Childhood Nightmare Life

Submitted into Contest #99 in response to: Begin your story with somebody watching the sunrise, or sunset.... view prompt


Drama Fantasy Kids

Cynthia and Leilani Had been friends for a long time Before Leilani got sick. The two best friends live in California now in LA. Sitting down on the beach white sand  Looking at the sunset. Cynthia and Leilani are both going to turn 18. But Cynthia’s birthday is Tomorrow and Leilani Turns 18 in the next two days.

    “Are you ready to be an Adult?” said Leilani, “not yet even though I am turning 18 tomorrow I am not ready yet”, said Cynthia. “Well, I am going to turn 18 after you. What you need is a girl day tomorrow and do some of our favorite things.”Said Leilani. “I think that's what I need, I can’t believe tomorrow is almost here”, Said Cynthia. “Look what a beautiful Sunset so pink and Orange. Well, it's time for me to go home. My mother is probably waiting for me and tomorrow I am going to my brother's grave.” said Leilani then Cynthia left to go home she noticed that her mom and dad weren’t there and left a note on the Pantry Door. “Dear Cynthia, I didn’t expect you to come home early. Your Mom and I had to get a few things for a party. We are not expected to be back until 11 at night and your sister is in bed. Not to worry you can call us anytime you want and do not let Leilani in the house or if she asks to come over tell her no okay. Also, we got your favorite snacks, ``Love Mom and Dad.” Cynthia Went to her room and started to text Leilani if she wanted to come over. Leilani asked her mom if she can go and her mother said yes that she can go but to be careful. Leilani heads over to Cynthia's house.

        “So where are your parents?”Said Leilani. “I don’t know if they said that they were going to get things for a party”, said Cynthia. “I am guessing it's your party. Your parents are throwing you a party I am guessing”, Said Leliani Excited. “Yes and won’t be back until 11 at night. It's barely 9. You can stay the night if you want to” said Cynthia “sure!!” said Leilani. Soon Later Cynthia went to sleep and woke up in a dream. It was a fancy house and she was in a bright royal red dress and she saw her family and hundreds of people at her party. And Leilani was there. And Cynthia’s parents came up to Cynthia's with a crown and a rose gold stash that says happy 20th Birthday!! “I am not 20”, Said Cynthia. “Yes you are”, Said Cynthia's dad putting on her crown. And her mother putting on her stash “you are never leaving us Baby Girl you will be trapped forever” said her mother smiling. Then I walked away. Then Leilani came up to Cynthia. “My parents are acting freaky. I wonder why and I am not 20” said Cynthia. “Well yeah, you are 20 what do you mean that you're not”, Said Leliani Confused. “Yesterday we were looking at the sunset and you were telling me if I was ready to be an adult I was 17 I am not 20,” said Cynthia.

    “That was two years ago Cynthia, that was the past, you're not a little kid anymore that was then this is now,” said Leilani. “This must be a dream,” Cynthia Whispered “Excuse me,” said Leilani. Cynthia walks away and bumps into her parents. “Mom dad this is weird. I am 18 there is no way two years past I must go” said Cynthia, frightened. “No you won't, you are to go nowhere,” said Cynthia’s father. Her mother Snaps her fingers, all the guests are gone and it's complete darkness. “Why don't you accept us?” said Cynthia’s Mother. “You're not my parents,” said Cynthia. “Ok then we will set you back in time you are now 8 years old,” said Cynthia Mother then snaps her fingers. 

     Cynthia is 8 wearing tutus and bows, Leilani has her brother and her parents look young. Cynthia is looking around and notices she is young and is looking for ways to escape. Cynthia hears a voice “Hurry time is running out you need to find a white portal to bring you home, If you run out of time you might not exist and no one will remember you so hurry” said the voice.

“A Portal” she whispered. To herself. Then she sees her little sister. And her dad just got home “Cynthia can you come here real quick” said Cynthia’s mother. Cynthia goes downstairs hoping her parents are not evil. “Cynthia, can you help me with the dishes?” said Cynthia’s Mother. “Cynthia will you now be nice,” said Cynthia’s mother “what do you mean mother I been nice,” said Cynthia pretending nothing happened. “You know Cynthia I am very proud of you, you are now being responsible for your actions,” said Cynthia’s mother.

    “Mom, can I go to Lelanis and derricks later.” said Cynthia “sure I will have Naila to keep an eye on you so you won't escape,” said Cynthia’s mother. “Mom what do you mean I love it where I am. Trust me I will be back,” said Cynthia

 “Ok get ready you will see Leilani in a bit okay I will drive you over there,” said Cynthia’s Mother. Cynthia goes to her room and looks very different then what she had because she is 8. Once she hits 4 then she will no longer exist so she better hurry and find a pink sunset. Soon later Cynthia's mom was about to take her to Leilani. “So Cynthia your birthday is coming up in June right,” said Cynthia’s mother “yes mom 9 years old,” said Cynthia “what do you want,” said Cynthia’s Mother “well I know that you will give me a purse and a bracelet,” said Cynthia. “Wait, how do you know that unless you're from the Future,” said Cynthia’s Mother. “Don't take me to the past, I am from here” Said Cynthia.

   Her mother snaps her fingers now she is 6 years old she sent her back two years back. “Your Task to get Home.. watch the sunset for 10 mins then you will be back home,” said the voice. Soon Cynthia is called Leilani I mean Leilani is also six years old but she doesn't have a phone and uses her mom's instead. Cynthia was going to ask her mother if they can go to the beach and watch the sunset but Cynthia couldn’t tell her mother or else she will send her back 2 years back. But Cynthia needs to get home.

   “Hey Naila can Leilani and I go to the beach to watch the sunset,” said Cynthia “sure is your mom okay,” said Naila “yes she is she's the one that's going to be with us,” said Cynthia Lying. “Ok i will have her over in an hour,” said Naila. Talking on the phone. “Wait, can I talk to Leilani real quick?” said Cynthia, stopping her from hanging up. “You can't, she is busy. She is Available in 10 mins okay. “Hey kiddo, how are you doing?” said Cynthia’s father.

“Good, I am going with Leilani's mom to the beach,” said Cynthia.

“Okay is your mom okay with you going, too young to be out before 5,” said Cynthia’s Father “yes mom is okay,” said Cynthia then she hears a phone run to get it and it's Leilani? “Hey Leilani,” said Cynthia. “Sorry I don't have long,” said Leilani. “You're not going to believe this but I am from the future,” Cynthia said slowly “no you not prove it what will happen next,” said Leilani. “Okay derrick is going in your room at 3 2 1,” said Cynthia “hey sis can I borrow Mom's phone real quick thanks,” said derrick. Leilani is in shock then puts the phone to her ears. “You are from the future then where is the real Cynthia?” said Leilani.

 “Hold on, it's me. I am the real one. My mom sent me back in time and to go back to the future I need to see the sunset” said Cynthia. “Well that's awful why is she doing this, "said Leilani questioning “because I am trying to escape I can’t stay for long if I do I will no longer exist it's like a curse she wants to get rid of me,” said Cynthia angry. “Okay well the sun sets in 30 mins let's go watch it,” said Leilani. 

    Meanwhile, Cynthia’s Mother gets a call from Naila, Leilani's Mother. Cynthia’s mother picks it up. “Oh hey naila how are you?” said Cynthia’s mother. 

“Well thank you, I appreciate Watching my kid at the beach watching the sunset, it's beautiful,” said Naila “I didn't, wait did Cynthia call you? No one is with them,” said Cynthia Mother. Cynthia and Naila rush to the beach. To see their kids. The sun starts to go down in 5 mins Cynthia needs to watch it going down in. in order to return home. “CYNTHIA” her mother yells. “Mom, sorry we lied but I need to get home and you won’t let me so I am going back to the future and you can stop me,” said Cynthia. “Oh yes I can,” said Cynthia's mother then snaps her fingers Now Cynthia is 4 years old now she has to find a way out or else she will never exist. The next time her mother snaps her fingers that is it Cynthia will no longer exist so she better hurry.

  “How can I be able to escape if she is going to keep finding me?” said Cynthia to herself frustrated. Cynthia doesn’t know what to do. She looks at the time and it is 6:00pm only 2 hours until sunset. She can’t tell no one what she is up to because it will lead back to her mother. Cynthia was cleaning her room. She was looking outside her window it's barely 6:30pm. Cynthia's mother called Naila to let Leilani come over so she can finally trap Cynthia and keep her from leaving. “So do you want me to go to Cynthia’s Room? What should I tell her?” said Leilani to Cynthia's Mother. “Well I am taking you both somewhere special and you tell her that,” said Cynthia’s Mother. “Ok,” said Leilani as she went upstairs. “Hey Cynthia, we are going somewhere with your mom. She said it's something special” said Leilani. “Well ok but I wanted to go to the beach. Can you tell her that? ''said Cynthia. “Okay,” said Leilani she goes to her mother's room. She sees a bunch of pictures of Cynthia Older. Leilani remembers when Cynthia was 8 and told her she is from the future her mother sees Leilani and Leilani turns back and sees Cynthia's mother “your not really Cynthia's Mom you're from the future too I must tell Cynthia''Said Leilani “No your not” said Cynthia’s mother then snaps her fingers now she teleported to a dark room her and Cynthia tied up but there is a little window Cynthia is faced away from. From looking at the sunset.

    “Cynthia, if you accept me as your mother, I can take away all this. You won’t be miserable, you will love your life, `` Cynthia's Mother said, convincing her. “No, I will never be going home, not with you,” said Cynthia. Cynthia turned her chair as she was tied up looking at the sunset going down.

Cynthia starts to disappear little by little “Now you will no longer exist any Last words” Said Cynthia’s mother. Cynthia didn't say anything, she was watching the sunset from her chair as saying goodbye. Then she vanishes. “There it's done we don’t have to see Cynthia again, she untied Leilani. “Sorry you had to see that,” said Cynthia's mother “why would you do that to Cynthia she was my friend bring her back,” said Leilani. “No, by tomorrow you won't remember,” said Cynthia's mother. Leilani starts crying her friend is gone all of a sudden Cynthia comes back to life. “Cynthia,” said Leilani Hugging her. “I am now going home,” said Cynthia, crying in happiness. “Why don’t you stay? You can live with me,” said Leilani, begging her. “I can’t but don’t worry, we are still friends okay we are both 18 I will see you in a bit,” said Cynthia. “Will I be able to remember this?” said Leilani “I don’t know if you don’t tell my mom in the present I don’t want to be trap again ok?” said Cynthia than a white portal taking her home opens up “see you in a bit?” said Cynthia looking back “goodbye!” said Leilani. Cynthia goes into the portal then wakes up from her dream. She wakes up in a hospital “oh Cynthia you're awake you were not waking up you been asleep for a week. And you had no heartbeat but thank goodness everything is good.” said Cynthia’s mother “can I now go home” said Cynthia “yeah first tell me what you were dreaming about you were having a nightmare” said her mother. Cynthia wasn’t going to say anything but her mom is not like that “you were trying to harm me. And I was going back to my younger ages” said Cynthia “Cynthia that was just a dream it's okay” said Her mother then reached out to hug her “I will never let go okay I love you so much” mother said hugging her.

June 25, 2021 21:32

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