Adventure Science Fiction

I did not decide to share this with people because I want you to learn from my mistakes, I am telling it, so you know how I made earth Hell. As a kid I loved time travel. I watch movie, shows, read books on time travel, but I knew it was fake. I went on with my life in love with something not real, but in high school I started to wonder. if a star explodes it could be weeks, months or years for us to know. What if we travel so fast that we can find a loop that would take us to a different time. Then I started to think if wormholes can take you to a new a dimension then what if you take a worm hole and fly into it at the speed of light that could change the destination depending on how fast you are going. I believed that if you went fast enough into a worm hole you could be in a different time instead of a different dimension.

I worked on my theory for a about 7 years. Everyone thought I was crazy for trying this and I was going to die but one person Jeffry Willis my associate in this theory. We had to steal and work to get the parts for our ship that would be able to travel at the speed of light. During research we found out that there was a weak part in gravity on top of Mount Mauna Kea that could be a weak spot. If travel so fast, we could hit the weak spot that would open a worm hole that would take us back in time. If this failed, we would be stuck in “The end”. While researching I noticed that if you do not go fast enough you will be stuck in a place were time is not a thing. You could be sitting in The end for 100 years and it would feel like 1sec. you don’t age in the end so until it spits you out you’ll be the same age and not look aged at all. After it spits you out you will be dead your organs mixed around bones turned to dust your brain explodes in your head and your heart turns black as the end itself.

It took us 16 years, but we got our ship built and our suits to withstand the speed. We made it out of flexible Hexofiber that we found inside of certain plant that can shrink itself that grows in the amazon. After we built the ship, we brought it to a base set up by Mount Mauna Kea, and were going to launch it a noon. I was not able to sleep the day before because of anticipation, and fear of the end. Noon came, so Jeffry and I suited up and got in a ship we hired a crew to help us. Sitting there looking Jeffrey in eye I told him. “were going to make” I reassured him. He nodded and looked at the big window in front of us as the countdown happened 5…4..3..2… as 1 was coming my body tensed up and was ready to go to the future… 1. The ship took off like a shooting star aiming at the top of the mountain it all happened in slow motion my face going numb the world around me stopped when we hit the top of the mountain where we cranked it to maximum speed. The big dark abyss about to eat us whole as we were going through the big dark hole, we saw another hole opened showing the only light in the darkness of the never-ending abyss.

As we flew through the other open hole, we were in a place that was destroyed the earth cracked open with lava seeping through and shooting through guizers. There were no mountains in the lava filled apocalypse there was a small city that we flew to and landed. When we landed there was people looking dirty and starved coming out of destroyed building. “What happened here” I asked one of them. “Are you Steven Robinson” asked one of them a raspy voice. “Yes, I came from the past” I answered. “That is what made this place hell when you ripped through the wormhole it turned it ripped the earth in half, and everyday a new part of the world turns to dust. There’s only a quarter of the earth left and soon were going to die” said the man. “I didn’t see that in my research it should have been fine” I said. “yea well it didn’t and now your known as the devil here because you made this happen you made earth hell and now your going to pay with your life.” The man said angrily. “GET TO THE SHIP” I yelled. “Let’s see if the devil bleeds” the man said firing a bullet into his leg. Jeffry got onto the ship and flew away as two more apocalyptic men picked me up and chained me to a wall. As I was chained up a began to think if you go fast enough you can go to the forward in time maybe if you were to shrink small enough you could go back in time by shrinking and growing really fast. Then I remember how the Hexfiber can shrink and grow I focused all my energy to my core and I felt myself shrink I was so small I can see all the germs on the floor and dust molecules. Then I let all my energy go and I grew so fast that it tore me in half everything went black then I was back at the lab everyone was looking over me asking if I was ok. “What happened?” I asked. “you passed out on the ground before takeoff. While in your sleep you were mumbling some words like where am I and get to the ship” they explained. It was all a dream or was it a vision. I guess we will never find out because I shut the project down after that because I did not want to find out if it was true or not. Let me just tell you this once you open a worm hole the opposite happens in the other dimension. If you don’t get what I’m saying then remember how worm holes take to another dimension well when you fly fast enough it will take you to the future but when you return your not in your dimension. Ahh I see you have caught on. Yes, I am not the true Steven Robinson. When the other Steven came back, we swapped places, so I was stuck in a waste land where everyone wanted to kill me, and the true Devil got off with no blood on his hands. He may not have wanted it to happen, but he made this, and left me to suffer from his mistake.

September 05, 2020 03:06

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