Fantasy Fiction

My good ól golden scripts, A story never told,

Captain Gold's the name. Was me name. All after my good ól golden teeth, as well as all my ól golden accessories. Rings and chains all taken from my victims. That is how any ó me mates have any respect for me. That is how any ól pirate would get any reputation. Now, I know you have most likely already heard of me, The terrifying and amazing Captain Gold, but there's no reason to be all afraid, I am not all dat bad. Listen to me story dat no one knows, the story dat U was to never share, from the lady of the sea. Ursula. May be an ex... For years, I was obsessed with finding the sea crystal, not only was it not what I was looking for, it was a whole different kind of treasure.

It was an ól rainy day with much too much stuff goin on. Should me accent be erased from dis story? Maybe, dat makes dis all easier to read.

It was a rainy day, like any other, with much too much stuff going on. My second was off, his wife too sick at home. I was at the ship and we were to be moving out in 5. My second would be sitting out here and we be comin back for him after. A new system came by from a mate and we found a map to the sea crystal. Not only would that earn us a whole ton ó money (Sorry, but the accent is fluent), but we would also be famous throughout history, as this crystal is a very historical object.

"Thank y'all, we headin out now." I ordered each and every one of my men to keep the ship steady as we moved. We were on the head for the crystal that would keep us in.

The first of the terrible obstacles to pass was the Blood Ocean. It is known for sinking anyone who tries to cross. Blood island is where we are to find the missing piece to the map that shows the next location to go to. Blood Ocean is known for killer waves that drown and overcome every boat. It even has overcome the famous man, Blackbeard. This is where that man lost his entire crew except for his second, and they had to swim away. He said in his legend that he found some mermaids that would help him on his way. I'm thinking the mermaids will be our way through this. The pearl that will lead us through. The production of the clam. Easy peasy. We called the mermaids through an ocean swirl of a shell and told them our dilema. They agreed. Staying to the bottom of the ship like barnacles, we headed through, and they willed the way of the waves. We learned much for documents about the Blood Sea and the mermaids. Turns out they control these dreadful waters and are the reason for all of the drowning. They drown the men who never even think to consult "weak women fish".

The island was red. The sand. Everything. Gnarles and Vouches line the beaches. Avoiding them, we made our way to the center of the island, where a tiki torch that could touch the sun stood, and we dug up the piece, who had been hidden in a chest beneath the many sands. Easy, very very easy. Too easy. And my assumption was correct. As soon as the map was connected to the original, the Gnarles and Vouches came alive and started snapping. I lost dear Charles in the attack. He was snapped and paralyzed and there was no way we could bring him back.

We were then headed to the Bermuda triangle. Two stops, and then the location of the crystal seemed easy, so there was no surprise that the place of the crystal was the Bermuda. That is where the famous Blackbeard finally ended.

We were headed in. We were on the ship.... darkness is surrounding. The loudest silence ever. Controlled chaos. And we were suddenly in a tropical island in front of a throne made of vines and falling water. Except it was only me. My men were... gone. Then, she appeared..

It was woman I had long since left, but she was... evolving. Turning into a dark woman with tentacles, beaded hair, and when she turned... purple eyes with icy sparks. Ursula. The queen of the sea.

"You have, dearest, found the crystal. Only the captain is brought to the location." I flare around searching and a cold laugh seeps through my veins. "It is me. I agree with those mermaids, you are also a man who underestimates "weak fish woman"."

And there it was. The last moment of my life, before she turned my into a lifeless servant. But, I had found my crystal. I watched as I served her as if behind a veil. I miss my Urlanda. The woman I had once loved... but I had Ursula now. The woman I shall serve.

"Poor Unfortunate Souls. Out there. In need. Poor Unfortunate Souls. I wish I could help them, if they ask, indeed." I love her? Maybe, but I am no longer Captain Gold. I am....... Sebastian. And I am being sent to watch over a mermaid princess in the form of a crab. I will watch over her because, in the foreseeable future, she would be a "Poor unfortunate soul" coming to the jewel, or crystal, of the sea for help.

I wrote this just after. I am no longer gold.

Next time you visit the beach, find a crab and.. whisper my name. "Sebastian, Sebastian, Sebastian" Maybe.. just maybe, I will respond.

Next time you visit the beach, look in the sand and.. maybe, just maybe, you will find my golden chains or rings or even... some of my.... teeth.

[Written in one night, thank you for reading! It is not my best, but I enjoyed writing it all the same. It is no winner, but still, thank you!]

November 11, 2020 23:14

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Mustang Patty
18:51 Nov 16, 2020

Hi there, Thank you for sharing this cute little story. A few suggestions for editing your short story before posting: Just a few techniques I think you could use to take your writing to the next level: READ the piece OUT LOUD. You will be amazed at the errors you will find as you read. You will be able to identify missing and overused words. It is also possible to catch grammatical mistakes – such as missing or extra commas if you read with emphasis on punctuation. (If you use Word, there is an option to ‘Read Aloud,’ in later ver...


Abby Christine
19:24 Nov 18, 2020

Yeah, of course. I thank you for the feedback. This story was a writing exercise that was writing for 10 minutes straight. I do them often and I just write them straight into the spot, and I do not add them to a doc or anything, so spellcheck is out. I thank you for the feedback again! I thought it was a cute writing exercise.


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