Drama Fantasy Romance

His essence filled the room with mystery as he walked in the door. He was so handsome, but some part of me told me to keep my distance. His black hair was slicked back so neat which made him stick out in my town like a sore thumb. The hairs stood up on my arms as he glimpsed into my eyes, it felt so empowering. Who is this man?

        I lived in a small town in Texas where new people didn't really come around. It was a quiet old town that flourished with the local crops. Things were peaceful, sweet, and secluded. It started as a simple day, I had went to the local diner for a coffee and my usual towered high stack of waffles. The syrup dripped down the sides, and I remember dipping my finger in for a 'naughty' taste. I picked up my coffee for a sip and the door opened, I look over and that's when HE walked in. His essence filled the room with mystery as he walked in the door. He was so handsome, but some part of me told me to keep my distance. His black hair was slicked back so neat which made him stick out in my town like a sore thumb. The hairs stood up on my arms as he glimpsed into my eyes, it felt so empowering. Who is this man? " Hi I'm Chance, nice to meet you ma'am!" the man said while reaching out his hand for a handshake. " Um... Um... I'm Selena." I muttered softly. "I'm new to town, mind showing me around?" Chance said with a smile extending from ear to ear. "I can do that." I replied. He had ordered his food and asked to joined me for breakfast . That was the beginning of the craziest month of my life.

       After three weeks with Chance I thought I was in love. His mysteriousness was intriguing and lured me in for more. His touch made me squirm with butterflies, and his kiss made me feel complete. The way we were together was like we were meant to be, like he was placed here for a reason. I couldn't get enough of this man, all I could think about was him. Everything was perfect until the next day. Things started off normal he had even take me for my coffee and waffles but when we went to leave, I couldn't believe my eyes. The sky turned black and thunder roared like a 500 person drumline. The ground shook beneath me as I realized... This was the beginning of the end. Chance grabbed my hand and said " Come with me! " He opened up the door to his car and I anxiously hopped in. I felt the sweat drip down my face, my anxiety had never been so high. I was shaking from head to toe, what would come next? Chance got into the car but I felt something different about him . I glanced into his eyes and I swear I felt my heart drop down to my toes. His eyes were like an endless black hole, I didn't know what to do in that moment. I reached for the door handle and Chance whispered "I wouldn't do that if I were you..." I looked at him again and said " Who are you, or what are you?" Chance lowered his head and said " Everything we have, everything I've said, it's true. There's just more to me than I have put forward. " I replied " What do you mean...?" My whole body started to shake as I began to cry " All you need to know is I've been sent to help. You helped me when no one else did, so I have sworn to protect you." 

I know in that moment I should've felt fear, but I honestly felt safe until the ground began to break. A gaping hole began to open. The flames of hell spit out over the horizon. Everything around me began to fall into the earth, buildings began to crash down and crumple into the earths core. Everything I ever knew was being sucked away. The earth began to crack underneath us and I began to panic. I started to scream " God please help us! " Chance grabbed my hand and held it tight. From there, all I remember is looking at chance and him saying " Everything is going to be okay."

        As my eyes open, I start to remember what had happened. My world, my life, gone in a blink of an eye. "Where am I?" I thought to myself. I start to sit up, I look myself over... there's not a scratch, not even a bruise.

"Selena?" Chance said, "Where am I?" I replied. Chance grabbed my hand and said " We are home . " I look around me, the sun is brighter then I've ever seen it and the breeze... It smelt like happiness. As the sun beat down one me and rather then feeling the hot rays beat down on me... All I felt was the feeling of peace and in that moment I realized we weren't in MY world anymore. I felt safe and complete, but how... why? The words I wanted to say wouldn't come out of my mouth. I was speechless. I took a deep breath and the air filled my lungs, it gave me energy. I looked into the far and saw waves beating onto the shore of the sea. The water was clear and so beautifully blue. I stood up and began to walk, Chance wasn't far behind me. Everything around me was perfect, the trees were perfectly filled with vibrant flowers that you could smell from a mile away, the breeze carried you in the direction that you wanted to go. I got to the shore and dug my toes into the warm sand. It felt like silk in between my toes, it was a feeling like no other. "What are you, what is this place?" I asked, Chance looked at me smiled and said, "I am your angel, and this is heaven."

May 28, 2021 18:19

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