Coming of Age Fantasy

"You're a princess! You have to become queen. You have no choice in this matter. Your father is dead and I cannot run the kingdom in the state that I am in not to mention that queens aren't allowed to rule on their own. You must take the throne and lead your people! You always knew that this day was coming Amelia! But you didn't believe it. You were up there in the clouds. Get your feet on the ground young lady, in one day you will be queen, and you can't change that. In one day you will have fulfilled your destiny that you would've done at some point in your life anyway,"

I shrink back from my mother, tears forming at the corner of my eyes. I don't want to be queen. I'm only 17. I can't rule a whole country! It isn't fair. I want to be free just like everyone else in this country. But my future is foretold. It has been since the day I was born. I can’t change it. It’s fate. Every person in my position would be happy to have so much power, but no one ever asks what I want. I have no choice. For a person in this position of power I have very little authority over everyone around me. But what if I don’t want to be queen? Tomorrow’s my coronation, I don’t know if I can change my fate, or a very long tradition. I traipse up the winning staircase that leads to my bedroom. The four brick walls increase my feelings of diversity that I feel within me every time someone mentions the royal family. They enclose around me, encroaching closer to my head. Making me feel sick with worry of how to run a whole country. What if I fail? I’ll let everyone down. This can’t be my future. I have to change it. 

9 am on the day of my coronation. Maids rush into the room and run about here and there trying to get me ready. My hair is combed and put into an updo. I’m put into a beautiful but quite extravagant purple robe with satin collars and cuffs with jewels covering the neck line, flowers are embroidered along the hem at the bottom of the dress, the sleeves are long and have tippets that go down to my ankles. Two delicate mauve slippers go onto my feet. I stare at myself in the mirror. Who is that girl? The girl who has had her future and whole life planned out before she was even born. That girl is not me. The maids step back and admire their hard work. They usher me toward the grand hall’s balcony, out of sight from everyone but able to go in when I need to. Purple and white ribbons adorn the doors, lilies surround the entrance with their enchanting scent. The two wooden and elegant doors stand open with flocks of people streaming in. The maids leave me alone and tell me to enter after I hear the church bells dinging. I wait tediously with my hands over the railing overlooking all the people below me. The church bells ding. It’s time. I have to be walked in by my future husband who was picked for me. I haven’t met him before. He comes up to me and bows, I curtsey in turn to him. He has combed brown hair and blue eyes. He is outfitted in a navy suit with a sash across the chest and a belt with a sword in it. He takes my hand and together we descend down the balcony stairs. My heart thumps in my chest as we enter the church. All heads turn to us. I look down at my slippered feet. My legs force me forward and I walk down the aisle hand in hand with a stranger. We reach the altar and the whole crowd sits. I turn to face them. I have to act now.

“Good day all, I know this isn’t usually how a connotation goes but I want you all to know something,” My heart pounds in my ears as shocked faces turn to me. “I am not your future queen,” gasps go around the room. “I may be the princess, but I will not become queen. It's not my choice to become queen and frankly this whole country is caught in time. Stuck in the choices of tradition, when have women ever had a voice? A choice at least? When have they been able to speak their minds? Never. That is why I am here today. To prove that women are more than dolls. We are people, and we deserve rights just like everyone else. We are commanders of our bodies and only we decide what we do for our lives. I am choosing not to follow in my ancestor’s footsteps but instead to create my own path. Which I will uncover on the journey. Please don’t think I am letting you all down. There are plenty of good people in this country and many of them could be potential royalty. For the time being however my mum can rule. She is still technically queen, unless I am crowned in this coronation I am not queen. Furthermore I would like to implement the same rights as men have for women, who’s with me?” My world shatters, no one agrees. 

Slow claps erupt from various places around the room. It gets louder and faster. Everyone is cheering. I turn to my mum. Tears are streaming down her cheeks. I did something right, for once. My future is saved, and I can be whatever I like. I celebrate in my head. The congregation is still cheering. The priest comes to me and grabs the crowds’ attention. 

“Please, everyone let’s just calm ourselves. This is all new. And might I add we have never just had a queen as a ruler.” The crowd boos him. They’re on my side! The priest steps down from the altar. He turns to face me. “You may have won their hearts and minds, but I will never obey your orders or hear your silly suggestions, why you’re merely a child with an overactive imagination!” He stomps out of the hall people booing him as he goes. Once he’s gone everyone cheers. My mum comes and hugs me. Everything worked out in the end. And now we’ll be a better country. A never before seen country. With new rules and regulations that implement happiness not strictness. My dream has become a reality. After all these years. I can write my own future. It isn’t written for me. Tomorrow will be a new era of our small country.

October 05, 2020 03:23

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Laurentz Baker
07:23 Oct 11, 2020

Well done, Lily. You give enough details about a coronation without overwhelming the reader. Your story flows and builds emotionally throughout to a strong ending. An ending to build on. Queen or princess, she's helped to draw out adversaries to her mother and women who choose to write their own future. Throughout history, the church and the crown have many times been at odds. Good job tapping into that. I get the feeling this isn't the last she'll hear from her friend the priest. Keep it up.


08:07 Oct 12, 2020

Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you enjoyed my story :)


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23:37 Nov 06, 2020

Great job Lily!!! The story was really cool and had an empowering feminist view. I loved it! I liked how you made the character strong and independent to defy the society rules!! Yasss Queen!!!!


01:45 Nov 07, 2020

Thanks Char glad you liked it Lily xx


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