Fantasy Teens & Young Adult Fiction

Princess Vennesa Von Bryne, the third daughter of king Gargantua Von Bryne and the only one still to be wed off was at her breaking point. She didn’t mind being a political item for the sake of her kingdom and the people; she’d already braced herself years ago, believing it was fate. But Vennesa’s horrors came alive when her marriage partner was decided. Instead of some prince of a faraway land, she was forced to be engaged to Jack Burrow, a leader of the Burrow tribe- the tribe of killers.

Before the fated day she tried her best to convince the king. “But father-“ Vennesa had protested. She’d argued with her father with her utmost power too.

“It needs to be done. If I had any more daughters I wouldn’t let this happen to you. But if this isn’t done, they’ll wage war with our country and we cannot afford that. We don’t have enough means to win. We might still win but we’ll lose at least half of the people. ” Gargantua loved Vennesa more than his other daughters, the reason being, she looked more like her mother than the rest of her sisters. But there were other reasons. Vennesa was kind and considerate; moreover, she was always trying her best to help the people around her. Gargantua loved all of these qualities of his daughter.

In the end, she just had just to bite her lips and bear it all. She prepared herself from a young age to be a good wife, to be loyal and accepting. But that was because she believed she’d be married off to a royal, or at worst a high noble family- not some lower-class tribal leader. Even so, being a commoner’s wife wasn’t the reason for Vennesa’s troubles. What if he kills me? Vennesa’s concern was a valid one.

Burrow tribe or the red tribe was a tribe of tiger beastmen known for their red-striped ears and tails. They were the only beastmen tribe still focused solely on wars. While the rest of the world moved on from war and bloodshed, the Burrow tribe thrived on it. And the world feared them for it.

There was a custom in the Burrow tribe. Their leaders would accept brides from other races and in respect they’d become allies. It was an old tradition and a very serious one. Because if they didn’t like their partner they’d kill her after mating and that was all. They won’t declare war but they won’t accept any more partners from that country or race for years.

So in a sense this was a very worrying thing for Vennesa and the king. The king stood to lose half of his people and the life of his daughter while Vennesa, her everything.

The kingdom of Bryne was not very big or bountiful. It was battered with loans and poverty. So they couldn’t afford to make enemies of the Burrow tribe. But if things worked out, the country would have a new ally and at least be better. That’s what Gargantua and his sons wished.

Vennesa’s mother wasn’t here anymore. What would mother think? She couldn’t really come to a conclusion. Would her mother stop this from happening or would she just force her daughter like the king had? Vennesa knew that one day her freedom would be neutered and she’d have to leave this country. But she always dreamed of a better future. She dreamed of falling in love. She dreamed of living free. Now it all seems like a distant dream, fading away.

The day for her marriage arrived faster than she could believe. A group of ten men and three women came to the throne room wearing clothes in name only. Vennesa and her brothers were here too along with the nobles and the king. Vennesa for her part looked dejected at best, though her clothes were of the best of class. Her golden hair only added more to the dress and her sublime beauty was increased by three fold. A woman was behind her, with a pointy hat- a mage perhaps.

But the men and women that arrived were muddy in color and lacked the word beauty. To Vennesa they seemed nothing more than brutes, rightfully so. And among these brutes was a man: taller than the rest, stronger than most and the leader of the bunch. He was wearing the skin of a lion on his waist and nothing on his top. Bare chested the man walked forward with pride and close to Vennesa: his bulging muscles struck fear in the hearts of the royal guards. Vennesa’s brothers moved away, though they were a little dejected too. But nothing could be done at this point.

The man lifted up Vennesa’s hand and kissed it like a noble but there was nothing noble about his gaze. There was lust in the air. “You’re mine.” That was all the man said. Apparently, he liked the princess. He turned around and started to leave as fast as he came. The others exchanged glances and smiled. They too followed their leader. And so the Burrow tribe left as fast as they arrived. This was also custom. The burrow wouldn’t mate the night of their wedding, and to them, a wedding meant just verbal agreement. Perhaps they were too primitive, but at least they still honored their agreement- which was like a blessing to the rest of the world.

The king let out a sigh. “Looks like it’s settled.” The nobles breathed in relief too. They’re country was now safe.

Am I nothing more than a tool? Vennesa found no joy in the thought but she couldn’t say anything, she couldn’t do anything. But her eyes shed but a drop of tear on their own.

That evening a mage visited the princess. This mage- a prodigy often visited the princess. She was Vennesa’s best friend or perhaps the only one.

“What is it, Sharia?” Vennesa didn’t look at her friend. She just sat on her chair and looked out the window. The sky looked bluer than usual. But it only clouded her heart ever so more. My last night of freedom. Or was this even freedom to begin with? She was chained till this day with responsibility and now perhaps she’d be bounded with even more ferocity.

“Do you really hate this marriage that much?” Sharia took a leap of faith and asked away. She knew it wasn’t her place to question the royalty, but as a well-wisher of the princess she couldn’t hold herself back, not anymore. Besides, she already knew the answer and had a plan of her own.

“Of course not.” Vennesa put up a front. No matter what, she was the princess and the ruler of the people. She’d sworn to protect her people. She couldn’t just give up now.

Sharia understood that well enough. She met the princess three years ago while Vennesa visited the royal academy of magic as a guest. At the time the academy was attacked by a group of thugs and Vennesa led the knights to drive away the thugs and capture them, bringing an end to their tyranny. Vennesa was lightly wounded in the exchange but she didn’t lose her stern face even for a second.

Sharia admired the courage of the lone princess and wanted to meet her right away. But with her talents she didn’t have to position to demand even a minor talk with the princess. So she practiced, practiced and practiced till her hands bled, till her body crumbled, and till she could be sure of her abilities enough. She became the court mage last year and just a few days before that Vennesa’s mother had died. Vennesa was heartbroken, and so was the country. But Sharia tried her best to support the princess.

Before long the princess and Sharia were greeting each other, talking about things and after six months or so, they were friends. Of course only Vennesa considered Sharia a friend. In the case of Sharia, she only considered Vennesa an ideal- perhaps a superior being. She respected Vennesa with all her might and served her with all her being. But maybe she mistook affection for respect. Deep down she had more than just affection for the princess. Yes, she loved her. But Sharia herself didn’t know that.

“Shall I make some tea?” Sharia asked, a little hesitant.

“Please do so.” Vennesa looked back with a smile. She had to accept it; she had to accept her fate. And she had.

Tea was made and the two of them sipped, in silence.  All of a sudden Sharia said something which left Vennesa speechless. After a few more sips Sharia left and Vennesa wondered what just happened.

What did she mean I could- Vennesa pondered with the thought but couldn’t comprehend it. Sharia had told the princess that she’d come to visit her tonight at midnight. She wouldn’t suggest me to run away, now would she? But running away at this point would only cause more troubles.  I think I’ll have to make her understand. As much as Vennesa wanted to escape this fate, she couldn’t just throw away everything. A lot of lives rested on her shoulders. And she had a lot of expectations to live up to.

Night came faster than Vennesa hoped. She couldn’t eat much. She couldn’t rest either. She couldn’t think properly. What is wrong with me? She was finally hinted towards a way- albeit unknown. She didn’t know what to do- she was anxious.

Knock! There were three knocks on the door. “It’s me princess.” It was Sharia. She’d come earlier than expected.

Vennesa, a little flustered opened the door. Sharia was just outside. A small ball of light followed Sharia in as she entered. A group of maids were outside the door but they weren’t permitted in.

“This is?” Vennesa locked the door and pointed at the flying ball of golden light. Though magic and sorcery was spread worldwide, flying light was still a concept of legend, and it wasn’t treated as a good omen.

“A fairy. I’ve summoned just moments ago. She’s still pure.”

Vennesa was taken aback by surprise. “Wait but-“

“Hurry your highness. Before it’s too late. “

A newly borne fairy always shined with golden light. But as time went on they’d grow darker in color by taking in the sins of men. There was a reason people often summoned fairies. They were said to have grant wishes for a payment. The young the fairy, the less the payment and the more the reward: But the darker the color of the fairy, the higher the payment, and the terrible the effect.

“Listen to me, Sharia. I can’t leave now. You have to-“

Sharia smiled in response. “I knew you’d say that. I’ve known you for a short time but- I think I know why I liked you from that day three years ago. It was because you were so kind. You are kind to the world, even to the people who’ve done nothing for you. You are forsaking your life for people you’ll never meet. But that’s why I can’t let it end like this.” Sharia held a cloth against Vennesa’s mouth and Vennesa’s conscience began to fade. “You’ll just have to trust me on this.”

“Mmmgf.” Vennesa struggled little as her drowsiness took over and she slowly resided in Sharia’s arms. Sharia laid her on the bed, touched Vennesa’s locks with kindness. She was lost in the sight of Vennesa as he touched her face and took her scent. That’s when she realized. I’m in love? It was wrong and she knew it. But there was no helping it.

 I’ve to save her. She sprang back up and confronted the light.

Knock! Knock! ”Vennesa open the door! Vennesa!” Prince Edward had come. He was probably alarmed by one the maids. After all a flying golden light was a rare of a sight. Anyone who saw it knew it wouldn’t be long before some misfortune befell to them and the people near them.

“Guess there’s no going back,” Sharia muttered to herself and steeled her resolve. “Oh fairies, a being of the heavens, grant my wish. Please take her away from here and to a peaceful place where she won’t be subjected to be discrimination like this. And if possible let me be by her side.” The second part of her wish was that she truly wished for but it was a little under her breath. And that was her undoing.

After a moment of delay the light spoke in human tongue. “Very well. But the price shall be your flesh.” The voice was gruesome and etched fear in Sharia’s heart.

Sharia took a step back, swallowed and glared back. She wasn’t going to back down from it. The princess’s life depended on it. “So be it.” The moment the words left her mouth a bright light surrounded her and the princess, and her conscience started to fade. But before she fainted she saw the true color of the fairy- pitch black: it must have been hiding its color all this time. Oh shit- she didn’t have the luxury to curse as her voice was taken away.

Sharia opened her eyes and the world around her seemed big, or maybe tall? Are those buildings? Who on- as she stared around, she spotted a golden haired girl sleeping peacefully next to her. The girl was tall- but someone she knew. Vennesa!

“Wooff!” But strangely Sharia’s voice didn’t come out, instead came the voice of a dog... She looked at her body; she saw nothing more than paws and fur. That’s when Sharla understood the price she paid. You can’t be serious. She freaked out for a second, unable to believe reality. She screamed as much as her heart wrenched, but no words came out: instead only howls of despair left her throat.

“Mm?” Vennesa woke up and looked around. She didn’t seem too confused. Maybe she accepted the situation. Meanwhile a little further away from them a lot of moving metal objects were speeding around. To both of them this was a novel thing. The buildings around them had strange coating on top of the stone- or perhaps they weren’t made of stone in the first place. And people had strange clothes. Even strange, men and women had almost the same clothes.

“So she really sent me away from there?” Vennesa talked to herself aloud. “But where is she?” There was no sign of Sharia. Vennesa looked a little dejected and looked around. That’s when she spotted the dog next to her. “Are you lost too?” Vennesa’s smile returned. She didn’t know that it was her friend Sharia, but she was perhaps truly kind.

“Woof.” The dog sat on her two feet and looked straight. Vennesa smiled a little more and stood up.

The dog followed her around. To a world of tall buildings and moving metal, everything seemed weird. But Vennesa was no longer bound to her fate. “Let’s first find out where I am.” Vennesa was talking to herself as she looked around. The people around her gave her odd looks but no one said anything. The language wasn’t something she recognized either. This’ll probably be tougher than I thought. But if I ever meet Sharia….

Sharia’s dog eyes leaked a drop. I hope you can find peace, Vennesa. I really loved you. Her job was done. But it felt like her chest was burning. Now all there was left to do was move on with her life- even if it meant living the life of an animal, even if it meant living alone. She was about to walk away when all of a sudden Vennesa looked back. “You’re leaving?”

Sharia or rather the dog looked back and woofed. The dog kept following Vennesa around for the rest of its life. It was hard to say whether either of them found happiness or not. But one thing was clear; they had fewer regrets.

April 05, 2021 14:17

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Lilianna Gower
01:19 Apr 14, 2021

Oh this was a wonderful read! You did such an amazing job building this whole world in such a short amount of time. Well done!!


NR. Yet
08:51 Apr 14, 2021

Thank you so much. Really appreciate it.


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