Women's Prison Fantasies: Part 5

Written in response to: Set your story in a post office.... view prompt


Fantasy Romance Coming of Age

This story contains sensitive content

May seem too steamy or sexy for some sensitive souls. 

Chaos came one day to Pewee Valley. Rumors of an outbreak of nymphomania at the women's prison spread like wildfire. Mayor Bob Rogers did all he could to calm panicked townies, but for safety ordered an evacuation. Governor Matt Bevin sent the National Guard to maintain a quarter-mile buffer zone, while the CDC focused on curbing its spread. 

This was all nonsense of course. Whoever heard of such a thing in modern times? What really occurred was a slight increase in sexual activity & masturbation brought on by a surge of porn fiction through the mails. Prisoners were shirking their duties to play with themselves & their partners while reading lewd smut someone wrote them. A rash of it was happening at other prisons around the country, but Pewee Valley had it worst. 

Guards abandoned their posts & fled with the rest of the town. Whatever this was, they didn't want to catch it. That left the warden & his staff, but without guards what could they do? Fear of the unknown gripped many of the inmates. Staci knew she was the only one who could calm the jittery atmosphere so she & Krystina took over the prison & brought it under control. 

They got the governor to extradite the offender from his desert isle hideaway & bring him to the prison to face pussy punishment. Staci told any inmates, who were hooked on his filth, they could take out their frustrations on him. One-by-one they mounted him, rode until they felt vindicated, some being more aggressive or taking their time to exact revenge. Staci & Krystina had their own bone of contention to work out with him over the Big Bird Ranch Affair.

People still contacted them believing it was real. They made sure he got the full depth measure of their feelings on the matter. 

Once they had all taken turns on the saddle horn, with some of the homelier or hornier girls sneaking in 2nds or even 3rds, Staci declared a prison-wide, no-holds-barred Les-orgy. Krystina picked the confiscated contraband locker lock & retrieved speculums, high-powered vibrators, dildoes & butt plugs of all sizes, shapes, & colors, along with cases of lubricant. A hearty cheer went up when inmates saw the looted booty. By the end of it all, justice was served & the 'pussy porn' author was utterly & thoroughly fucked. 

Once she established herself as The Yoga Yoni, Jen's business branched into related areas. Her belly dance classes were very popular among women of all ages & certain men offered her scandalous sums to privately jingle their bells. Jen was a trendsetter in the art of massage by feet, not to be confused with ordinary foot massage. She delighted clients by dipping her dainty, flexible size 7s in scented oil & kneading their muscles just like hands only kinkier. Her sharp blood red claws quickly discouraged any unwelcome hanky panky. That kind of action was by special request & cost much more. She couldn't have done it all without loving support from Rani & John. Don't tell Jen, but for her 40th birthday they booked a cabin aboard a luxurious private yacht bound for Mykonos, where the girl in the ad Olivia Frances Culpo, our Rhode Island-born Miss Universe 2012, will present her very own opalescent Swarovski crystals Timex watch & strap it seductively to Jen's ankle, then see how far Jen lets her plant 40 kisses inch-by-inch up her leg. I'm betting she goes for it all the way to her baby's-butt-smooth one-woman harem, but John wants this all hush-hush so remember, mum's the word! 

The first time I set eyes on Rebeckia, I was mesmerized by her beauty, intelligence, humor, charm, grace, youthfulness, & Scorpio sexual energy. I knew that somehow, some way, that lady & I shared a bond & were meant to spend some quality time together & perhaps much more.

Rebeckia's first reaction to me seemed highly positive. We exchanged a rapport & flirting banter. I expressed my attraction to her & she responded in kind. Perhaps this is what is meant by the phrase 'a marriage made in heaven', but let's not rush things & savor every delicious moment.

I had to find a way that we could be together. Luckily, my nerdy friend Bryce is a dot com maven & offered to fly me to Marlin in his corporate jet to meet with her. When I saw Rebeckia in person, my jaw dropped & for a few seconds all I could do was stare in awe. I quickly recovered, placed the orchid lei I'd brought for her onto her shoulders, & greeted her in the traditional Hawaiian way with kiss & hug, prolonging the moment so I could breath her fragrance along with the flowers.

Our visit, though magical, passed too quickly & soon it was time to leave, but I couldn't let go. Instead, in a rash act I may yet live to regret, I grabbed Rebeckia's hand & ran for the jet. Dumbfounded, Bryce trailed behind. When he caught up to us, he asked, "What are you doing?" I admitted I didn't know, but had to get away to be alone with Rebeckia. We flew back to the islands, unchallenged at the airport, thanked Bryce, & drove home. I locked the door, we sat on the couch, then Rebeckia stared deep into my eyes & took me to paradise.

His lover was gone all week for work so John took care of preparing for the weekend slumber party. As with teen versions, little sleep was expected, but gossip & boy-talk would be replaced by more adult pursuits. He made sure the bar was fully stocked, got the toys fresh batteries, cued up a mix of appropriate music, & put plenty of lubricant out. In typical John fashion he hoped to surprise Stephanie with some unanticipated extras. On Friday afternoon, he shucked a 5-gallon bucket of fresh oysters, Iced 2 magnums of champagne, & whipped up some crab puffs & guacamole. 

Stephanie entered luggage-in-hand, while John was up on the ladder hanging the last of the decorations. She glanced around, set them down, sashayed to the ladder, & planted a big wet kiss in the middle of his once baggy cargo shorts. The doorbell rang so she turned to answer it. "I wonder who in the world it could be," she teased. When she opened it, 6 women yelled, "Surprise!"

Stephanie recognized Arjana, whose name means 'paradise', Brigid & Celeste from before, but the other 3 were brand new to her.

"Salaam, my name is Ablah. It means 'perfectly formed'," said a Muslim goddess without a trace of selfish pride. "I am Parvati. Namaste," uttered a Hindu goddess bowing in a silk sari. A svelte 6-foot Ukrainian goddess in a platinum French weave & see-thru nylon mesh was last. "Dobyĭ vechir! I am Svetlana," she purred. Still on the ladder, with a rocket in his pocket & a wet spot was John. He hadn't had any sex relief since Stephanie left early Monday morning & it was painfully obvious to all. 

Her heart went out to her poor beau & the predicament she'd put him in, but she also saw an opportunity to test his faithfulness in adversity. She didn't find it cruel, cuz she knew she'd more than make up for it soon. As he carried the ladder past her to the garage, Stephanie goosed him playfully & giggled. His pointer led the way with ever more vigor. 

She started the party with flukes of the racy & intense 2006 Dom Perignon & a toast to frisky friends, old & new. Talk & laughter soon filled the room. On John's return, she poured him a glass & toasted the host. They all raised theirs to him, which made him feel appreciated & forget his embarrassment. He went to sit in his favorite chair to monitor the festivities. 

Stephanie then announced they would play Pass the Orange, a get acquainted game. Parvati nodded, smiling knowingly from her childhood, but it was new to the others. The object was to pass it around the circle without using hands. Anyone who drops it has to awkwardly retrieve it. Stephanie tied each lady’s hands together with ribbon & formed a circle. She took an orange from the fruit bowl, tucked it under her chin, & scampered over to have John tie hers. Once secured, he swatted her pert Nalgas, eliciting a delighted shriek that propelled her back to the circle. She nuzzled up to Parvati & demonstrated the passing procedure, along with its funny facial expressions, shoulder saves, & breast-bumping. The orange then moved to the novices. Ablah did quite well for her first try & passed it to Brigid, who dropped it amid moans of sympathy. She recovered it fairly deftly & turned to Celeste, who passed it to Arjana, then on to Svetlana, not without mishaps along the way & everyone was laughing too hard to continue. 

They then played strip musical chairs, where articles of clothing were shed each round. Pretty soon the ladies were all naked, tipsy, well-acquainted, joyous, & ready for more intimate play. Stephanie boldly strode to Svetlana, reached up to wrap her arms around her neck, & kissed her full on the lips. The rest needed no more signal than that to form their own revolving liaisons. Soon there was more action than a petting zoo at Six Flags & John could hardly follow it all. Stephanie made sure that each woman got her undivided attention for quality amounts of time & they all reciprocated. She loved the feisty, ginger Cork wench, the mysterious, seductive Ebony, the proud, festive Castilian, the meek, perfect Arabian, the lissome, statuesque Kievan, & the knowing, exotic South Aryan. 

Friday night slowly became Saturday, but the all-female orgy went on & on in their harem oda, guarded by eunuch John. He fixed them breakfast & mimosas, changed the musical tableau to daytime rhythms, & saw to their comfort & relaxation. By Saturday evening, everyone had napped & was ready for refreshed fun. The ladies all gathered around Stephanie. Parvati held her right hand & stroked her forearm with the other. Celeste had ahold of her left & teased her with her nails. Svetlana massaged her left foot, working her way up her ankle & calf. Ablah ministered to her right lower limb, using techniques from The Perfumed Garden. Arjana offered her pudenda for Stephanie's oral pleasure & Brigid eagerly lapped at Stephanie's most erogenous zones. She squealed with glee at each climax & there were many. The ladies all took turns being the center of attention in the 'hot box', vying for the Guinness World Record in female orgasms. 

Finally, Sunday morning rolled around & it was time to say goodbye to their wonderfully erotic guests. She felt all of their faces to etch them forever into her memory. They each had a hug & platonic kiss for John under Stephanie's watchful eye. Everyone said how much they enjoyed the slumber party & hoped they could do it again someday. Celeste teased that she wanted more helpings and the recipe for Stephanie's peach fuzz pie. Farewells were tearful but there were happy tears too.

Stephanie realized it was time to show John everything she knew about arousing, seducing, & satisfying a man. With her utmost reverence, she worshiped his man flesh, anointed it with scented oils, caressed it with fingertips of both hands, & smothered it with endless soft kisses. With the tip of her tongue, she licked his scrotum, sending shivery sensations all throughout his body. His own private Madame Pele coaxed a rumbling in his core & a torrid torrent of John lava erupted, spewing out of his meatus & onto her hands, face, & torso. Later, when she arched her leg across him to mount his again steely steed, no extra lubricant was needed, cuz she was sopping wet already. She slowly lowered her pelvis, briefly teased his glans with her labia, then sheathed his turgid rod with her sacred vagina & rode in elegance. John gazed deeply into Stephanie's eyes as the whole world waited with bated breath. "Te amo!" he whispered & her feelings were mutual. 

Once upon a beautiful day, 5'7" tall blonde hiking Paige, en route to her Nana's, dawdled amid babbling brooks & woodland flowers, until the light began to fade to dusk. She knew she couldn't find her way through dark woods so she wondered what to do. In the gloaming ahead she espied a tent & as she neared it heard soft male snoring. I'll just wrap myself in my cape & lie down next to him until sunup, she thought. 

The next thing she knew, it was dawn & a big bad wolf man was leering at her. "What big blue eyes you have!" he said. "That's cuz you surprised me," she replied trembling. "What loud teeth you have!" he noticed. "That's cuz I'm scared you might eat me," she admitted. "Is that really so bad for a man & a woman alone in the woods?" he queried. Paige saw his point, along with a bulge in his shorts, &, since they had literally slept together already, opened her cape so he could taste her milk & cookies. 

They spent the rest of the morning delighting one another with pleasures they each were quite good at, exchanged contact info, & agreed to meet again soon in town for more normal dating. Paige joyfully skipped & sang all of her way to Nana's. 

Tia held the launch of TAN her new fashion line at trendy Sky Waikīkī on the 19th floor of 2270 Kalākaua Ave. The local cognoscenti were all there: like singer Bruno Mars, Grace Park of 5-0, ukulele phenom Jake Shimabukuro, Olympic skater Kristi Yamaguchi, moviestar Dwayne 'the Rock' Johnson, Moana voice actress Auli'i Cravalho, & their entourages. Virtuoso master guitarist Makana performed his slack key magic putting everybody in a happy mood. 

The highlight of the night came when Wally 'Famous' Amos, the cookie maven, dressed as always in his watermelon-themed attire, introduced Tia Alexis Newman to the crowd & the world. Spotlights honed in on her wearing a shimmering ivory gown bedecked with tiny crystals. Fashion photographers shot their spreads & everyone wanted selfies. Online product sales began at midnight & orders were brisk. 

After all the excitement & attention, Tia Alexis was still buzzing when we got home about 2. I was worn out, but Tia wanted to play so I helped her remove her shoes & gown, before taking her by the hand to our bedroom. I wrapped my arms around her & held her tight, then unhooked her bra & slung it aside. Her nipples, now free, drew my lips & tongue to moisten & stiffen them. Her lips then claimed mine & we embraced tenderly. I dropped to my knees, worked my fingers under the elastic band of her panties, & slowly pulled them down, never tiring of the naked Amazonian warrior beauty of my lover.

In honor of this special occasion, I felt we might try something beyond the realm of out usual lovemaking. I tied her wrists behind her back, blindfolded her lovely eyes, & told her to imagine she was Queen of the Nile & I was her Roman captor, about to ravish her as my spoil of war. "Cleo, kneel before Zod," I said, mixing movie metaphors. She obediently knelt, but kept her head held high in regal defiance. "Show me where you keep your jewels," I demanded. She hesitated, not sure what I meant, then sat back on her heels & slowly spread her knees apart. "I don't see many jewels," I taunted. She smiled enigmatically & spread them further. "What else have you got hiding in that jewel case of yours? Let me see it all!" She laid back awkwardly on her elbows, then adjusted herself so she could lay relatively flat with the twine binding at the small of her back.

"What's this?" I inquired in mock surprise. "Online sales of $80K?" Her eyes brightened as I saw that turned her on so I pressed the matter. "Now it's $100K? Show me the money!" I blundered into a 3rd film for metaphors. We played like that until the novelty wore off, then I removed her restraints & we resumed her ravishing as John & Tia. She wanted control so we rolled over with Tia on top of me. "Aha...Arrgh! Now I am the lady pirate & you are my galley slave," she exclaimed triumphantly. "Oars in the water & row, Row, ROW!" I got the hint & thrust into the depths of her soggy seas with my seaman's semen. "Mizzenmast is abaft mainmast!" I had no idea what she was hallucinating now, but played along the best I could. I wedged both of my thumbs into her sphincter & twisted them constantly until it made her cum. "Avast, matey! 3 quarks for Muster Mark!" We played like that until we were both exhausted & had cum a few times. The morning would bring a brand new day. 

August 20, 2023 02:52

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