The Anglo-French War

Submitted into Contest #80 in response to: Write about a child witnessing a major historical event.... view prompt


Adventure Historical Fiction Sad

I was sitting on the red vintage sofa playing with a rag doll my mom made and then a loud explosion and our house crumbling down. I ran for my little sister knowing she was the most scared one and running out of the tall green brick apartment. My sister yelling and crying all over the block while some people were trapped in the apartment yelling through the windows. Then I saw helicopters flying over us with guns shooting at my family and others. I held my sister and grab my mother's hand and ran I don't know how far we ran but we soon saw people in armor coming up to us. "Come with us NOW! " The unknown man said. We were all scared trying to see if he's trustworthy. " The enemy has struck our country and the only way you're going to be able to survive is to come with us so come on." He said as he walked and we followed him not so close behind just in case we needed to run. We walked until our legs were exhausted till we arrived at cabins in rows where families were crowded in. " This is your new home please don't panic this is the Anglo-French War. " He said. My sister, mom, and I walked in and just sat on the floor in silence till my mother spoke up. " Your dad is in the army he'll have to f-fight." My mom said with a cracky voice sounding like she was about to cry until she broke down. My sister looked like she wanted something to eat she was pale as the sun. Then my mom got up to go to the fireplace and the ice chest opening it and grabbing meat, and pans. She placed the meat inside the fireplace letting it heat up and laid down while we talked about how we would want to see my dad and for my mom her husband. My mom and dad got married years ago he's been here until he was forced into the army just a year ago. Now here's a backstory: I was born and raised in France as Elodie Alarie with a little sister a year later named Abadie Allard. I always protected her and she always loved me more than her mother. Backstory over: Then I smelled the fresh smell of meat. " Food is done be careful it's hot." My mom said. We grabbed little pieces careful eating it. Until I said something " We have to escape." My mom looked at me surprised and " We are tonight." I thought she would yell at me about how we will never be able to escape and we might as well just stayed here. But then when we got done the people came in to check on us to see if we were still in our cabin and walked out. But then my mom got up grabbing the carpet on the floor grabbing meat from the ice chest and water putting on the carpet and wrapping it like a bag and holding it in her hands picking up my sister and telling me to get up and come one. We sneaked out of the front door and knocking on the other people's door. " Bring your family with meat and water to bring friends were escaping to Germany tell other people also." My mom said to most of the people at the cabins. They rushed out of the cabin with all the food as my mom walked away with them holding the bag my sister and my hand. We walked to the field as my mom lead all of us to Germany the kids were moaning about " My legs hurt and I'm hungry!" If those kids would just be quiet while we tried to help your family but you the one whining. Then we made it to a river everyone was afraid. " We cross Jesus will lead the way let's go." My mom said as she stepped into the river holding my sister above her head with the bag and holding my hand while we crossed slowly across the river as we watched everyone cross and kept walking then we kept walking. 5 hours later we saw flat grass and we slept there my mom had a spare blanket and it covered my mom, sister, and me. My sister slept close to me she never let go of me. The next day I heard everyone talking while my mom was making sure nobody was here spying on us. " Everyone Be Quiet And Come on drink something also." My mom said as everybody grabbed their bags taking water and more out of their bag. After everyone got finished my mom got me and my sister and we kept going while everyone followed them my mom saw woods we went inside the woods and found a huge cabin and everyone where happy but my mom wasn't she knocked on the door no answer so she opened searched and found no one we soon entered where the place was stuffed with food and weapons my mom grabbed weapons and more food while other people just grabbed food my mom made sure gun powder and ammo was in it and stuffed it in the bag. She soon went upstairs and found sleeping bags about 3 of them " Here hold this." She said to me handing me the sleeping bags. I took the bags as some people wanted to live at the cabin and my mom let them and we left with half of the people who decided to come. My sister was sleeping on my mother's shoulder resting after the tiring day. We soon made it to another river crossing easier than the last one and after that, we saw flat land and placed the sleeping bags and fell asleep with my sister in my hands and we talked most of the night and drifted off the sleep. The next day we walked for about 10 miles until we met a border with a sign saying " Welcome To Germany." Everyone yelled and hugged my mom for leading all of us here while I cried and cried hugging my mom as my sister was jumping up and down. Everyone parted separate ways and we all walked and saw the shops and my mom looked so happy the same day she married my dad. I'm Elodie Alarie this is my story.

February 07, 2021 02:45

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