Teens & Young Adult Fantasy Bedtime


l was in a room with a group of people I did not recognize sitting in a circle. Somehow I did not feel out of place. A girl stood clearing her voice to draw attention from us. Her blonde hair, pale complexion and blue eyes captured my gaze. "Our identity have been comprised. The town knows of our existence and they want blood. They have already killed one of us. We need to act now to ensure our safety." She spoke and the rest of us agreed. A chant begun. I could not make the words as we continued to chant even louder. A spark of light formed and in a split second the room was empty. 

I woke up in a pool of my sweat. It was already dawn and since I could not get back to school I had to get ready for school. I picked a dark blue dress to go with the black heels I bought last week. To complete my look I kept my hair in a bow to showcase my silver earrings. Checking on the time I decided to have breakfast at the cafe. 

I could not concentrate in class today. My mind kept drifting back to my dreams. Ever since the month started I have been having the same dream over and over again. The weird part was that it felt real like memory that got stuck in my mind. When I was in the library looking for case for research I stumbled onto something strange. Some people were convicted of murder of ten people. They claimed that it was not murder as they cleansed the town of evil. “They parade themselves as saints but have doomed us all. You sympathize with them but mark my words they are wolf in sheep’s clothing. " When they were declared guilty the leader shouted at the jury.

Was it possible that witches existed? Then again it could be rumbles of a demented person who recruited people who didn’t low better. "Aimee, do you think we should dress up this year?" I had totally zoned out from my friends conversation. “We don't need to dress up." "And why's that?" I asked. "Because that is the theme of the party. Every party will be dressing up, we want to stand out." My friends and I decided to party this halloween at Millie's place and by party it's really us telling each other scary stories. Harry and Zoe went to shop for snacks and I headed home to get ready. 

I was at my mother’s study trying to find her fable tales book. She usually read one story before bedtime. I wish she was still here to read to me, have more time together. I found the book but something caught my eye. I moved and held on to it. I sat down to read it. 

My lovely daughter as you read this it means that I am no more. The reason you have found this book and are reading it means it is time to fulfill your destiny. You are having dreams that keep recurring and you can not make sense of them. My sweet pumpkin it is time you knew the truth. My friends were being hunted by people who did not understand them and reacted by fearing them. I watched their parents killed and hunted. I could not stand and watch them go through that fate. So we made a pact to conceal and protect them. They were witches and have been bounded In the house. You are the key that will set them free when it is safe. I linked my memories with yours so you know what to do. I love you little pumpkin. 

It then hit me, the stories she told me, they were not stories they were instructions. She had me memorize them. I thought it was odd that she always insisted I knew the words but thought it was her way to connect with me. I tried to remember it when it hit me. I picked up my phone and rang my friends. I told them I could not make it to the party as I was under the weather. I had to assure them that they did not need to come over as I was on medication and would be taking a sleeping pill to help me sleep and they had a party to do. After much persuasion they decided to check up on me the next day. I hated lying to my friends but I needed to do this without distractions and no spotlight for my mother’s wishes. 

I set up the requirements and waited to clock to hit midnight. Who knew this was I spend my Halloween night. I began chanting the spell. The candles lit as I continued to chant. A bright light came from the room and blinded me. When I came to I saw them surrounding me as they looked around. 

She came and lifted me up and the moment our eyes met I knew who she was. “Aimee we are grateful for setting us free. " 

She signaled me to kneel and the others surrounded me and began chanting. I felt my body being embraced by magic. It was like being hugged. “As gratitude we have bestowed you with the gift of the elements and magic. Thank you.” 

She turned signaled us to seat and continued. “My fellow brothers and sisters we have been awoken from our slumber. Today we make merry and celebrate all Hallows Eve as we prepare for the future." "All hail the unholy night." They replied. 

A buffet appeared and they were serving. I needed some air and went to the garden. After a few minutes someone joined me. 

“Such a beautiful night. It is with much sadness I tell you this but our fight is not over" 

I looked puzzled as she continued, “Our enemies are still at large and they will come after us. I will bait them and give you a window to lead them to a new home

October 30, 2020 22:50

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