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Sad Drama

It was a Friday afternoon, and little Billy was tidying up his room. His mother wandered in and said, "Billy come down for supper" little Billy listened and marched right downstairs. His father remaining patiently at the dinner table. Little Billy sat next to his father, eagerly waiting for his meal. As his mother walked in holding a steaming tray in her hands, Little Billy got up and kissed his mother on her cheek in excitement. His father smiled, and his mother chuckled. The three all enjoyed a pleasant supper, but something interrupted them. A loud rumble broke the silence. The house started shaking violently. Glass falls off the table and shatters onto the floor. Billy worriedly looks at his parents for answers, but they didn't know what was happening. Billy's father got up and dragged both his wife and son to the floor. Things started tumbling down, and Billy's mother loses it. She lets out a huge scream, AH!. Billy clutches to his mom and tries his best to calm both of them down. Billy's father immediately grabs their arms and bolts out the front door. Once they safely got out, that's when they noticed it. Enormous explosions erupting across the street. The rumbling noise grew louder and louder. Tremendous air crafts flew above them, dropping shells. Little billy began running as fast as he could, getting far away. His family tries desperately to follow him. Little Billy manages to find shelter beneath an unused bunker. He hides in the corner of the bunker, trying to hold back his tears. After a while, he gets up and takes a peek outside, wondering where his parents are. He searches left and right to see if his parents were coming. Fortunately, he sees his parents rushing towards him. He struggles his way through the door and runs to meet up with his parents. All of a sudden, a shell drops and hits the ground. Billy gets thrown back by the impact. A sharp ringing cuts off his hearing. He attempts to stand up, but he is in so much pain, he only sits. Worried about his parents, he gently rises up. Grunting through the discomfort, Billy shuffles towards where his parents were. The closer he gets, the more memories engulf his mind. Pleasant memories like the first day his parents called him little Billy on his twelfth birthday. Even the memories when his parents got him a novel about medicine. These memories made him eager to rejoin his parents. He grew closer and closer, then finally he arrived. Billy instantly collapsed to his knees aching in pain. He looked at the ground seeing a puddle of blood in the line of sight. His eyes widen as he witnessed a dreadful display. His parents were holding hands, on the ground dead. Billy could smell his own parent’s burning flesh. He felt enraged and abandoned at the same time. He let out a mournful scream. "Why!". Teardrops fell down his cheek like a slow rainfall. He tried to wipe them away as best he could, still, they kept coming down. He could barely stand, though he tried anyway. He hobbled back to his newly devastated house. He retrieved whatever he could and headed back towards his parents. Billy covered them up, to head, to toe with a blanket out of honour. Billy decided to dig two graves for his parents in their yard. Even though he was in so much pain, he wanted to give them a proper burial. After, Billy sank to the ground in exhaustion. He was in so much agony he couldn't breathe. He felt terrified when he heard more rumbling. He sighed, realizing he might not make it out alive. Billy started to cry. He didn't care anymore if it made him vulnerable. The rumbling finished, though his tears didn't. He couldn't bear the ache anymore. He wished that everything would go back to normal. He wished his parents were alive, furthermore, he wished that they were still eating dinner. He missed his parents so much. Billy tried desperately to forget the awful scene, still, he couldn't. Eventually, Billy stood off the ground and started walking in a random direction. He wasn't sure where to travel, but he kept marching, numb to life. He walked day and night in the same direction. Many people tried to stop him, yet not a signal one ever tried to support him. Billy stopped walking and ended up in the center of a town. A person finally came up to him and asked if he was okay. Billy just stood there with a vacant stare, not regarding the person in front of him. He couldn't shake the thought of disbelief and the appearance of failure, as if he was hypnotized. Billy wanted all of this to be one big nightmare that he could just wake up from, then everything would be fine. He needed it to be because he didn't know if he could endure anymore. Sadly, it wasn't a dream, more like a distant reality. Later that day, Billy walked towards a newsstand. To see if anything else went wrong. He picked up a flyer and examined it. A large picture of his house was in the article. The heading read, "It was a historical disaster". Billy was overwhelmed with so many emotions he couldn't control. He looked frantically everywhere, paranoid as to where he was. The person that came up to him earlier tried to calm him down. Billy pushed the person aside and ran back in the direction he came. As soon as he arrived at the devastated area, Billy tilted his head down. He could feel warm tears forming around his eyes. He smiled as the droplets ran down his cheeks. The house he once called home is now reduced to rubble. His parents he loved and cherished are now sleeping in graves. Billy just wept, trying his best to get through these feelings. He didn’t want to accept what had happened to him, but he needed to. He walked towards his parent’s grave and knelt. He just cried, letting his tears go. He held a long breath in then let it all out. He held his head high and all he could think of were memories. unpleasant, horrible memories.

February 07, 2021 20:49

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1 comment

17:35 Feb 14, 2021

This was a good first story! Billy's grief is realistic and interesting to read about. Just a couple of things: - this entire story was one paragraph. Try spacing them out. - The dialogue should have quotation marks and end with punctuation. This was still a great read! I look forward to reading more of your work. (Also, we have the same name! My real name is Annabelle, too! 😄)


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