The Ultimate Fantasy

Submitted into Contest #260 in response to: Write a story with a big twist.... view prompt

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Fantasy Holiday Thriller

I gazed over Cindy’s head to the view of the beautiful ocean below, the plane was small, so every single bump was exaggerated, but the destination was going to be worth it. An all-inclusive island resort getaway. I smiled and relaxed back into my seat to think of all the fun we could have and reconnect as a family. I looked over at our two teenagers to see they were heavily engrossed in whatever game was the flavor of the month, I managed to capture their attention to draw them to the view. They merely glanced and seemed non plussed and their heads quickly bowed down to resume playing. Cindy was taking copious photos, “the followers will LOVE this” she squealed. We had started with nothing, but after many years of hard work, and a few tears, my business became a success. This meant Cindy could leave the day-to-day grind of the workforce; she started an online blog about raising kids and it took off. It’s now evolved into a "raising teens" forum and has become her full-time job.

We disembark the plane to be greeted with perfect weather, warm with a slight breeze and water so green it looked photoshopped. “OMG #nofilter will be the theme this holiday!” Exclaimed Cindy, “quick photo guys!” the kids begrudgingly put down their devices, plastered on a cheesy grin for the selfie and dropped that picture perfect smile. Our greeter told us our bags would be taken to our rooms and invited us to have lunch at the island café and bar. I went to hold Cindy’s hand, but she brushed me off, more interested to find Wi-Fi to post the images she had taken, and the kids wanted to sit in their room, gaming. i wanted to start the holiday immediately and truly embrace switching off from the daily hassles, so I gladly went to the café to soak up the atmosphere and hopefully ask a guide what activities we could do as a family. I settled in with an “Ultimate Fantasy” smoothie, it seemed fitting for the holiday. I explained to the waitress that I wanted to bring our family back together and this trip was geared to doing that as we had all become so disconnected. I was also hoping for opportunities to rekindle the romance with Cindy.  I slurped my smoothie as the waitress explained the various attractions the island had to offer, I thanked her and made my way to the room brimming with excitement at all the opportunities we had to be together. 

I arrive at our villa and ask “Who is up for snorkeling?” I received sullen looks from everyone, a lack of Wi-Fi had soured them all. Hoping to lead by example, I announced I was going for a dip in the pool. The water felt silky smooth and the perfect temperature, so I plunged in without hesitation and felt all my stress washing way as I floated, thinking of my hopes for this holiday. Was I crazy to think we could achieve all that?

Refreshed from my dip, I hope out and toweled off to find my family smiling at me, “let’s go snorkeling dad!” my youngest son suggested. “Really?” “Yeah, we checked out the brochure after you left, looks great!” My daughter nodded enthusiastically. So, we set off for some family bonding time. Things were looking up! Upon our return the kids were talking animatedly about all the sea life we had seen. I thought to myself. "Maybe they can become friends again?" They interrupted their running commentary of snorkeling trip highlights with a surprising request “There’s an underage Luau tonight- can we go?” They pleaded. My thoughts turned to Cindy- we could work on rekindling our relationship. I glanced at Cindy, she smiled and suggested it would be nice to have a romantic dinner for two? We all wore big grins as this was a win-win for everyone and our evening plans were decided.

Not wanting to burst this newfound family connection bubble we all went to our respective rooms to shower and dress for our evening ahead. My mind wandered back to when we were a younger, poorer family and the rare occasions Cindy and I would get a babysitter and go out for dinner, the kids would exclaim how great we looked and give us big sloppy kisses. My daughter would call me Diddy Daddy, a nickname long lost. The kids broke my thoughts and burst into our room to kiss us good-bye before heading off. My daughter tiptoed to kiss my cheek and whispered "you look handsome Diddy Daddy” I noted her smile didn’t seem to reach her eyes; it was weird. I was about to ask her if she felt okay when Cindy walked in and took my breath way, all these years later and I was still as bewitched as I was when we first met. The kids exclaimed how beautiful she was, before setting off for their Luau. I smiled at Cindy “wow”. She smirked, “still got it then?” We took our time walking to dinner, a small intimate table for two, overlooking the sea. The food was amazing, the wine a perfect compliment. I sighed with satisfaction; a getaway really was all that was needed to bring us back together. I glanced over at Cindy leant forward to take her hand in mine and gazed into those beautiful green eyes. All I wanted was for my family to be happy. Her eyes looked at mine and though I could see her lips curve into a smile, the expression of her eyes did not “I’m so very happy” she murmured. I ignored the feeling that something was off.

 We slept soundly that night, I woke early and made my way to the café, not wanting to disturb my slumbering family. The same waitress was waiting for me. “So, how was your fantasy?" She asked. Confused I asked what she meant. "Your fantasy was to have your family bond and be happy, our “Ultimate Fantasy” smoothie gives you a glimpse of what could be and now you have a decision, keep that family or get your original family back." Shocked, I looked at her. My wishes had all come true, but this wasn’t my family initiating this new bond, it was my desires coming to fruition, - I was sub-consciously controlling this fantasy family.

I looked at her in despair, an impossible decision, the happy family I had always wanted but with a catch. What would I do now?

July 20, 2024 03:01

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1 comment

Cliff Pratt
23:32 Jul 31, 2024

Nice concept. Fantasy versus reality. Maybe expand on how he can achieve his ultimate fantasy and the cost of doing that?


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