Submitted into Contest #262 in response to: Write about a character who is allergic to heat.... view prompt


Fantasy Mystery

A young man named Elias Thorn lived in the secluded town of Aldergrove, where ancient trees whispered tales of old. Elias was an enigma to the townsfolk, a mystery shrouded in whispers and superstitions that swirled around him like the mist clinging to the forest floor. His peculiarity was not of his own choosing but a curse he bore from birth: Elias was allergic to heat.

Elias's condition, a rare genetic mutation, tested his resilience. This anomaly caused his body to react to heat in extraordinary and terrifying ways. As an infant, whenever his parents swaddled him too warmly or left him in the sun, his delicate skin would redden, swell, and emit thin smoke as if his essence was burning away. But Elias, even in his infancy, showed a resilience beyond his years.

One summer afternoon, when Elias was ten, he played in the dappled shade of the great oak tree near his home. A stray beam of sunlight filtered through the leaves and touched his arm. His skin began to sizzle almost immediately, and wisps of smoke curled from the contact point. The smell of burning flesh filled the air. Panicked, Elias bolted into the house, tears streaming down his face as the pain seared through him like a hot iron.

"Mama, it burns!" he cried, clutching his arm.

His mother, eyes wide with terror, grabbed a bucket of cold water and poured it over him. The relief was instant, but the fear lingered, etched into his memory like a scar. She often found herself awake at night, worrying about her son's future, and the tears she shed were a testament to the love and pain she felt for him.

As he grew, Elias's body temperature would spike dramatically with any exposure to warmth, causing him intense pain. Each flare-up felt like his blood was boiling, his nerves on fire. The townsfolk, ever curious and concerned, speculated endlessly. Some believed it was a curse placed upon him by old witches; others thought it was a divine punishment. Regardless of the cause, the effect was clear: Elias was a prisoner to the cold.

Cloaked in layers even during mild weather, Elias moved through the town like a ghost. His thick clothing shielded him from the heat and the stares. Conversations halted as he approached. "Poor boy," they whispered once he passed, their hushed tones a constant reminder of his isolation. The longing for normalcy and the pain of isolation were constant companions in his journey.

His condition caught the attention of medical professionals beyond Aldergrove. Elias underwent numerous examinations at hospitals, where specialists nationwide studied his case. Dermatologists, allergists, geneticists, and even researchers from NASA were intrigued by his unique reaction to heat. They conducted extensive tests, hoping to find a cure or explanation.

Elias sat in sterile examination rooms, enduring countless blood tests, skin biopsies, and genetic analyses. He lay still in MRI machines, the cold metal a small comfort against the heat his body feared. Specialists marveled at his condition, documenting every reaction and every flare-up, but their faces often reflected frustration and pity.

A leading geneticist, Dr. Chen, shook her head after reviewing Elias's latest test results. "Your condition is unlike anything we've seen before. It's as if your body perceives heat as a foreign invader and reacts accordingly. Unfortunately, we have no cure at this time."

A NASA researcher, Dr. Patel, who specialized in human physiology under extreme conditions, expressed a similar sentiment. "Elias, your case is extraordinary. We've studied astronauts and how their bodies react to various stressors, but this is unprecedented. We will continue researching, but you must take extreme precautions now."

Despite the thorough investigations and the cutting-edge technology employed by the specialists, no one could cure him. Elias and his family left the hospitals with heavy hearts but a resolve to keep searching for ways to manage his condition.

Watching children laughing and playing in the streets from his window one evening, he turned to his mother. "Why can't I be like them?"

She sighed, brushing a hand through his hair. "I don't know, Elias. But we will find a way."

Her words were not just a promise to Elias but a testament to her resilience and determination to find a solution for her son.

Despite his longing, Elias found solace in his home's cool, dark corners. As he read by the window one evening, his mother knocked softly. "How are you feeling, my dear?" she asked, concern etched in her features.

His room, shaded and filled with the comforting chill of winter, was his sanctuary. He read voraciously, losing himself in stories of far-off places where the sun was gentle, and the warmth did not hurt. He sketched scenes of outdoor life, his drawings filled with the details he could not experience firsthand.

One fateful day, a fire broke out in a neighbor's home. The townspeople rallied to fight the flames, and Elias, watching from a safe distance, felt a wave of heat wash over him. Instantly, his skin reacted. Smoke billowed from his arms and face, and his temperature soared. In desperation, Elias plunged his arms into a nearby water trough, steam hissing as it met his skin.

The aftermath of that day left Elias bedridden for weeks. Seraphina, the town healer, applied a cooling salve to his burns. "Rest, Elias," she murmured, her voice soothing. "You're stronger than you know."

"There might be others like you, Elias. You are not alone."

"Others?" Elias asked, hope flickering in his eyes.

Seraphina nodded. "I've heard of children in other places with conditions similar to yours. It's rare, but it exists."

Driven by this newfound knowledge, Elias's determination soared. With the help of Seraphina and his parents, he contacted medical experts and researchers who specialized in rare genetic conditions. His efforts bore fruit when he discovered an online community of individuals who shared his condition. There were others around the world, each grappling with their unique challenges and triumphs. Elias's determination to find a way to live a fulfilling life despite his condition was truly inspiring.

Through video calls and messages, Elias connected with children from distant lands, each with their own story of coping with their allergy to heat. They formed a community, a support system that transcended geographical boundaries. They shared tips, provided emotional support, and celebrated each other's victories, no matter how small. This unity was a powerful force in Elias's life, giving him the strength to face each day with hope.

Though Elias would never be free from his condition, knowing he was not alone gave him a sense of belonging. He learned to manage his life with better technology and strategies, improving his quality of life. His parents installed advanced cooling systems in their home, and Elias wore specially designed clothing that helped regulate his body temperature.

Returning to Aldergrove, Elias was no longer just the boy allergic to heat. He was a symbol of resilience and hope, proof that even in the face of the most unusual adversities, one could find community and strength.

The legend of Elias Thorn grew, not as a tale of a boy cursed but as a story of connection and perseverance. Even in a small, secluded town, Elias found his place in a larger world, linked by shared experiences and unwavering hope.

August 04, 2024 13:51

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Amanda Stogsdill
21:51 Aug 14, 2024

Beautiful story. Elias's condition was very believable, and terrifying. Is his condition based on a real one? Appreciated how he didn't give in to self-pity.


Darvico Ulmeli
22:17 Aug 14, 2024

Thank you. I wrote fictional story not knowing that that condition actually exist. I wrote a sequel. It's on my page. Maybe it can answer some of questions that I'm sure you have. Thanks for comment.


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Nita A Mozzi
16:14 Aug 13, 2024

The intro got me hooked, awesome story!


Darvico Ulmeli
18:57 Aug 13, 2024

Thank you. There is a sequel also .


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Daniel Rogers
21:42 Aug 12, 2024

There was an unusual mix of fantasy and modern day throughout your story. Some in town believe old witches cursed Elias, but then NASA studies his condition. Seraphina, the town healer informs Elias there are others like him, and there are also hospitals with specialists. It is a unique blend that I honestly like.


Darvico Ulmeli
22:59 Aug 12, 2024

I'm glad for that. I always aim to bring something new to my stories.


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14:48 Aug 12, 2024

I started a story with the same prompt and ended up going a similar direction to yours.(I haven't finished that story yet though submitted one already.) I like the first half a lot. Towards the end, I felt like you were rushing it. More showing would be beneficial to your plot. Perhaps he met someone else in his condition, perhaps he met someone else with the opposite condition. This story has more to say. Elias too.


Darvico Ulmeli
16:11 Aug 12, 2024

I wrote sequel. It can fit everything in 3 000 words. Thanks for feedback.


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KA James
16:36 Aug 11, 2024

I wondered how this prompt would be interpreted. You've managed an excellent descriptive tale, inspiring and full of imagery from a straight forward approach.


Darvico Ulmeli
17:05 Aug 11, 2024

Thanks, James.


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22:48 Aug 10, 2024

Derek Domican has a name for it - cholinergic urticaria. His tale is not as positive as yours. I'm not into comparing. On reading yours, I remembered the name of the condition. A hot topic. An interesting read with superb descriptions, as always. Elias is such a brave character. Could you do a story about the new prompt in which he controls his allergy to become a superhero? With the ability to project his heat outwards to save the day in various ways, this is just an idea.


Darvico Ulmeli
23:09 Aug 10, 2024

Honestly I didn't know that. The idea just popped in my head and that was the spark that would bring the story out. Sure I can. That is such a good idea. Thanks, it will be fun.


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Kyle Kaye
22:39 Aug 10, 2024

The intro to this is beautiful


Darvico Ulmeli
23:11 Aug 10, 2024

Thank you.


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Mary Bendickson
01:43 Aug 08, 2024

Really hot story.🥵


Darvico Ulmeli
04:40 Aug 08, 2024

To hot.


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Shirley Medhurst
18:40 Aug 06, 2024

What a wonderful tale of hope! I especially LOVED your start: “where ancient trees whispered tales of old” - that is so poetic! I also think you develop the story well, and end on a really positive note. Well done, Darvico


Darvico Ulmeli
21:20 Aug 06, 2024

Thank you, Shirley


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Kristi Gott
18:16 Aug 04, 2024

There are wonderful layers of inspiration and meaning in this fantasy. There are indeed many people with unusual genetic conditions who cope by connecting to others for emotional support and friendship, using technology and science to assist or alleviate their situations, being resilient and hopeful, and inspiring others. The intro in the first paragraph is beautifully written and hooked me into the story right away. The story has empathy and compassion. Memorable and inspiring!


Darvico Ulmeli
19:16 Aug 04, 2024

I am allergic to alcohol. Since the day I was born. Extremely low tolerance to alcohol in blood. And my condition inspire me for the story. Thanks for liking.


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