Fantasy Fiction Happy

*not related to the prompt*

She cried out a big, long shout into the vast and quiet forest ahead, her throat moving along. The green trees and the tall, bleak, snow-capped mountains, seen from atop the tall trees, shouted back in an almost reprimanding way. The world here was quiet, with no sign of people or even their remnants. An oil lantern sat beside her on the damp grass, already beginning to lose its light.

Time had cast a bitter spell on the once joyful and benevolent land, brimming with life and benevolent towns. Now the grey dust settled on the green leaves of the trees everywhere. The forest was filled with sporadic shades of green with specks of colour indicating the birds and flowers.

The moon shone on her pale face, as though granting her beautiful energy. The stars reflected in her eyes.

A cherry on top? It was snowing.

The snow flurried down softly and slowly and landed atop the still leaves.

It wasn’t as quiet as Aurora expected. The melodious and irregular tunes of the crickets, night owls and a few distant howls, echoed calmly through the hollow forest.

Aurora held a smile at the sweet sound.

Finally, she stood from the mossy rock and turned her heels back onto the green path spotted with white snow. From the dark green bushes on the side emerged a wolf. The same wolf whose howls resonated in the forest before. It had calm, serene eyes and some snow settling on his snout. Its fur, the colour of snow.

There wasn’t anything offsetting other than the fact that its eyes now held a mischievous glint.

The tall lady, Aurora, however, wasn’t scared. Fixing an appointment or rather a playdate, with an unusual playmate, was her initial priority for coming here. She felt a spate of excitement, ever-growing, as her eyes turned from black to blue. Her limbs started changing, with the cacophony of bones cracking. Her form reduced to a small creature of the same kind as the newcomer.

Two wolves in the snow-blessed forest, filled with nothing but frivolous thoughts. As they wandered around aimlessly, their eyes dazzling seeing the snow slowly bend the leaves and flurry towards the white ground.

They leapt upon each other, trying to tackle the other down to the ground now and then.

It was like a labyrinth of numerous trees of many kinds, owlets hooting here and then from another distance, and only the coruscating moon to guide the way.

It was just them and the night.

I can’t think more and I will be submitting part 2 ig :

May 15, 2021 15:41

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Sia S
06:16 May 16, 2021

Ooh, title ideas! Cherry on top Labyrinth A tale of two wolves


Adoree Myou
06:17 May 16, 2021

ooh i like labyrinth


Sia S
06:21 May 16, 2021



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Sia S
03:31 May 16, 2021

Wow. Descriptions, Adoree. It was beautifully described. Lovely. A cherry on top. It was snowing. I think it should be A cherry on top, it was snowing. Or A cherry on top? It was snowing :) A beautiful piece.


Adoree Myou
05:36 May 16, 2021

Thanks you so much for this! :)


Sia S
06:15 May 16, 2021

Anytime! :) :)


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