Mystery Suspense Adventure

As the morning settled in on the little town, so did the mist. Thick air rolled through the hills and fields. It came every week at the least and for months in the spring it would thicken to a point you wouldn't be able to see the forest from the trees. 

Rae was the first to witness how thick this morning's fog was. Stepping outside to her porch, she faceda wall of mist. The road not ten feet ahead was invisible, lost inside the grey. She thought for a moment it had disappeared, as if the world had split in half. Yet headlights flickered assuring her the road was indeed just hidden. 

Cautiously Rae wandered onto the steps, keeping her hands tightly around the banister. The car pulled up away from the road, safely out of way. 

In uniform was Sheriff Damon, hands looped on his trusted belt "Mornin Raeya '' He tipped his hand giving a strong smile. 

The girl returned the greeting, giving a cursty with her apron. "Seems like spring has begun, enthusiastically" 

The man nodded "It's not the only thing that's arrived" His hands crossed.

"I heard that there was someone visiting?" The girl turned her head, watching the sheriff carefully.

His eyes were locked on the road, or what he could see of it "A couple from a town over" His arms lifted "God knows what they have brought over" Damon gave another smile, going into his usual morning chit chat.

After giving Damon his lunch and juice, she bid him a farewell for now. THe man climbed in his car, starting up the engine. 

"Well thank you Rae, for the lunch" He place his arm on the window "Now, your ma told me your going to town this afternoon"

Rae nodded "I'm just picking up some chicken feed and sorts" 

"I want you to promise me you'll stay safe, that means no exploring past the town center" He wiggled his finger "Now, you get going" 

With that he drove off. The car flickered away into the grey abysse. Rae stumbled inside, collecting herself before she entered. Her mother was waiting at the sink. It seemed she had been lingering there for a while, a pile of pots already clean and dried. 

"Sheriff Damon" Rae cleared up knowing her mother couldn't see without her glasses “It's 8 am, before his shift”

In response her mother ummed, concentrating on her cleaning "Did he mention the newbies?"


This piqued her interest "And?" 

Putting her apron on its hook, Rae turned to her mother leaning on the table "Nothing much, he seems to think they brought the mist or something" Picking at the fruit she laughed "You know Damon" 

"Bah" splashing the throthing water, mother shook her head "That boy thinks everyone has a secret, he couldn't tell an omen if he was plagued with locus" 

Rae could agree. She had lived here her whole life with Damon and with every newcomer entering and one leaving he always had his suspicions. It got to a point he would blame the local families for a bad harvest. Yet every so often he would be right. She could never tell if it was luck or his intuition, for the most part she knew to ignore him, yet still kept her mind open if he had conviction. 

Most mornings she would tend to her chickens, garden and weed and finished making lunch for her family. This morning it took longer than usual to feed her chickens as they would not leave the hut unless her dog was there. She had to back and forth, making sure her staff would stay in the yard. Next was weeding her garden. She had never seen so many weeds, but it was spring Rae got to pulling. 

Finally she was done with her tasks in the garden. Stepping onto the porch her mother was standing lurking at the door. 

"You better on into town" Puffing her cigarette mother gestured to the house "I had the last if the bread, moneys on the counter" 

The walk to the town was peaceful. It calmed her stirring nerves. Ever since Damon had planted the seed of strange happenings she couldn't help thinking something was awry. As she walked Rae could tell the fog was lifting. The road seemed clear but the end was muddled. She found her way to the bakers with ease, getting her loaf and pastry for lunch. Next was the farmers market. She collected her chicken food, some oranges and butter. One of the ladies in the line was chatting to her friend. Rae could overhear that the new couple had made it into town. Spinning around she saw the whole street had stopped in their tracks watching the two visitors walk into town. 

She had never seen people dress like that before. It was a man and a woman walking in unison down the street road. Both dressed in dark, clean attire. The man had on a blouse of sorts, dipping down his chest with a blazer on top. The woman was covered head to toe in a matching black suit. In her hand a parasol, twirling the handle as she waded passed the shocked onlookers. Rae was mesmerized by their appearance. They were pale, long and lean. 

They passed by without interacting with the crowd. Rae kept her eyes on the floor, walking the other way. A small voice inside scolded her for staring. She kept on her track back home. Pacing herself, Rae could feel the heat on her neck, the people around her whispering about the couple right behind. It seemed like she wouldn't lose them. Turning around a corner she bolted through the fields. The smell of wet grass and soil filled her nostrils on her run back home. She used this shortcut to bypass the couple. Her mind raced as she ran. Rae wasn't sure why she ran away or why the couple gave her that vibe. As she taught back she had this feeling of control in their eyes, maybe it was the sleek black clothing or aura that followed their every move. 

Once she was home she scrambled inside, to the kitchen to make food. Mother was sitting at the table reading her news. She could hear her daughter huffing and puffing but decided not to ask. Rae put in her apron, washing her oranges for the twins dinner. Her eyes lifted from the fruit to her yard, now the road was crisp. The fog had completely disappeared and now stood outside where the couple. They had been lingering, gawking at her farm house. Rae placed her fruit down, wandering over to the door.

Keeping herself to the frame, she folded her arms leaning against it “Hello strangers” 

The woman gave a nod “Good afternoon” Her hand firmly cusping the umbrella. Her eyes shifted to the man giving him a squint “We decided to introduce ourselves to the neighbor, we bought the house up road”

Rae gave a nod. If they weren't odd before, now they had established themselves as strange. No one with a right mind would buy the old skull house. Not after what happened, but they did look the type to own a murder house. 

Speaking the woman told Rae their names “I am Gabbie and this is Gabe, my brother”  

The girls raised her brows. She gave a weak smile introducing herself and family. She asked the siblings if there was anything she could do, the usual neighbour stuff. Not once did Gabe speak, nor did he try. His bright green eyes stayed trained on Rae and on occasion his sister. Gabbie on the other hand was fluent. She never stopped talking once Rae started a conversation.

Somehow Rae heralef had stopped chatting and listing. Her mind wondered about where they cane from and how they ended up here.


A word caught her attention. "Chicken?" She repeated, squinting.

"Yes" Gabbie gave a wide smile "I saw you brought feed so I assumed you have them, I would like to buy one from you" Her eyes mirroring Rae's "Neighbour..."

June 04, 2021 06:31

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