My story is titled My visit to the United states of America with my family , the young man Mr. Arnold exclaimed , “I wish I could stay here forever“.

Written in response to: Write a story that contains the line, "I wish we could stay here forever."... view prompt


Adventure Creative Nonfiction Mystery

My story is titled My visit to the United states of America with my family , the young man Mr. Arnold exclaimed , “I wish I could stay here forever“.

Once upon a time the young man Mr. Arnold had a visa and an invitation which was an opportunity to travel to the United States of America a land of opportunities and plenty.

Mr. Arnold was to travel to the United States of America with his family for a period of six months.

Although Mr. Arnold was not having enough funds he had to borrow money from the Bank in order to pay for his Air ticket and other expenses that he may incur during his travel to the United states of America.

Also Mr. Arnold went and paid for his Air ticket and that of his family.

Again Mr. Arnold had the intention that when he gets to the United states of America he was going to work in order to pay for his debt that he owed the Bank.

In addition Mr. Arnold had travel plans which was to visit other tourist sites within America such as the Lincoln Memorial , the Statue of Liberty , the New York Public Library, and the New York Stock Exchange.

The family of Mr. Arnold had some time to visit hospitals in America for medical check up and good health.

Mr. Arnold and his family had time to visit the Gym for regular routine exercises.

Also they went to the cinema much often to watch the movies and meet several American Actors .

Mr. Arnold visited the other tourist sites like the beach and other recreational fields with his family.

On a Friday morning , Mr. Arnold and his family went to the Airport to board an Airplane to the United states of America . When they reached their destination in the United States of America the only accommodation they had by then was a Hotel for seven days.

Later reservations was made for them to enter their new home since they won a Green card lottery.

The lottery states that they have won a house in America with a cash prize of $100,000 dollars .

Also aftermath of the signing of the necessary document that pertains to the Green card , they remained citizens of the United States of America.

In addition after their stay in the Hotel for two days they moved into their new house in America. Early in the morning in the United states of America , they had breakfast and lunch which was a daily meal for all citizens in America. America was noted as a land of opportunities and plenty. The inhabitants of the country , America were wealthy and very rich.

Also Mr. Arnold and his family visited other tourist sites within America which includes the Statue of Liberty , the Lincoln Memorial , the New York Public Library and the New York stock Exchange.

The young man Mr. Akuffo who happens to be a father figure and a relative of Mr. Arnold was so happy in America and he admired the foreign accent of the citizens who were mainly Americans.

Mr. Akuffo and Mr. Arnold celebrated Fathers day with the Americans they had fun , they took pictures together and enjoyed sumptuous meals with good music.

Mr. Arnold and his family enjoyed reading in the library especially the New York Public Library.

It can be noted that Mr. Arnold and his family engaged in the New York Public Library Business Plan competition and they won a cash prize of $50,000 dollars.

Due to the fact that they won they established and expanded their business with the coffee business and the Insurance business.

It was both Mr. Arnold family and Mr. Akuffo who started selling Insurance and coffee for breakfast for most inhabitants of America.

Most Americans enjoyed the coffee drink from Mr. Arnolds Coffee shop , and they always testified of what a good breakfast.

To most Americans , they often say Breakfast is the most important meal of the day at all times.

Also Mr. Akuffo commented , “I wish we could stay here forever.”

Again Mr. Akuffo then realized that America was a developed Nation and a rich country. 

Also he argued that most of the rich people within his home country had their wealth from America.

Almost all the citizens in America who were Americans were very hardworking and wealthy.

They don’t struggle and strive too much to fend for their families and children.

Most Americans had the mandate and mindset that hardwork and perseverance conquers all difficulty.

Mr. Arnold then met other celebrities like Sean Paul, Akon , Michael Jackson, Jay Z, Beyonce, Janet Jackson, and Don Moen -The Gospel musician.

It can be noted and observed that Mr. Arnold and his family had good times in the United States Of America.

Whilst Mr. Arnold and his family were in their new houses in the United States of America , they often went on a shopping spree.

Mr. Arnold and his family spent some time at Hollywood where they had fun and they were excited , they met some movie Actors from Hollywood and they took some pictures with them.

Most of the Actors were very excited to meet us that they spent good times with us.

Almost every member of the family were given free souvenirs and cash prizes for identifying the names of the movie Actors.

Again most of them engaged in activities with Hollywood movie Actors such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Julia Roberts , Van Damme And several others.

Mr. Arnold and his family were all happy by then for visiting America.

Finally , whilst in America , Arnold and his family visited the McDonalds Restaurant where they had free meals and other sumptuous meals. It is only the McDonalds Restaurant that often serves cheap and free meals in the United States of America.

The taste of the food at the McDonalds Restaurant was very delicious that the Family of Mr. Arnold asked for more like Oliver Twist.

Lastly during working hours they visited the New York Stock Exchange , where Arnold and his family bought shares from the Bank of America And ABN Amro.

Arnold again mentioned , Oh! “ I wish we could stay here forever in America.”, to the hearing of his family.

Some members of his family commented and answered America is a nice place and a land of opportunities, wealth and plenty.

June 07, 2024 17:50

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