The Unknown Dancer

Submitted into Contest #93 in response to: Set your story at a party that has gone horribly wrong.... view prompt


Thriller Christmas American

December 24th 2005, my office was having a Christmas party and I was very eager to go and me my secret Santa. I went to my closet and grabbed the outfit that I purchased for the party last week. I had already gotten my haircut and a shave, so I began to get dressed and my phone started ringing, it was my boss. I answered and said Mr Jackson what a surprise, he said that his wife brother Richard is in town for the holidays, can you pick him up from the airport. I said yes I will and what time do I need to be there, he said 5:00 pm. Great and I hung up and continue getting dressed. Now it's time to pick up Richard. When I got to the airport I waited and I waited for him but no Richard. So I called Mr Jackson and told him what was going on and he said hold on, I heard him talking to someone on another phone and evidently Richard decided to drive in instead of flying. So I left and headed to the party. As soon as I got there I saw Mr and Mrs Jackson dancing to a love song. So I decided to walk up behind him and ask his wife, may I have this dance.He turned and saw that it was me, he started laughing uncontrollably, he hugged me and the three of us began to dance. About an hour goes by and here comes Santa coming through the door. Everybody started singing Here Come Santa Claus. We all have no idea who was dressed as Santa but he sure could dance. As everyone else is having a good time and all was thinking about was giving Rose her present. Rose is a lady that I have been chasing for years and now I got a chance to impress her with the gift that I got her. Rose always talked about going home to see her parents in Hawaii but couldn't afford it so I got her a round trip ticket for Hawaii that leave in eight hours. The DJ stopped the music and announced that it't secret Santa time and I got very excited. So I looked around and found Rose and told her that this isn't how this is suppose to go but I couldn't wait and you either. She said what do you mean that i couldn't wait either, so I reached into my jacket pocket and gave her the envelope with the ticket in it. I said Merry Christmas. She was surprised and then she open the envelope and pulled out the ticket and looked at it and was shocked and said that she couldn't take it and i told her that I knew how much that she wanted to see her parents and that's my present to you. She said why, he said that it was the right thing to do and that I really like you. She started crying and she out her arms around me and whispered into my ear and said that she liked me too and said that she wished that I could go with her. I looked her into her eyes and said that I would love to go, so I called the airport and got me a ticket with her. As the night goes on Santa started talking to people more and more until he felt like it was time for him to make his move. He got in the middle of the room and pulled out two handgun and a homemade bomb. He said this is a robbery and take out all of your phone and put them in the fish tank and if anybody try to be a hero then we are will die. Everybody did what he said to do, then he said put all you jewelry money and to take out all the money in your wallets and purses but keep the wallets and purses. He collected everything that he came here for and he said please forgive me for what I did but I didn't know where else to turn. Then he said that he was never going to hurt anybody and that he never has been in trouble before. So I don't know why but I asked him what was wrong, he replied, do you really want to know. Then everybody said yes. He said that he lost his job about a month ago and all his savings was wiped out. He said that he was just like me two months ago, go job, great house, and a nice car. Then all at once things started going down hill, losing my job, my car got repossessed and now my house is going into foreclosure. To top all that off my son died in a car crash three thousand miles away and I can't get my son home. Then he started crying and said I am very sorry, here are all of your things back. You all seems to be very good people and I can't do this to you. He said these guns are fake and this thing that looks like a bomb is fake too. H started walking away Mr Jackson said son, please wait can we talk to with you for a little while we will not call the police on you. He turned and said yes, but why? Mr Jackson asked him how old was his son he said nine. Mr Jackson said wait here till he came back, so I started talking to him. The more that we talked the more I realized that this gentleman was a very intelligent and that he knew a lot about money marketing. Then Mr and Mrs Jackson came back with a envelope for the gentlemen. Mr Jackson said that he wished that things would get better for him and that they were sorry for the loss of his son. Then he said get your son home and lay him to rest. The gentlemen said thank you so much and started crying again. So I said to everyone that we can help to. So I gave him all the money that I had and so did the rest of the people here. As he was leaving he said may God bless all of you and he left. Rose asked did anyone get his name, we said no. I said let's just call him the unknown dancer. Everybody laughed and Rose and I left the party and headed for our homes and we were going to meet at the airport. Finally I made it and she was already there. She greeted me with a kiss and we headed to boarding. Hawaii here we come.

May 10, 2021 21:57

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