Fantasy Coming of Age

"Welcome young squire!" was yelled in my direction from what I can only describe as the crazy old coot you would see in movies. He had a kind smile, but that didn't help make me feel anymore at home here than I did before. The large castle gate I had passed through seemed like such a disconnect from reality, yet I couldn't get in the same excited mood as the rest of my family.

"What's wrong Dallen? Or should I say Dallen the brave?" My father was looking down at me, his eyes a bit wider and corners of his lips slightly tugged down in worry. That didn't last long though as he continued trying to come up with fantastical names for me. "Deadly Dallen... Dashing Dallen? No..." I turned my focus off the ramblings of my father. Who knows how long he'd continue at this point.

The fun of the renaissance faire was supposed to be for children, I was almost an adult. I had grown past all the swords and sorcery, but strangely enough the rest of my family were all about it. I should be home studying for my entrance exams, but instead I'm here wasting my time with people dressed like it's halloween.

It was a mystery to me how these people had time for all of this with school and jobs when my younger sister derailed that train of thought to point out a rather suspect looking tent. Different shades of frayed purple and red fabric with fake vines crawling up the sides with glitter tossed here and there in an attempt to make it look mystical. The classic, "It's a fortune teller! Can we go see it?" was said and of course my parents were all too happy to bring us closer.

I eavesdropped outside the tent as I waited, while my family entered one by one. It was just your generic astrology stuff you could find on people's facebook feeds all the time.Those silly quizzes where you answer a few questions and it gives you all the answers you could ever hope for, but you know it's all fake.

Here I was, all ready to leave when the last of my family was told something along the lines of 'be careful around some specific color or another' and came out of the tent. I got the stare. The stare of expectant family members wanting you to enjoy yourself at something they enjoyed even though you just wanted to be home. So, reluctantly I headed towards the tent, hoping to get it over with quickly.

Strong earthy and herbal scented smoke hit my face as I moved the curtain aside to enter. The inside was dark, lit by candles and runes that had been drawn on the underside of the tents fabric with glow in the dark paint. A hunched figure hidden beneath a cloak ushered me towards the table draped in cheap linen in the middle of the tent.

"Welcome… To Tabatha's... Tent of... Tarot…" The long dramatic pauses and clearly fake old fortune teller voice that came out of this young woman's mouth nearly made my jaw drop to the table. Was this person just incapable of embarrassment? Or maybe I'm the strange one. It started to feel that way as she pulled out a stack of tarot cards like this entire situation was normal.

"Okay, I don't want to be rude. I'm just here to appease my family." I knew starting a sentence with that kind of implies rudeness will follow, but there really wasn't much else I could say. "You don't have to tell me my fortune or anything like that. Can I just sit in here for a moment? I'll be on my way right after." The expression on Tabatha's face seemed to shift to slight disappointment and I did actually feel a bit bad, but I just had no interest in superstition.

She tapped her cards on the cheap wooden table before setting them down and looking across at me silently for a moment before she spoke without the fake voice. "Who put a stick so far up your ass, kid?" I couldn't help my eyes flying open from the complete change in character, but her words didn't stop there. "Not only are you in here wasting my time, you've been out there moping and ruining your family's fun." The severity of her words caught me off guard.

I hadn't thought I'd said anything to receive this level of backlash. Plus, how did she know the way I was acting with my family? Whatever it was, I felt I needed to leave before I upset her any further. Stumbling slightly, I quickly stood as I tried to speak, "Look, I'm really sorry." I couldn't help but cough as I spoke, the smoke of the candles seemed to pour into my lungs. "I didn't mean to ruin your mood… " I coughed, "I'll… " -and I coughed once more, "Leave… "

The smoke didn't seem to stop and my vision blurred slightly. I couldn't help but freak out as I saw Tabatha's face seemingly shift back and forth in the smoke. One moment she had the young appearance I knew, the next her form became hunched and aged. A toothy, fierce smile spread from her lips as she spoke once more. "I will help you once… Hopefully, something you have lost will return to you, child." It was the voice that hit my ears like a string snapping. It was weathered and ancient, nothing like the pretend fortune teller from earlier.

Forcing my body to turn and push itself towards the entrance of the tent. Runes that had seemed so fake and childish before now appeared to be etched into the fabric, blinking frantically in my eyes. The light became so blinding that I had to cover my face before I pushed past old fabric. In my haste my foot must have caught something, as my mouth filled with dirt, and my head a sharp pain.

"Ugggggggh…" I truly did not want to stand up, I knew as soon as I did I'd see my sister holding back laughter, and my parents concerned faces inches from my own. How could I be so stupid, getting tricked by old school special effects. "Go ahead… laugh it up." Groans escaped my throat as I pushed myself up from the ground. The ringing in my head not yet gone from the hug from earth I had just received.

"Wait, what the?" I blinked, I rubbed my eyes, I held them shut for a solid minute before opening them once more. My head must've hit the ground really hard or perhaps there were drugs in the smoke I had breathed in. That's the only thing that could explain what I was seeing.

The stone and wood of the large gateway towering before me were all too real in comparison to the one I had passed through earlier with my family. Turning back in hope that I had just burst through a different side of the tent in my panic, yet all I saw behind me were rolling hills and the path beneath my feet. The tent was gone, my family was nowhere in sight, and my heart pounded in my chest.

Willing my feet to move forward, I tried to calm myself. This had to just be some elaborate prank. I'd walk past the gate and my family would be standing there. My mother would have joined my father in coming up with a title for me by now, and my sister would be pointing out all the things she found interesting every two seconds. 

Moving through and past the gate, the dirt road was replaced with cobble and large wattle and daub houses flanked the path. I kept telling myself this all just had to be a very expensive amusement park. Yet it just felt off, it wasn't picturesque and cartoonish like you'd see at a park. I could see the craftsmanship in the wood and the fingerprints left on the walls.

My family was nowhere to be seen even with the large groups of people passing me. I searched every face, only to grow more and more confused. People with pointy ears, people with horns, people that were short and stout. Wait, was that a dragon head? My heart pounded, I swear it could be heard by others as some gave me looks as they passed by. I needed air, I needed space. 

Feet carrying me faster than my head could process, I tumbled through the streets. Trying my best not to run into people or fall on my face once more. I ran, and ran until I found myself alone in an alleyway. "What.. is… going… on?" Speaking through labored breaths, as my brain tried to rationalize what I was seeing. This was all too strange. The fear and confusion took over and I hid in a corner, hoping that I'd hear an intercom somewhere say my family was looking for me.

It never came. How long I sat I'm unsure, but before I could build the courage to get up on my own I felt a hand upon my head, causing me to jump back. "What might you be doing in this alley?" A concerned voice came from the small green creature that stood before me. A large pack on their back and what could only be described as an oversized pointy wizard hat. If they weren't looking up at me I don't think I could see them beneath the brim of the hat.

My voice caught in my throat for a moment as I stared down in confusion before speaking hesitantly. "I... don't know where I am… I've never seen a place like this before." Recognition seemed to flash across the face of the person before me as they tilted their head, causing the rim of their hat to press against the ground. 

"Aaaaah… Another one of Tabatha's travelers." They spoke as if this was a relatively frequent occurrence, which was concerning in and of itself. "I can help you get sorted out and on your way, but I'm sure she'd prefer you get a look at the town before you go." They moved forward towards the end of the alleyway where I could see people passing. It was really strange to follow what from this angle looked like a moving hat. I couldn't help but choke down a laugh as I managed to get myself to move forward. 

"I'm Grig The Great Gob, you can just call me Grig." The hat turned in my direction causing me to stop before heading back into the streets. "Since you're probably not familiar, I'm a Goblin. I'm sure you can work out the rest from there." My heart started to pound as I took everything in once more. I was seeing Elves, Dwarves, and all of the races that you'd only see in fantasy before me. It was like I had stepped into one of the books I read as a child. One of the books I had thrown away shortly after I started studying for exams.

"Um, I'm Dallen." It was strange introducing myself for some reason. Should I have added a title like my father did? If that's how everyone introduces themselves here I should think of something. "So… Where are we going?" The question was burning in my mind as we walked the stone paths passing house after house.

The hat bobbed up and down as it moved forward, "I'm taking you back to Tabatha's, but first I'd like you to see the town." Grig spoke as they led me through the winding streets. There was so much to see, from the simple market stalls of people living their day to day life. To what appeared to be groups of wizards, fighters, and all kinds making their way through the town. Is this what people see at the faire? My heart thumped again, but for what this time I was not sure. "Ah here we are." Grig stopped next to a crowd standing in front of a large fountain.

"Good afternoon my lovelies! Come witness the amazing, the fabulous, the… dashingly handsome~ Cain Didrun!!" A voice boomed past the crowd catching everyone's attention, and an audible groan came from beneath the hat that was Grig. "I'm sure you've all been waiting for my appearance once again on this fine day!" The voice continued as I looked between the clearly disgruntled hat and the crowd.

"Just go ahead, despite his eccentricities he's probably the best one to show you what Tabatha wanted you to see." Grig lifted their hat and showed the clearly displeased expression on their face before urging me forward. "I will wait here for you. I'll lead you to Tabatha's after."

I couldn't help hesitating to leave the one person I barely knew in this strange place, but the voice called to me. What would be so interesting in such a world that had a crowd of people come to watch? I pushed through the masses, flashes of light erupting from ahead as I got closer.

"Look at Fi go!" Cain stood there dressed in all kinds of colors and fabric and an equally over the top wizard hat as he moved his hands through the air. What appeared to be a small dragon was flying through the sky as a burst of colorful flames flew from Cain's hand in its direction. Fi swirled around the flame before hitting it back with its tail. What was I witnessing? There had to have been something in that smoke. 

A wall of pink and blue flames erupted in a circle around Cain as he raised his hand. This was magic, real magic, not special effects. I could feel the heat as another flame shot over the crowd. "Wow…" That's all I could say, my eyes must have lit up like a child as I watched the show. 

This was something that couldn't be real, not in the world I knew. I had just recently come to the realization I had to get into a good school and be successful. How else would I live the rest of my life? I couldn't just spend my time playing. Being an adult was hard, there was so much I would have to take care of. I'd have bills. I'd have to do my taxes. How could I have time to enjoy fantasy and magic like I used to… But then again, why did I have to give it up? My parents didn't.

Something left me, some burden I didn't know I was carrying. I stood there and watched the beautiful blue light of lightning pass in front of me from The Amazing Cain's fingers. The Gracious Fi flew between each bolt as if it was a dance, and my heart thumped louder. It was time to go back.

The smile that had disappeared from my lips months prior pulled the corners of my mouth up as I walked out of the crowd. "Grig The Great Gob, I think I'm ready to go." The hat tilted up, and for the first time I saw a smile on their face as they turned to lead me away. I kept pace with Grig, but I couldn't help my eyes moving from store to store, from person to person. They led me to a store front. The door was open, but there was a familiar fabric shimmering in the sunlight, and covered in earthy vines. "Thank you for guiding me."

The goblin smiled once more before waving me off. I returned the smile and wave before walking through the fabric. The familiar scenery filling my vision. I was not greeted with the inside of the tent, but instead I saw my family. My mother and father were indeed in the middle of talking about interesting titles for everyone, while my sister was looking towards a group of knights showing visible interest. They stopped to hurriedly come over as if I had been gone only a few minutes.

My father placed an arm around my shoulder as we walked away from the tent. I looked up and saw his smiling face as he looked around the faire looking as excited as my sister. The ancient voice spoke in my head as we moved towards a group of knights my sister was rushing towards. "I'm glad… You found it."

A smile spread across my lips as I spoke, "Hey Dad. How about Dallen The Traveler?"

May 14, 2021 23:15

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