Kids Adventure Drama

Part 2: Samantha

Day 1…

Hi!  My name is Samantha and I am 25 years old.  Me and my boyfriend, Jacob, just moved to Colorado.  The house is beautiful and everything but it’s just too hot here.  I love my boyfriend so much.  I hope that someday he’ll just ask me to marry him.  Can’t race love though.  He loves it so much here.  I miss my old house in Oregon.  It was much calmer and weird.  In a good way.  Keep Oregon Weird!  

Tomorrow I am going to meet my boss.  I only know her name, Mrs. Rayson and her business, Lorele Coaren.  I’m so excited for my new job!  It was the only reason we moved here.

Day 2…

My meeting went great with Mrs. Rayson.  She’s so nice!  Jacob thought that it might be a good idea to go out to a nice restaurant and celebrate.  The day is flying by so fast!  I read a book for about an hour, then did some art and finally I took a shower and got ready for tonight.

I thanked him so much for bringing me along with him.  

“Oh darling, anything for you!” he said.  His eyes are a bright shade of blue.  I call it aqua blue.  Then he got out of his chair and down on his knee.

“Samantha, you’re the light of my day, the apple of my eye and well… my everything!  Will you be my Mrs. Quile?”  I almost started to cry.  But I couldn’t.  I wanted to yell YES! But that would be rude

“YES! YES! YES!” The ring is so beautiful!  I couldn’t hold my tears back anymore.  Then everybody in the room started clapping.  It was very kind of them.

A few weeks later…

I have been double the amount of busy.  Jacob and I have been so busy trying to plan the wedding in 5 months.  I want it to be in Hawaii.  I have a secret.  I think Jacob knows.  He’s being very sneaky.  Not usual for him. 

I got to thinking about our relationship.  This is who I'm spending the rest of my life with.  This is who I am going to have a child with.  That's my secret.  I’m pregnant.  I don’t really want to tell anyone.  I haven ‘t told Jacob yet.  I should but I don’t think I can figure out how to tell him.  

5 Months later…

EEEKK!  Today is me and Jacob’s wedding!  My belly has really grown in the last 5 months.  I don’t know if he thinks I’m getting fat or what.  I should tell him soon though.  The wedding went by so fast.  We kissed and ate cake then it was almost over.  I had a cameraman take some pictures.  I liked the pictures but Jacob asked why we had to take so many pictures and I told him someday these pictures will be memories.  

My parents never really approved of Jacob but daddy smiled at Jacob today!  That’s step one!  Our wedding is in Hawaii, my favorite place in the world!  The flowers and the air and even the animals!  It’s all so beautiful!

4 Months later…

Jacob finally found out my secret today. He said I should have told him but I mean how could you not see my belly rising?  We had a baby girl!  No wait, it’s two baby girls! Twins!  Jacob loves the names Avery and Ariel which are cute but I thought about something along the lines of Mable and Madison.  Avery and Ariel are cute so I guess those are our daughters' names now! 

I can’t wait to hold them in my arms and raise them day by day.  Maybe someday we could have another baby.  I’ve always wanted three kids!

2 years later...

My babies are growing up so fast!  It was like just yesterday they were being born.  This is how I want my forever to be. I really want a dog.  I want a silver lab so much!  Maybe I could talk him into getting a puppy.  That would be so cute the girls and their puppy growing up together.  Once the girls are a little older I could have another baby!  They would love to babysit their little sister or brother.  

5 years later…

I can’t believe how fast our life is moving by!  It’s our 7th anniversary in a week!  Can you believe it!  Avery (Ave) and Ariel (Ari) are already 7 years old!  This is how I have always imagined my future.  Jacob bought a boat not too long ago.  Ave and Ari love going inner tubing together.  Ave usually is wakeboarding and belly boarding.  Ari likes to water ski and swim.  I LOVE surfing.  Jacob usually drives but sometimes wakeboards and surfs too.  Our favorite place to camp is Grand Lake.  We go there every summer for a week or two.  My favorite part is that the campsite is right next to the lake.  So we just walk down to the lake and float all day.

You have no idea how much I want a baby.  Jacob knows.

“My sweet Sammy, what’s wrong?  You haven’t seemed like yourself lately.”  Jacob always knows when I want something.

“Oh Jacob.  It’s nothing, really.” He’ll figure it out very soon.  

“Sweet Sam, do you want another child?  Is that why you’ve been in a mood all day today?”  He was right.  I do want another kid.  Soon.  I hope it’ll be soon.

9 Months later…

Guess what!?  I had a boy!  Today we brought a little boy into our family!  His name is Anthony.  I chose that name because now all of our kids have the same first name.  JSAAA (Jacob, Samantha, Avery, Ariel, and Anthony).  Anthony’s eyes are so green and blue.  It’s almost like aqua blue.  My children are so cute.  My joy, my life and my… EVERYTHING!  My family is to die for.  This is exactly how I want to live my life forever.  Just like this.

So what’d you guys think?  Did you like part one or part two better?

September 14, 2020 21:09

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Avery G.
23:54 Sep 14, 2020

WOW!!!! This was soooo good! I loved this part! Hmm...I don't know which one is better, but I really liked part one too. Anyway, great job!


Lauren :)
02:59 Sep 15, 2020

Thank you Avery (Ave)!


Avery G.
03:58 Sep 15, 2020

You're welcome! 😉


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Sunny 🌼
22:23 Sep 14, 2020

FIRST! Ok now onto the story... Ok, I'm done reading the story, the only thing I'm still waiting for is WHO IS THE TWIN'S FATHER? Did Jacob and Samantha boink off the story or what? I'm still confuzzled.


Lauren :)
22:47 Sep 14, 2020

Jacob is the father. Read Part One Jacob before you read Part Two Samantha. It really makes more scence


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Maya Zauberman
23:18 Sep 23, 2020

Positives- You have a very clear and positive writing voice. Some of the parts made me laugh. I also related to the story— having moved a lot to completely new areas. Negatives- You told a lot, and rarely showed. It made me feel as though I was reading about cardboard characters, and not real people. Also, the story felt scattered between scenes, without a tie. Advice- Try focusing on one scene, or making the tie a little clearer. Something like inserting dates to make it like a journal entry, or writing the pregnancy discovery scenes ...


Lauren :)
23:20 Sep 23, 2020

Okay thank you. I really just try focusing on getting a story together.


Maya Zauberman
23:38 Sep 23, 2020

No problem! You definitely have a good story there—with a few tweaks, it could be even better!


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Rose CG
23:26 Sep 19, 2020

Hi Loren, considering you are so very young, I think you did a very nice job. I love the simplicity of your story. It was like reading a modern-day fairy tale. The characters are so happy and in love. It was very easy to follow. I predict you will be an amazing writer by the time you are an adult with such an early start. Keep writing and take care~Ms. Rose (That's my opinion as a teacher:)


Lauren :)
06:32 Sep 20, 2020

Thank you so much Ms. Rose! Take care as well! P.S. My name is spelt L-A-U-R-E-N. And don't worry it's a common mistake😀.


Rose CG
16:37 Sep 20, 2020

My apologies Lauren! Take care!~Ms. Rose


Lauren :)
17:33 Sep 20, 2020

You too! Stay safe!


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C.j 🤍
04:56 Oct 09, 2020

Awesome story good job!!! I liked part 1 a little better! Awesome job 👏🏼👍🏻👏🏼👍🏻👏🏼👍🏻💵💵💵💵I hope you win a contest!🤞🏻


Lauren :)
00:17 Oct 12, 2020



C.j 🤍
16:09 Oct 12, 2020

Thank you!


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