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Fantasy Fiction Science Fiction

My name is Athena-Jade Stroganoff, the year is 2121. A lot has happened since the year 2021. In the last hundred years a lot has changed. We discovered that the coronavirus from 2020 really was a government ploy to make the American people look away from what the politicians were doing, they were stealing children and working with the Al-Qaeda. But in the year 2022, only a year after Joe Biden had become president he was executed for his treasonous behavior. Once he was removed President Donald Trump stepped back in and brought our country out of poverty, brought back missing children, and ended a civil war in the country. For the last one hundred years there has been a Trump president and we have grown as a country. Children have been as safe as if they were in their mother's wombs. Crime rates have dropped since more people have guns, schools are funded properly so the children, grades all the way through college, are getting properly educated so now we have more scientists. Technology has become so advanced that we no longer need to vaccinate children because we can detect, by scanner, when someone is sick and they get a little pill that fixes them. Our justice system is fixed, no more corrupt judges, lawyers, or jury people. We have a device that detects the truth, one hundred percent of the time. It looks at your brain while you are talking to the police. This way we no longer have innocent people in jail and guilt people walking free. Our society has become a perfect mixture of smart people and artistic people. We love everyone and it has never been safer. No wars, great jobs, great pay. Families can spend time with each other and not struggle. One hundred years, changes a lot of things.

So this is where my story begins. My alarm went off at 7am as usual. I rolled over and turned off the alarm, I kissed my husband and started my morning routine. I got in the shower, got dressed for work (I am a school teacher), and got my makeup done all the while thinking my coffee pot was making coffee; little did I know it had other plans.

I walked into my kitchen and as I was heading to the cabinet for coffee cup, I noticed that my kitchen did not smell like freshly brewed coffee. I turned toward the coffee pot and it threw the pot of boiling water at my head, I quickly ducked, and screamed, as the glass is immediately taken away by the houses rubble removal. The coffee pot started coming closer to me spraying more hot water at me. My husband came rushing in due to my screams and that damn coffee pot stopped the crazy attack on me. It even created a new, fully done pot, how I will never know. My husband was confused about why I was screaming. I tried to tell him but he just laughed saying that I must have been dreaming, as he pours his cup of coffee. I quickly leave after that, I figured that I would just get my coffee at work.

I completed my day at work, all the while thinking to myself maybe my husband was correct, because no mad coffee pot attacks, so maybe I had been dreaming, so I head home. Once home I will begin my afterwork routine: I tell the stove to make dinner, tonight will be my husbands favorite dinner, roast and rice with gravy. Then I have tests to grade, homework to grade, and a lesson plan to make for tomorrow. My husband will be home by the time dinner is done so I have a few hours to finish my work and then relax. Or so I thought.

I got home and that coffee pot was waiting for me. It attacked me again. It kept making more and more pots of boiling water to throw at me, thank heavens it missed because that would be a royal pain to explain at the scanner. I quickly yell at the security system to record us, this way I can prove to my husband what has happened. It, then, wrapped it's cord around my neck and started trying to strangle me but I was able to get loose.

Once freed I grabbed a baseball bat and started swinging. I broke that pot into little pieces. When I was sure it could not come back and attack again I told the house to get rid of the rubble. I then make sure the houses security system recorded the incident.

My husband came home and I told him what had happened again. Before he could say I was dreaming or stressed out, I showed him the footage. He could not understand how our coffee pot just suddenly chose to attack me, and only me. He said it acted normal when he drank his cup of coffee. It made no sense.

We have now become a tea drinking family. No one else knows about the rouge coffee pot, but people question how a family who loves coffee so much quit drinking it. Let them talk, I say.

A few months have gone by and everything has been going on as usual. I got to work, I come home and get the oven/stove to cook dinner, I grade papers. My husband and I never talk about that incident.

One day I was at the school, my kids were at recess, so I was taking a much needed bathroom break. As I walked past the teachers lounge, I saw no one in the lounge and the coffee pot was off. As I walked away, I heard the distinct sound of coffee being brewed. I stopped and turned around, I was so terrified at what I was about to see. I slowly walked back to the lounge. I closed my eyes and put my head in the doorway. When nothing happened I opened my eyes. There stood a teacher, that I had not seen, brewing coffee. All is still well.

The end.

February 20, 2021 13:42

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1 comment

David Brown
21:23 Mar 03, 2021

Interesting intro, Heather! I was sent here by the critique circle to give feedback, so here goes. I have to assume you misspelled “rogue“ mistakenly as “rouge.” Unless you really meant it to be a red coffee pot. The other thing is you flip back and forth between present and past tense quite a few times. I enjoyed it.


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