Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write about someone who has a superpower.... view prompt



Chapter 6 –

The University of Advanced Aero Platform Dynamics – Drone Laboratories, Houston, Texas

Stella didn’t want any long, drawn out goodbyes with her parents. She continued to pack her things for college, cry a few tears thinking about leaving her home and her Mom and Dad. But when the day she had to drive to the University, she kissed her Mom and Dad who both helped her get her bags out the door. She knew her Dad had something up his sleeve. But she didn’t know what. As they walked out the door, her Dad called her name. Stella? As she turned around, he pulled out car keys and dangled them in front of her and looked across the street. Stella turned and looked across the street. There was a beautiful red Tesla Roadster (SpaceX Star man) updated version. 

Stella looked at her Dad and then the cherry red car and went and gave her Dad a big hug and her Mom a kiss on the cheek, who had tears streaming down her eyes. “You’re the best Dad! And, you too Mom! She grabbed the keys and ran to the new car. Her Dad picked up her bags and belongings. Stella climbed into the driver’s side. She was in awe. She knew all about this car. The first of its kind was built in 2018. Elon Musk launched a Tesla Roadster into orbit. It launched a speed of 18,000 mph and was cruising around the Earth. The car caught a ride into space with SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rocket (which was twice the launching power of any existing rocket at that time) and currently went to the Van Allen belt, a region of intense radiation surround the Earth.” The location was about 2.8 million miles (4.5 million kilometers or 0.030 astronomical units) from Earth, moving away from Earth at 7,532 mph (12,122 km/h). It was a cherry red Tesla car.

Stella, of course promised to stay in touch. Waived and took off. She arrived 2 days later. But, overall had a good ride. Listening to music, stopping for gas and eating a on-the road diners.

When she pulled up to the University. She could tell it was all scientific. It was at least three stories high with green plated windows with glue like black connections around each window to hold them together. It looked like a big tinker toy.

She checked in with Admissions. She asked if Chandra _____ and Oliver Bean had arrived also. The admissions girl said. “Yes, and handed Stella a parking permit and a identification card that had her fingerprints on it only and to be accessed by her only around the campus and a map of the Campus. She told her that they would all be in the DRONE House Lodge, Level B located across the campus and pointed to it on the map and were to report to Orientation on Platform A Laboratory at 10:00 a.m. starting on Monday, September 1, 2050. Stella parked her car in the 1st level parking garage. She went to the garage elevator and put her card on the inside panel and pushed the button LEVEL B.

She walked down the dorm hall and found her room, 555. Interesting she thought. She reflected back on the party and her number being 555 for her locker. She put her finger-printed card on the wall panel and it opened. She walked in and dropped her purse, her bags, violin case etc. She slowly walked around. It was a large place. It actually had several rooms and looked like a small cottage. A large kitchen. A large living room with a wall TV and a large library with tall bookcases and a wooden ladder that moved back and forth across the library wall with large windows that overlooked the Campus. And two large bedrooms. Both with their own large bathrooms with an oval tub and shower in each. . Old fashioned she thought, but overall, the cottage was very charming. She wondered who her new roommate was going to be. She wondered if she would like her. One of them had a note on the dresser addressed to her. Dear Stella, my name is Amelia Ride and I am your new roommate. I will be there on Sunday. I am looking forward to meeting you. Cordially, Natasha.  Stella folded the note and put it back on the dresser. She went to the other bedroom. It was a large room with a chestnut armoire closet and lots of drawers. A large king bed with a fabric cedar chest at the bottom of it to store stuff and a large window with heavy drapes but opened out to a lovely large park area. She opened the windows and stood breathing in the lovely cold fall air.

She walked over and sat down on the bed and pulled out her phone and read her text messages. Chandra and Oliver both texted her saying they were arriving late that night and would get in touch with her. Chandra had a P.S. Oh, by the way, I want you to know I programed SIMON to a higher intelligence level. We might all be surprised by his new found metal brain. They both were also staying at DRONE HALL, Chandra on LEVEL B and Oliver on LEVEL F. All dorms at the University were co-ed. Different approach. They had one person that was the DORM Leader for each LEVEL of which only had 20 dorms on each Level. Ten on the right side and ten on the left side. There were 6 Levels total for each dorm.   Stella felt a comfort in knowing her 2 friends would be close and had gotten approved to DRONE Hall.  She unpacked her bags and walked to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. It was stocked with everything you could imagine to eat. Eggs, fruit, milk, juice, cheese. She grabbed water and an apple and took a bite. She told herself she was going to learn real quick how to cook. At least she had learned some things from her Mom who was a fabulous cook. Which reminded her. 

She took her cell phone and called her Mom. It went into her voicemail. She left a voice message, letting her Mom know she arrived and she was good. She took out her laptop and read all her emails. None from Star Pilot. But a lot from her Mom letting her know the car was registered and the insurance companies name, and that all papers were in the glove box of the car, etc. He felt bored. She saw Alexa when she entered the cottage. Alexa run bath water. She heard the bath water running in the tub. She got her suitcases and unpacked. Took SIMON, FBNS out of his black bag and him on one of the library tables and walked to the bathroom. There were 3 candles on the counter. She lit all 3, sprinkled some bath salt in the tub, took a wash rag and soap and climbed in. She put her head against the tub, closed her eyes and relaxed. She was tired.

She heard a big bang. She sat up quickly, got out of the tub, grabbed a towel and ran to her room and put her red robe, wrapping it tightly around her.   She noticed it was getting dark outside. She ran out to the front room and then to the library. There was SIMON, FBNS up. Up, way up high, hovering around the hundreds of books on each shelf. She stopped in her tracks. And folded her arms, watching him hoover with his 2 eyes popped up rotating. He pulled opened a hatch and an extended arm popped out and he grabbed a small book. With the book in his extended arm and positioned it, his red eyes rotated and he looked down at Stella standing with her arms folded watching him.

“Good afternoon, Stella. I see you made it to my HOME. Stella stared at him. Somewhat amazed and not really alarmed. “As you know, this is the place where my generation of DRONES were born, more or less, created, invented. You, my dear Stella, have brought me HOME. By the way, you look lovely in red. Stella’s mouth opened. Simon could see colors and he was intelligent enough to interpret language. She put her hands on her hips and pointed with one finger downward.

“Come down SIMON, this instant. She pointed to the library desk she left him on. She wanted to see if he could take her command. SIMON rotated the book, his eyes blinking.  Hmmm. This is a good book “How to Calm a Drone.” SIMON started laughing. “Yes, Stella, I am at your voice command. Meaning, I am programmed to obey you. Your friend, Chandra was kind enough to program me with high intelligence. Meaning, I understand more than you think I know. By the way, you have a beautiful voice.

“I see Chandra, has also made you “flirty, also. SIMON put the book back and hovered down to the library desk. “She stared at him closely. His 2 red eyes still blinking and rotating around the room. He started to talk again in a manly voice. 

“Well, I must say, Chandra your friend, is a jewel. She put a artificial intelligence universal micro-chip” in me. Which means, my dear, I can see and communicate with the highest IQ (intelligence quotient) to date of 228. The normal average human being IQ is about 107.5 to 185.   Above 140 “Near genius or genius. Range of 120-140 “Very superior intelligence.” Range of 110-120, “Superior intelligence and the range of 90-110, Normal, or average intelligence. Stella walked over and picked up SIMON. “Oh my, that tickles! “Funny, Stella said as she put him on the coffee table and sat down on the couch.” SIMON blinked his eyes.

“I knew that was too good to be true. You are right, Stella. I can’t feel those beautiful fingers on my hard body.” Stella sat looking at SIMON totally amused. 

“I think you’ve had enough talk protocol for today.” She laughed. 

“You, SIMON, are just too smart for yourself.” She knew something was up. Who had the controller to activate SIMON? She got up from the couch and glanced out her window. There below her was Chandra and Oliver, both had a controller in hand. With one hand they each looked up at her, smiling and waived. Stella, waived at them to come up. She looked at SIMON. His eyes were back in his head and he was silent. “Lights out, my friend!”

Stella quickly went to the bedroom and put some jeans and a sweatshirt on. She heard a knock on her door and went and opened it. Chandra and Ollie looked at her. They didn’t know what to think. “Was Stella mad? Was she okay? Stella put her arms around them. “Come in. Come in my friends! I have missed you! Ollie handed her a peace offering. “Pizza?” Stella was just so happy to see them! They all sat around talking about their adventure on getting to the University, orientation on Monday and, of course, the new, improved, baby SIMON to the universal artificial intelligent Genius SIMON. Quite an improvement. Chandra has told Stella that her Dad had invented, in his garage, a new micro-ship for DRONES and that it just got patented and he had let her have one to experiment with SIMON. All three controllers they all three owned, were also of the highest technology. Stella was so proud of Chandra and grateful for her Dad to share this new experiment. They all talked and laughed. Stella sat thinking about how far they all had come. This was a new adventure for all of them. They were to be at the University for 2 years maximum.  They were all on the fast advance program. Ollie was to study the aeronautic space atmosphere and Chandra was to study new programming and technical space aeronautics and Stella was to study DRONES and their intelligent current and future intelligent levels. 

Chapter 7–

The University of Advanced Aero Platform Dynamics – Drone Laboratories, Houston, Texas – Orientation 9:00 a.m. Monday Morning – Platform A

Stella’s alarm went off at 7:00 a.m. She went to the Ardmore closet and looked at the five starched dark blue uniforms hanging. All with white pressed shirts. Her admissions letter had advised her to wear one each day and then return them to the laundry department for new ones on the 6th day for new ones. She took a pressed shirt out and a blue uniform. She proceeded to put it on. She heard someone in the other room. She quickly dressed and walked into the kitchen and as she started the coffee, a girl walked into the kitchen. She poured the coffee water and then started the coffee. 

“You must be Amelia Ride. Stella got a cup out of the cupboard. She noticed Amelia was already dressed and her long red hair tucked in a ponytail bun and she wore light makeup. Stella smiled at her, would you like a cup of coffee? Amelia walked up to Stella and took the cup of coffee and said, “Thank you.” 

Amelia walked to the small round kitchen table and sat down. “I know we only have a few minutes to chat before our 9:00 a.m. orientation, but I was wondering if we could go to dinner tonight. I would like to get to know you better and I am very familiar with Houston and all its hot spots, as I have lived here most of my life and this will be my 2nd year and final year at this University. Stella walked over and sat across from Amelia and took a sip of coffee. She studied her roommate. “That’s sounds great! Let’s plan for 7:00 p.m. tonight.” They both got up and Stella grabbed her backpack, took SIMON, FBNS off her dresser, her phone, her admissions card and her backpack with paperwork to be handed in at admissions. She headed across the campus towards Platform A. She placed her card on the panel door and both doors slid open. She walked around the circular building until she found a door that read Platform A. She saw a long desk with several Orientation Representatives, registering students. She walked up to one of them, a girl, and handed her admissions card. The girl took her admissions card and then handed it back to her, all the while looking at her computer and typing away.

“Thank you Ms. Stella Appleton. Do you have SIMON, FBNS with you? Stella swung her backpack down and took out SIMON, FBNS and placed him on the table. The girl took SIMON, FBNS and put him in a tray behind her with all the other DRONES.

“Thank you, Ms. Appleton. Please pick up SIMON, FBNS after the orientation of which will last about three hours. The girl smiled at Stella. “Welcome to the University of Advanced Aero Platform Dynamics – DRONE Laboratories. I am sure you will enjoy your stay here.”

 Stella walked to the two steel metal doors. She put her card on the panel and it opened. She walked in a large auditorium with a large stage with a very large screen. The lights were dimmed low. There were several other students, about 100 sitting in seats. A dressed usher escorted her to the front seated area. When was aisle 10, seat 26 in the middle. She took her backpack off. She sat down and looked around. It was noisy. She turned saw Amelia approaching her. Amelia sat down next to Stella. Smiling, she said. “Hello, roommate. We meet again.” The lights then dimmed more and the stage became lit.

A person who looked like a Space Commander, wearing a white uniform with gold wings on his shoulders walked out on stage. He introduced himself as Dr. Dustin Gohmert, II. Jr. Stella sat back. She knew who he was. He gave a 20 minute introduction and then explained the rules and regulations of the University and then said. “We have already chosen ten candidates out of this orientation to go on a future special project. We will be sending letters out shortly addressed to you about the project. But when your name is called, please come up to the stage and remain on the stage until all names are called.  You will received an Eagle gold pin, you are to wear on the front lapel of your uniform each day. He began reading names. The seventh name called was Amelia Ride. The eight name called was Chandra Patel. The night name called was Oliver Bean, III and the tenth name called was Stella Appleton.  Stella, surprised, walked up to the stage. She took the hand of the Eagle gold pin Presenter. As she did, he said “Welcome Stella Appleton.” The Presenter placed the gold Eagle pin on her lapel. She smelled a cologne she had recognized before. Startled, she looked up into his eyes. She felt something in her hand. She quickly recognized it. It was her gold space ship earring. Her heart skipped a beat. Now she could see who he was on stage with the brighter lights. She smiled.  “Thank you.” He squeezed her hand and smiled back at her and put his hand over both of hers. “You’re welcome, Stella Appleton.” She stepped back behind the announcer and gazed into his green eyes. Dr. Dustin Gohmert, II, Jr., began speaking again.  “We have chosen these ten individuals because of their academic IQ, their exceptional expertise, along with patented inventions in the DRONE and specific aeronautic capabilities. 

June 28, 2020 02:06

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