cooking something and I intend to taste test it when she’s done

Ricky: what’s she making?

WillaTree: banana bread I think

WillaTree: What movie were you watching?

Ricky: don’t know the name, some horror movie

WillaTree: Wait, you like horror movies?

Ricky: yes, why?

WillaTree: I love horror movies too

Ricky: what’s your favorite?

WillaTree: gimme a sec to think

WillaTree: I got to go mom’s burning something, I think she fell asleep

Direct Text Messaging:

1:29am EDT, April 6th, 2019

Ricky: Willa? 

Ricky: you back?

Direct Text Messaging:

4:39pm, April 8th, 2019

Ricky: Willa? Are you ok? The news said you’re missing

Ricky: Willa, I’m so sorry I heard about your family.

Ricky: where’re you at? I want to help you. 

Email Correspondence between Richard Lawrence and Willa Reed: 

From: R. Lawrence 

To: W. Reed

Time: 3:54am EDT, April 8th, 2019

Willa, please if you’re getting these just let me know you’re ok. 

From: W. Reed

To. R. Lawrence 

Time: 10:02am EDT, April 13th, 2019

I’m ok, and alive, I swear. I’m at the library right now to email you, but I had to be careful so no one knows it’s me. AND DONT TELL ANYONE. 

From: R. Lawrence

To: W. Reed

Time: 4:03pm EDT, April 15th, 2019

Thank god. Willa, I saw the news, it said you set fire to your apartment? Please tell it it’s not true, please. Explain what happened?

From: W. Reed 

To: R. Lawrence

Time: 10:17am EDT, April 18th, 2019

I just, I didn’t mean to. I went to get the stuff outta the oven and I dropped the towel in there and it set fire. I tried to put it out, but I ended up making it worse. A lot worse. I was yelling and mom woke up, and told me to get the boys and run. She pushed me toward the door, and I couldn’t get to the boys. They were already gone. The apartment building has pictures of me turning out of the building, and it looks like I’m evilly smiling but I’m sobbing. Mom called 911, luckily no one else lives on our floor and they weren’t hurt. 

Email Correspondence between Richard Lawrence and Detective David Robertson:

From: D. Robertson

To: R. Lawrence 

Time: 9:27am EDT, April 22nd, 2019

Good morning. I’m Detective Robertson, and I’ve been told Miss Reed had a lot of contact with you before her disappearance. I would like you to come into my office so I can ask you a few questions in person. Would Wednesday afternoon work? I’m aware you have school, so just come in afterwards. 

From: R. Lawrence 

To: D. Robertson

Time: 4:41pm EDT, April 22nd, 2019

Yes sir, I’ll be there. 

Email Correspondence between Richard Lawrence and Willa Reed:

From: R. Lawrence

To: W. Reed

Time: 4:43pm EDT, April 22nd, 2019

Willa, they have a detective searching for you now. He’s questioning me tomorrow, and I can’t lie!

From: W. Reed

To: R. Lawrence

Time: 10:07am EDT, April 23rd, 2019

Just come with me then. I’ll be here at the library, waiting for you.

Just come after school and we’ll run away together. I really want to see you, anyway. 

From: R. Lawrence 

To: W. Reed

Time: 12:03pm EDT, April 23rd, 2019

I can’t do that. I have to go. I’ll come see you after. It should be around six, okay?

From: W. Reed

To: R. Lawrence

Time: 3:28pm EDT, April 23rd, 2019

Okay, I’ll be here. Can’t wait to see you. 

Email Correspondence between Richard Lawrence and Detective David Robertson: 

From: R. Lawrence

To: D. Robertson

Time: 3:29pm EDT, April 23rd, 2019

I admit I’ve been in contact with Willa, and I know where she’s hiding. She’ll be at the library around six. 

March 25, 2020 20:59

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Lee Kull
21:29 Apr 03, 2020

Interesting story, thank you for sharing. I like the casual dialogue, and found it quite entertaining; you really suck in the reader. I'm still not certain I like the way it ended, though, haha. Maybe that's just me. :-) As an editor, I usually try to point out errors and mistakes to help people here improve their stories, but in this case I won't, because then it might not come off as natural correspondence. Personally, though, I don't see why Ricky had so many errors in his texts but not his emails. Maybe people do actually get that la...


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Laurel Derouen
15:58 Apr 03, 2020

oh damn son. I love the concept and I love what you did here. I also love an ending that hurts a bit.


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